Created at 02/20/2023 22:39
#2b3042 HEX Color Black Iris information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#2b3042 | RGB(43, 48, 66) |
RGB values are RGB(43, 48, 66)
#2b3042 color contain Red 16.86%, Green 18.82% and Blue 25.88%.
Color Names of #2b3042 HEX code
Black Iris Color
Alternative colors of Black Iris #2b3042
Opposite Color for Black Iris is #413c2a
#2b3042 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #2b3042 Black Iris
hsl(227, 21%, 21%)
hsla(227, 21%, 21%, 1)
RGB(43, 48, 66)
RGBA(43, 48, 66, 1)
Palettes for #2b3042 color Black Iris:
Below examples of color palettes for #2b3042 HEX color
darkest color is #040507 from shades and lightest color is #eaeaec from tints
Shades palette of #2b3042:
Tints palette of #2b3042:
Complementary palette of #2b3042:
Triadic palette of #2b3042:
Square palette of #2b3042:
Analogous palette of #2b3042:
Split-Complementary palette of #2b3042:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #2b3042:
Color Black Iris #2b3042 used in palettes (39)
Ipa label ocean beer branding colors palette Tendril, Green Garter, Black Iris, Dynamic palette Positive Red, Old Willow Leaf, Salted Capers, Noir Fiction, Black Iris, Alliance, Thin Heights palette Primal Blue, Black Iris, Arctic Blue, Shyness palette Kopi Luwak, Black Iris, Mostly Metal, Morning Mist Grey, Hay, April Showers, White Asparagus, Monterey Mist palette Lady Fern, Wild Strawberry, Black Iris, Spaghetti Monster, Paving Stones, Berry Frost, Rose Frost palette Radishical, Black Iris, Vintage Blue, Sea Wind, Glowlight, Ivory Coast palette Puffins Bill, Kākāriki Green, Sparkling Purple, Lacquer Green, Black Iris, Silver Sconce, Country Dairy, Lavish Lemon, Sweet Garde Turquoise Fantasies, Cerise Red, Black Iris, Imperial Palm, Arctic Feelings, Iced Celery, Sand Dagger, Ivory Charm palette Ground Pepper, Chocolate Stain, Coral Burst, Gluten, Black Iris, Track Green, Glistening Grey palette Flame Orange, Safe Harbour, Black Iris, Silverbeet palette Amazon Green, Preserved Petals, Chinook Salmon, Macau, Ocean Oasis, Blue Team Spirit, Dr Who, Vampire Fangs, Green Waterloo, Black Slate Tint, C64 Blue, Lucid Dream, Cherryade, Black Iris palette Charcoal Plum, Black Iris, Jungle Book Green, Satyr Brown, Blue Horror, Alpine Expedition, Wind Speed, Echelon Ecru, Chic Magnet p Prayer Flag, Halloween Orange, Range Land, Confederate, Blue Aster, Purple Pride, Wood Bark, Black Iris, Aurora Pink, Strawberry I Living Large, Yellow-Green Grosbeak, Clouded Sky, Edge of Space, Black Iris, Royal Plum, Chaise Mauve, Longbeard Grey, Engagement Jama Masjid Taupe, Oatmeal Biscuit, Poodle Skirt Peach, Tacao, Bright Yellow Green, Bitter Lime and Defeat, Vibrant Mint, Black Ir Golf Course, Peninsula, Verve Violet, Black Iris, Peacock Tail, Bright Midnight Blue, Victorian Mauve, Silver Sconce, Kitten's Eye Red Team Spirit, Historic Town, Black Iris, Captain Blue, Linear, Rusted Crimson, Lilac Grey, Astra, Garden Seat palette Rufous, Chili Soda, Clown Green, Lush Plains, Black Iris, Mountain Fig, Duck Willow, Coffee Rose, Pale Bamboo, Whipped Mint, Silve Jabłoński Brown, Evening Green, Karaka Orange, Broom, Electric Sheep, Arctic, Purple Yearning, Kyoto House, Black Iris, Entrada Sa Clove, New Penny, Biscay Green, Royal Navy Blue, Imagery, Holly, Black Iris, Forest Splendor, Aqua Sky, Lighthouse View palette Night Rose, Blossoming Dynasty, Green Moray, Citronella, Marrs Green, Marine Blue, Black Iris, Ficus, Wizard's Brew, Angelic Blue, Bee Master, Ginger Flower, Solar Storm, Sonata in Green Minor, Dark Sorrel, Boogie Blast, Black Iris, Blackberry Wine, Resplendent Black Iris, Graceland Grass, Medium Goldenrod, Enjoyable Yellow palette Naga Viper Pepper, Pale Khaki, Purple Emperor, Black Iris, Terrace Teal, Green Tea Leaf, Mint Twist, Buckram Binding palette Well Read, Wetlands Swamp, Black Iris, Colonial Revival Sea Green, Piedmont, Grandma's Pink Tiles palette Tropical Smoothie, Black Iris, Hideaway palette Jadestone, Stormy Mauve, Strawberry Pop, Black Iris, Fruit Yard palette Syndicalist, Love Potion, Black Iris, Spectrum Blue, Rookwood Sash Green, Pink Stock palette Deep Serenity, Marsh Grass, Yellow Summer, Sage palette Desert Sun, Old Four Leaf Clover, Black Iris, Space Angel, Foghorn, Weaver's Spool, Sweet Mint Pesto palette Red, Lily Pads, Black Iris palette Cantankerous Coyote, Aceituna Picante, Fluorescent Pink palette Shishito Pepper Green, Pion Purple, Black Iris, Evening in Paris, Bok Choy palette Nouveau, Coastal Fjord, Sensuous Grey, Black Iris palette Rise-N-Shine, Sea Fern, Navigator, Exotic Liras, Trapped Darkness, Granite Black palette Umenezumi Plum, Black Iris, Light Cyan palette Seed Pod, Cerise Red, Vantablack, Black Iris, Hematite, Ebbtide, Rustic Taupe, Mauve Tinge palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #2b3042 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#2b3042 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#2b3042 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |