Created at 02/22/2023 00:30
#1d5dec HEX Color Azul information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#1d5dec | RGB(29, 93, 236) |
RGB values are RGB(29, 93, 236)
#1d5dec color contain Red 11.37%, Green 36.47% and Blue 92.55%.
Color Names of #1d5dec HEX code
Azul Color
Opposite Color for Azul is #ebaa1e
#1d5dec Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #1d5dec Azul
hsl(221, 84%, 52%)
hsla(221, 84%, 52%, 1)
RGB(29, 93, 236)
RGBA(29, 93, 236, 1)
Palettes for #1d5dec color Azul:
Below examples of color palettes for #1d5dec HEX color
darkest color is #030918 from shades and lightest color is #e8effd from tints
Shades palette of #1d5dec:
Tints palette of #1d5dec:
Complementary palette of #1d5dec:
Triadic palette of #1d5dec:
Square palette of #1d5dec:
Analogous palette of #1d5dec:
Split-Complementary palette of #1d5dec:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #1d5dec:
Suggested colors palettes for #1d5dec HEX:
Colors palette with color #1d5dec #1:
Colors palette with color #1d5dec #2:
Colors palette with color #1d5dec #3:
Colors palette with color #1d5dec #4:
Colors palette with color #1d5dec #5:
Color Azul #1d5dec used in palettes (47)
30 colors palette #2 Lemon Green, Azul, Blue Emerald, Anthracite Red, Supreme Grey, Lilac Bloom, Tangled Vines, Cricket Field, Namaste palette Hay Wain, Cressida, Azul, Ambrosia Ivory palette Carved Wood, Succulent Leaves, Bitter Lime and Defeat, Azul, Otto Ice palette Pilsener, Azul, Retro Pink Pop, Crystal Rose palette Stizza, Bright Gold, Fairy Tale Green, Hedge Garden, Azul, Rouge Charm, Gustav, Friendly Homestead palette Indigo Hamlet, Azul, Exclusive Plum, Accursed Black, Sandalwood Grey Blue, Eucalyptus Green, Dancing Dogs, Nightshadow Blue, Ash B Bright Umber, Paarl, Yellow Orange, Azul, Crystal Teal, Virtual Violet, Midnight Moss, Violin Brown, Arona, Sedge, Calm Day, Jack Bladed Grass, Succulent Leaves, Azul, Plum Power palette Cedar Chest, Bronze Leaf, Zomp, Azul, Pickled Plum, Magentle, Blackbird, Kale, Lemon Thyme, Khaki Shell, Argos, Sweet Juliet, A Ma Milano Red, Dragons Lair, Rambling Green, Azul, Rose Rush, Alaskan Moss, Nordland Blue, Bauhaus Buff, Bored Accent Green, Whirlwin Vintage Copper, Korichnewyi Brown, Azul, Spiced Coral, Skydiving palette Fire Axe Red, Barcelona Brown, Quantum Green, Blue Jasmine, Kashmir Blue, Azul, Brooklyn, Elusive Dream palette Artisan Red, Aged Whisky, Fresh Clay, Striking Orange, Necrophilic Brown, Dairy Made, Glade Green, Azul, Jazz, Curds and Whey, Pea Gold Ransom, Shaker Peg, Mud Yellow, Coin Slot, Buddha Green, Oasis Spring, Azul, Banafš Violet, Splendiferous, Throat, Lady Luck, Crimson, Cold Brew Coffee, Lime Time, Green Gamora, Billiard Room, Azul, Gold Black, Tol Barad Grey, Ebi Brown, Baker’s Bread, Eve Mud-Dell, Dusty Orange, Peanut Butter Chicken, Suez Canal, Azul, Neptune, Cranberry Jam, Chocolate Bar, Nottingham Forest, Hampton Sandrift, Ironstone, Melon Red, Smashing Pumpkins, Tomato Frog, Azul, Red Light Neon, Lemonade, White Castle palette Sea Elephant, Poppy Pods, Sandy Ridge, Azuki Bean, Glazed Chestnut, O'grady Green, Wintergreen, Azul, Lisbon Brown, Laurel Nut Bro Sandrift, Peanut Butter Chicken, Spectacular Saffron, American River, Starry Sky Blue, Azul, Oblivion, Wild Nude, Lilac Hush, Ball Cobre, Azul, Deep Sea Dive, Legendary Lilac, Citadel Blue, Weatherhead palette Tangerine Flake, Pirate Silver, Granite Falls, Azul, Wooster Smoke, Pergament palette Tree Sap, USC Gold, Piccadilly Purple, Azul, Indian Silk, Baker Rose, Cured Eggplant, Iced Vovo, Twilight Light, Tip of the Iceber Mustard Seed, Swamp Shrub, Azul, Iris, Candied Apple, Midnight Purple, Pine Tree, Cold Turquoise, Pallid Blue, Pearl Grey, Hazy Ma Autumn Apple Yellow, Elysian Green, Truth, Azul, Lucario Blue, Little Bear, Moroccan Leather, Jumbo, Venetian Wall, Rum Custard, G Laura Potato, Overcast Brick, Mermaid Sea, Azul, Fuchsia Felicity, Blackn't, Severely Burnt Toast, Vanilla Frost palette Mule Fawn, Ruskin Red, Sun Dance, Acacia, Aquadulce, Azul, US Air Force Blue palette Azul Chanterelle Sauce, Mincemeat, Golden Patina, Azul palette Pico Sun, Great Fennel Flower, Azul, Earth Red, Rural Red, Thunderstruck, Irish Clover, Thumper palette Indochine, Smoky Emerald, Azul, Pleasant Purple, Green Ash palette Flight of Fancy, Windstorm, Azul, Crazy Ex, Diminishing Green, Schiava Blue, Scarlet Gum, Gracious Glow palette Corralize, Turtle Bay palette Florence, Azul, Vicious Violet, Exotic Liras, Roast Coffee, Leaf Bud palette Licorice Stick, Mule Fawn, Brownish Pink, Ancient Chest, Azul, Purple Sage palette Chocoholic, Afghan Carpet, Highlighter, Gangsters Gold, Peacock Feather, Azul palette Allura Red, Scarecrow Frown, Machu Picchu Gardens, Azul, Aircraft Blue, Gold Wash palette Tweed, Brownish Pink, Gilded Pear, Poisonous Ice Cream, Turtle Warrior, Ontario Violet, Azul, Hēi Sè Black, Park Avenue, Spruce Sh Number #470 Ammonite Fossil, Azul palette Kikuchiba Gold, Azul palette Grange Hall, Coral Commander, Citra, Azul, Wild Lilac, Peach Pearl palette Mustard Magic, Stone Mason, Azul, Xereus Purple, Salty Cracker palette Flint, Azul, Dark Clove, Canewood, Sensitive Tint, Spring Shower palette Serpentine, Etruscan palette Portland Orange, Corona, Azul, Cold Current, Athenian Green, Placid Blue, Cream Tan palette Samba, Gold Plated, Valencia, Lush Honeycomb, Enduring, Azul, Banyan Serenity palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #1d5dec with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#1d5dec Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#1d5dec Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |