Created at 02/21/2023 15:19

#214761 HEX Color Dark Slate Blue information

#214761 RGB(33, 71, 97)

RGB values are RGB(33, 71, 97)
#214761 color contain Red 12.94%, Green 27.84% and Blue 38.04%.

Color Names of #214761 HEX code

Dark Slate Blue Color

Classification of #214761 color

#214761 is Light and Cool Color

Alternative colors of Dark Slate Blue #214761

Opposite Color for Dark Slate Blue is #5f3a21

#214761 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #214761 Dark Slate Blue

hsl(204, 49%, 25%)
hsla(204, 49%, 25%, 1)
RGB(33, 71, 97)
RGBA(33, 71, 97, 1)

Palettes for #214761 color Dark Slate Blue:

Below examples of color palettes for #214761 HEX color

darkest color is #03070a from shades and lightest color is #e9edef from tints

Shades palette of #214761:
Tints palette of #214761:
Complementary palette of #214761:
Triadic palette of #214761:
Square palette of #214761:
Analogous palette of #214761:
Split-Complementary palette of #214761:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #214761:

Color Dark Slate Blue #214761 used in palettes (50)

Dark Slate Blue color tints Racing colors palette Website 2024 top colors palette Casandora Yellow Cherry Red, Brass Yellow, Sango Red, Fox Tails, Jīn Huáng Gold, Liberty Green, Icy Life, Allegiance, Lady of the Sea, Pickled Purp Poppy Red, Rainforest Zipline, Lentil Sprout, Football, Stone Mason, Moss Ring, Furious Frog, Tint of Turquoise, Lightish Blue, Pr Spicy Orange, Buffalo Hide, Grizzly, Trump Tan, Vermin Brown, Felwood Leaves, Chetwode Blue, Magenta Pink, Dimple, Black Sheep, Ci Liddell, Fire Ant, Dark Slate Blue, Flowering Cactus palette Weathered Pebble, Dark Slate Blue, Dolphin Fin palette Roanoke Taupe, Dash of Oregano, Eastern Gold, Gobi Sand, Russet, Heat of Summer, Neon Carrot, Maximum Yellow, Garden Bower, Jewel Blue Smart, Dark Slate Blue palette Dark Autumn Colors Red Gore, Goldfinger, Dark Slate Blue, Foxflower Viola, Winter Sky, Palatial White palette Quartz Green, Dusky Pink, Dark Slate Blue, Sourdough, Hūi Sè Grey palette Rich Biscuit, Golden Lion Tamarin, Jet Ski, Dark Slate Blue, Buckingham Palace, Icecap, Sea Anemone, Light of New Hope palette 3AM in Shibuya, Dark Slate Blue, Glasgow Fog, Limuyi Yellow, Malted Mint, Midday Sun palette Striking Red, Dark Slate Blue, Cosmetic Mauve, After Rain, Beach Towel, Wishful Thinking palette Goldenrod Field, Bean Counter, Palm Springs Splash, Glass Jar Blue, Radiant Hulk, Scuff Blue, Vivid Fuchsia, Raspberry Pink, Bulga Outback Brown, Hammered Copper, Stunning Gold, Cold Spring, Jadestone, Da Blues, Lost River, Princely Violet, Her Velour, Bloody R Orange Outburst, Electric Energy, Wasabi Nuts, Mythic Forest, Discovery Bay, Rum Riche, Vampiric Bloodlust, Dark Slate Blue, Orchi Bicyclette, Rare Rhubarb, Dinosaur Bone, Sweet Earth, Night Owl, Oarsman Blue, Skeletor's Cape, Dark Slate Blue, Duck Willow, Blue Garden Grove, Rokushō Green, Aurora Green, Olympian Blue, Chin-Chin Cherry, Radioactive Eggplant, Dark Slate Blue, Manor House, Wi Pharlap, Aragon Green, Tiān Lán Sky, I R Dark Green, Dark Slate Blue, Powder Blue, Lemon Balm, Light Candela, Mixed Fruit palette Sage Green, High Tea, Shutterbug, Safflower Bark, Roux, Flying Carpet, Purple Sky, Paua, Dark Slate Blue, Noble Knight, Sheepskin Spartan Blue, Distance, Coach Green, Dark Slate Blue, Sargasso Sea palette Danger, Up in Smoke, Azalea, Dark Slate Blue, Plasticine, Santas Grey, Immortal, Fond Memory, Lavender Cream palette Rose Madder, Chimayo Red, Bleached Maple, Dark Slate Blue, Radical Green, Rainmaker, Blackish Green, Universal Khaki, Velour, Natu Cumquat Cream, Peachy Pinky, Aromatic Herbs, Palmerin, Summer Turquoise, Chetwode Blue, Eastern Blue, Mauve Seductress, Dark Slate Deep Bloom, Regula Barbara Blue, Dark Slate Blue, Perfect Khaki palette Brown Orange, Juniper Oil, Queen Blue, Bnei Brak Bay, Blue Overdose, Dark Slate Blue, Strong Sage, Winter Surf, Lilac Suede, Fashi Choco Chic, Muskelmannbraun, Cameroon Green, Fennel Fiasco, Nightly Blade, Cinnapink, Vibrant Red, Dark Slate Blue, Garden View, E Opera Red, Cookie Crust, Aromango, Synthetic Pumpkin, Weathered Pebble, Periscope, Red-Eye, Dark Slate Blue, Green Tone Ink, Brass Level Up, Waterworld, Bestial Brown, Dark Slate Blue, Thorny Branch, Cerulean Tint palette Red My Mind, Schnipo, Tamarack Yellow, Georgian Bay, Dark Slate Blue, Velvet Green, Mohair Pink palette Remaining Embers, Chelsea Cucumber, Poetic Green, Mahonia Berry Blue, Dark Slate Blue, Water Ouzel, Walnut Wood, Bull Ring, Grand Gold's Great Touch, Columbus, Bay View, Dark Slate Blue, Winter Rye, Aqua Bloom, Stargate, Roller Derby, Winter Savanna, Delicate Derby Brown, Eaton Gold, Mimosa Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Sacred Turquoise, Prefect, Polar Ice, Dark Raspberry, Dark Slate Blue, Mon Glazed Carrot, Chrysolite, Liquid Blue, Turkish Blue, Dark Slate Blue, Zinfandel, Gropius Grey palette ta88vipofficial Wine, Homebush, Big Daddy Blue, Fairy Wren, Carmoisine, Cowpeas, Dark Slate Blue palette Punky Pink, Dark Slate Blue, Purple Trinket, Picholine palette Red Rooster, Best of the Bunch, Verde, Green Bank, Lost Atlantis, Dull Dusky Pink, Jellybean Pink, Dark Slate Blue palette Pastel Brown, Dark Slate Blue palette Cockatrice Brown, Carnival, Galena, Lilac Spring, Pink Glamour, Paua palette Daredevil, Different Gold, Hot Mustard, Forest Edge, Dark Slate Blue palette Halloween Orange, Dark Slate Blue palette Hot Tamale, Red River, Kingpin Gold, Bamboo Brown, Boredom Buster, Beyond the Pines, Dark Slate Blue, Shades On palette Glazed Chestnut, Electric Leaf, Violet Evening, Cottage Blue, Vivid Cerise, Red Salsa, Dark Slate Blue, Jungle Cloak palette Outdoor Cafe, Smashed Pumpkin, Biotic Orb, Casual Blue, CG Blue, Dark Slate Blue, Tiě Hēi Metal, Espresso Bar, Pop Shop, Golden Ra Persian Plush, Dark Slate Blue palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #214761 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Dark Slate Blue #214761 color png