Created at 02/22/2023 10:49
#313740 HEX Color Night Wizard information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#313740 | RGB(49, 55, 64) |
RGB values are RGB(49, 55, 64)
#313740 color contain Red 19.22%, Green 21.57% and Blue 25.1%.
Color Names of #313740 HEX code
Night Wizard Color
Alternative colors of Night Wizard #313740
Opposite Color for Night Wizard is #3f3a31
#313740 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #313740 Night Wizard
hsl(216, 13%, 22%)
hsla(216, 13%, 22%, 1)
RGB(49, 55, 64)
RGBA(49, 55, 64, 1)
Palettes for #313740 color Night Wizard:
Below examples of color palettes for #313740 HEX color
darkest color is #050506 from shades and lightest color is #eaebec from tints
Shades palette of #313740:
Tints palette of #313740:
Complementary palette of #313740:
Triadic palette of #313740:
Square palette of #313740:
Analogous palette of #313740:
Split-Complementary palette of #313740:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #313740:
Suggested colors palettes for #313740 HEX:
Color Night Wizard #313740 used in palettes (50)
Big Stone Beach, Yellow Sand, Chinois Green, Emu Egg, Polished Steel, Seal Pup, Regal Azure, Nato Blue, Night Wizard, Kachi Indigo Night Wizard, Perfect Dark Blue, Qermez Red and Echelon Ecru Ochre, Habanero Gold, Night Wizard, Atom Blue, Woven Navajo, Dreaming of the Day palette Maui Blue, Club Mauve, Olive Brown, Night Wizard, Deep Seagrass, Grey Matters, Jellyfish Blue, Lime Flip, Pineapple Soda, Mexican Night Wizard, Steam Chestnut, Chilled Mint, Kodama White Night Wizard, Shadow of the Colossus, Moonshine, Chapel Wall Night Wizard, Rooted palette Bushland Grey, Ceramic Pot, Soft Impala, Summer Day, Adonis Rose Yellow, Apricot, Jericho Jade, Times Square Screens, Highlighter Ranch Brown, Palomino, Spanish Blue, Invasive Indigo, Night Wizard, Amphystine, Wild Nude palette Canyon Wall, Captivated, Night Wizard, Orion Grey palette Urban Exploration, Violettuce, Night Wizard, Blue Spell, Garbanzo Paste, Icicles, Early Evening, Bone Trace, Lime Flip palette Chicory Green, Highball, Leaflet, Luster Green, Night Wizard palette Desert Rose, Mystifying Magenta, Night Wizard, Insomniac Blue, Foggy London, Dune Beige palette Sunny Disposition, Scotch Bonnet, Tahitian Treat, California Wine, Comforting Cherry, Explosive Purple, Night Wizard, Covered Brid Dragon's Breath, Tiki Hut, Golden Bear, Night Wizard, Gypsy Jewels, Mallard Lake palette Antilles Blue, Grape Compote, Grandeur Plum, Deep Seaweed, Old Burgundy, Night Wizard, Devil's Lip, Laurel Nut Brown, Dell, Mother Gamboge Brown, Piercing Pink, Plum Dandy, Meadow Flower, Night Wizard, Velvet Mauve, Chrysoprase, Perfect Landing, Haute Pink, Mon Kurumizome Brown, Lady in Red, Crystal Seas, Aquarius Mood Indigo, Castleton Green, Night Wizard, Sandgrass Green, Milton, Sunset Camel Toe, Orange Burst, Candlelight, Flat Green, Pure Apple, Cottage Blue, Lambent Lagoon, Dead Lake, Dancing Sea, Pearly Purple, Home Brew, Verde Marrón, Raichu Orange, Orioles Orange, Dandelion Yellow, Yellow Green, Limeade, Aquarium Blue, Stravinsky, Night Mission Gold, Sundial, Kelly's Flower, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Newburyport, Circumorbital Ring, Night Wizard, Chicago, Green B Red Clover, Lost River, Mary Blue, Night Wizard, Moire Satin, Mild Evergreen, Distant Valley palette Hawaiian Sunset, Castelvetrano Olive, Blue Lechery, Night Wizard, Ash Pink, Beau Monde, Apricot Wash, Ulthuan Grey, Peach Puree, W Red Ink, Burnished Gold, Moroccan Sky, Benihi Red, Jadeite, Livid, Skydome, Bright Blue Violet, Night Wizard, Kid Gloves, Opal Tur Golden Bell, Ōtan Red, Lady Fern, Overgrown Mausoleum, Lava Black, Patch of Land, Night Wizard, Bison Hide, Berries n Cream palett Mauve Mole, Roman Brick, Kaltes Klares Wasser, Plunge Pool, Revel Blue, Coming up Roses, Night Wizard, Regal Blue, Ficus, Urbanite Communist, Cookie Crumb, Argan Oil, Driftwood, Gerbera Red, Ogryn Camo, Magenta Memoir, Night Wizard palette Norwegian Blue, Coastal Calm, Real Mccoy, Night Wizard, Midnight Hour, Windsor, Bronze Medal, Lead Ore, Kohlrabi Green, Reef Refra Alley Cat, Windy Seas, Night Wizard, Blood Brother, Machine Gun Metal, Fired Brick, Olive Bark, Sweet Pink, Pink Linen, Palomino M Muscatel, Dry Sage, Nature Retreat, Iridescent Purple, Drisheen, Energy Peak, Festival Fuchsia, Night Wizard, Moss Brown, Grey Oli Bold Brick, Borage Blue, Antique Grey, Scintillating Violet, Night Wizard, Imperial Palm, Noble Grey, Sweet Ariel palette Flipper, Apricot, Melissa, Blue Island, Soothsayer, Baby Tears, Biscay Bay, Psychedelic Purple, Chinese Violet, Lovely Little Rosy Gladiator Leather, Bugman's Glow, Tangerine, Ghoul, Jade Glass, Mermaid Treasure, 90% Cocoa, Night Wizard palette Topaz, Sirocco, Trade Secret, Vanadyl Blue, Night Wizard, Arabic Coffee palette Lamplight, Blue Ocean, Night Wizard, Blackwater Park, Rustic Taupe palette Bluejay, Dark Grey, Night Wizard palette Flame Red, Ungor Flesh, Jubilation, Avocado Cream, Venture Violet, Hammerhead Shark, Pansy Garden, Night Wizard palette Victorian Crown, Elden Ring Orange palette Night Wizard, Painted Bark palette Camelot, Night Wizard, Pikachu Chu, Bowling Green, Peach Parfait, Feather Plume, Tricot Lilac White palette Vibrant Mint, Hemisphere, Kelp'thar Forest Blue, Night Wizard, Reddish Black, Copper Pyrite Green, Cucumber Green palette Deluge, Mulberry Bush, Night Wizard, Easy Green, Silverado Ranch, Camel Cord palette Bancroft Village, Humorous Green, Stormy Horizon, Galaxy Express, Americana, Night Wizard, Versatile Taupe palette Ffiery Topaz, Grapefruit Yellow, Orient Yellow, Vega Violet, Redcurrant, Night Wizard, Light Spice palette On the Avenue, South Rim Trail, Guppy Violet, Fantasy Romance, Night Wizard, Hidden Trail palette Lahn Yellow, Nasturtium Leaf, Forest Maid, Burnham, Night Wizard, Wizard's Spell, Basketweave Beige, Grey Nurse palette Gold Tips, Pīlā Yellow, Phenomenal Pink, Night Wizard, Deep Sea Base, Sea Nymph palette Namibia, Spiced Mustard, Nuclear Meltdown, Kings of Sea, Electric Ultramarine, Blue With A Hint Of Purple, School Ink, Night Wizar Coastline Trail, Dana, Ocean Mirage, Dark Topaz, Night Wizard, Liebermann Green, Sidekick palette Durban Sky, Gothic Spire, Night Wizard, Orchid Bloom palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #313740 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#313740 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#313740 Contrast Ratio
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