Created at 02/19/2023 05:42
#1f6a7d HEX Color Allports information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#1f6a7d | RGB(31, 106, 125) |
RGB values are RGB(31, 106, 125)
#1f6a7d color contain Red 12.16%, Green 41.57% and Blue 49.02%.
Color Names of #1f6a7d HEX code
Allports Color
Opposite Color for Allports is #7e3320
#1f6a7d Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #1f6a7d Allports
hsl(192, 60%, 31%)
hsla(192, 60%, 31%, 1)
RGB(31, 106, 125)
RGBA(31, 106, 125, 1)
Palettes for #1f6a7d color Allports:
Below examples of color palettes for #1f6a7d HEX color
darkest color is #030b0c from shades and lightest color is #e9f0f2 from tints
Shades palette of #1f6a7d:
Tints palette of #1f6a7d:
Complementary palette of #1f6a7d:
Triadic palette of #1f6a7d:
Square palette of #1f6a7d:
Analogous palette of #1f6a7d:
Split-Complementary palette of #1f6a7d:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #1f6a7d:
Color Allports #1f6a7d used in palettes (47)
Tints of Allports color #1F6A7D hex Shades of Allports color #1F6A7D hex Allports Aragon, Allports, Device Green, North Sea Blue, Garden Promenade palette Allports, Green Silk palette Dry Peach, Innisfree Garden, Your Shadow, Smoky Blue, Allports, Over the Taupe, Watershed palette Leisure Time, Allports, Mission Bay Blue, Frosted Hills palette Sepia Yellow, Watermelon Slice, Old Trail, Allports, Mauve Musk, Calming Silver Lavender, Purple Shine palette Roycroft Rose, Allports, After the Rain, Morning Sunlight palette Faded Jade, Allports, Geranium Bud, Silver Tipped Sage, Dynasty Celadon, Soft Violet palette Warm Embrace, Sunshade, Dark Ivy, Cry Me a River, Allports, Edge of Space, Underwater Realm, Celtic Rush, Parsley, Gravel, Pacific Sweet Earth, Über Umber, Treasured, Alligator, Star City, Seabrook, Lake Tahoe Turquoise, Allports, Afterlife, Entrapment palette Orange Wood, Canary, Pencil Lead, Fresh Soft Blue, Allports, Fiesta Rojo, Blackberry Burgundy, Spiced Hot Chocolate, Old Coffee, D Calypso, Allports, Anemone, Indigo Ink Brown, Sinful, Harvest Dance, Renegade, Seaborn, Mont Blanc, Princess Perfume, Turning Leaf South Kingston, Nature Retreat, Treelet, Allports, Poseidon, American Mahogany, Feldgrau, Dove, Beige, Garden Statue palette Lunar Launch Site, Gothic Olive, Lizard, Indocile Tiger, Allports, Yves Klein Blue, Indigo Sloth, Ripasso, Santa Fe Tan palette Fungi, Allports, Teal Dark Blue, Sail Maker, Little Black Dress, Tobacco, Baroque Grey, Smallmouth Bass, Bellflower Violet, Lima B Scarlet Past, Pimento, Relaxed Blue, Wish Upon a Star, Allports, Tree Bark Green, Library Leather, Wild Berry, Dorian Grey, Lusty Ivy Garden, Athena Blue, Regent Grey, Carol, Allports, Gulf Waters, Zürich Blue, Parachuting, Berry Smoothie palette Cocktail Olive, Sea Kale, Velvet Morning, Allports, Safflower Purple, Purple Excellency, Evening Blue, Woodland Sage, Petit Four, Bindi Red, Greenery, Green Lapis, Blue Dart Frog, Allports, Dresden Blue, Boerewors, Harvest Brown, Cashmere Blue, Dirty White, Hi rr88town Green Pepper, Intoxicate, Allports, Legendary Purple, London Fog, Jewel Caterpillar, Lap Pool Blue palette Splinter, Phaser Beam, Allports, Misty Blue, Melon Sorbet, Citrus Sachet, Enlightened Lime palette Dried Saffron, Pecan, Cookie Crust, Burnt Sienna, Allports, Dark Periwinkle, Chocolate Fantasies, Cracked Slate, Wabi-Sabi, Sora B Credo, Heavy Orange, Allports, Indiviolet Sunset, Gull, Silent Sands, Garden Vista, Irogon Blue, Mountain Lake Blue, Mouse Trap, S Flickering Flame, Prickly Pear, Ginger Jar, Falcon Turquoise, Delphinium Blue, Allports, Apple Herb Black, Kung Fu, Purple Impress Mill Creek, Indian Princess, Irish Hedge, Corfu Shallows, Near Moon, Prominent Blue, Allports, Mountain Iris, Henna Red, Chrome Wh Roland-Garros, Allports palette Sappanwood Incense, Truepenny, Upstream Salmon, Splash Palace, Devil Blue, Allports, Melon Seed, Swiss Rose palette Allports, Shades of Rhodonite, Waza Bear, Italian Basil palette Simple Silhouette, Sassy Green, Pretty Parasol, Astro Zinger, Allports, Purple Tone Ink palette Melondrama, Yellow of Izamal, Bayou, Allports, Easter Purple, Undine, New Orleans palette Butterum, Manz, Cigar Smoke, Allports, Blue Meridian, Undersea, Hydrangea palette Thermic Orange, Glazed Chestnut, Guava Green, Mee-hua Sunset, Allports, Bull Ring, October Sky, Foliage palette Cranberry, Nearly Brown, Chain Gang Grey, Allports, Juneberry, French Parsley palette Gangsters Gold, Allports palette Methadone, Ruskie, Coral Tree, Poisonous Dart, Allports, Smoke, Mesa Rose palette Ash Rose, Warm Woolen, Full Yellow, Shebang, Allports, Hayden Valley, Concrete Sidewalk palette Tree Bark, Luscious Lobster, Golden Lion, Azure Tide, Allports, Galactic Federation, Mown Hay palette Prehistoric Meteor, Brick Fence, Packing Paper, Yuzu Jam, Allports, 8 Bit Eggplant, Into the Night, Grimace, Legendary Lilac, Sere Fantan, Orange Essential, Jīn Huáng Gold, Pickle, Vintage Vibe, Nominee, Yawl, Cobalt Flame, Allports, Kind Magenta, Charcoal, Pap Chocolate Milk, Narcissus, Northern Barrens Dust, In the Woods, Green Field, Matisse, Allports, Iris Blue, Hawaii Morning, Tulipan Amulet, Spirit Mountain, Allports, Cannon Pink, Carissima, Green not Found, Supernatural, American Mahogany, Dusty Olive, Bristol Jester Red, Pettingill Sage, Antler Moth, Lahn Yellow, Magic Blade, Allports, Momo Peach, Eye Patch, Coffee Liqueur, Cooled Blue, Lye Tinted, Mannered Gold, Corporate Green, Dark Mountain Meadow, Galaxy Express, Allports, Forest Green, Hidden Trail palette Shōjōhi Red, Furious Tomato, Rustic Hacienda, Allports, Violet Webcap, Envy, Alpine Summer, Swan Sea, Terrace Pool, Ephemeral Blue
Color Contrast
Color pairings #1f6a7d with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#1f6a7d Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#1f6a7d Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |