Created at 02/22/2023 23:54

#345c61 HEX Color Arctic Nights information

#345c61 RGB(52, 92, 97)

RGB values are RGB(52, 92, 97)
#345c61 color contain Red 20.39%, Green 36.08% and Blue 38.04%.

Color Names of #345c61 HEX code

Arctic Nights, Teal Color

Classification of #345c61 color

#345c61 is Semi dark and Cool Color

Alternative colors of Arctic Nights #345c61

Opposite Color for Arctic Nights is #603934

#345c61 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #345c61 Arctic Nights

hsl(187, 30%, 29%)
hsla(187, 30%, 29%, 1)
RGB(52, 92, 97)
RGBA(52, 92, 97, 1)

Palettes for #345c61 color Arctic Nights:

Below examples of color palettes for #345c61 HEX color

darkest color is #05090a from shades and lightest color is #ebefef from tints

Shades palette of #345c61:
Tints palette of #345c61:
Complementary palette of #345c61:
Triadic palette of #345c61:
Square palette of #345c61:
Analogous palette of #345c61:
Split-Complementary palette of #345c61:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #345c61:

Color Arctic Nights #345c61 used in palettes (50)

Cloud migration services illustration typography colors Etruscan, Alizarin, Red Chalk, Casablanca, Arctic Nights, Church Mouse, Sweet Juliet, Freezy Wind palette Heliotrope Magenta, Arctic Nights, Purple Prose, Puffy Little Cloud palette Polished Garnet, Crustose Lichen, Goldfinch, Arctic Nights palette mehehe Sepia Skin, Arctic Nights, Old Yellow Bricks, Arc Light palette American Anthem, Arctic Nights, Dim, Guiding Star palette Arctic Nights, Road Runner, Distant Shore, Soft Focus palette Lightsaber Blue, Arctic Nights, Arabic Coffee, Barren, Little Baby Girl palette Arctic Nights, Teton Blue, Georgian Pink, Pure Laughter palette Mysterious Night, Aged Purple, Arctic Nights, Red Pear, Hemp Rope, Sky Light View, Alaskan Skies palette April Love, Old Mandarin, Rojo Dust, Knockout Orange, Green Bank, Teal Waters, Crushed Velvet, Major Blue, Chestnut Brown, Arctic Wet Sandstone, Crazy Ex, Purple Yearning, Old Burgundy, Gardens Sericourt, Arctic Nights, Monarch's Cocoon, Foghorn, Roycroft Mist Rowntree, Lizard Brown, Soft Pumpkin, Circus, Battle Dress, Go Go Green, Eye Blue, Greek Flag Blue, Gentian Blue, Peaty Brown, Arc Cavern Moss, Succulent, Shoreline, Curaçao Blue, Fine Purple, Old Geranium, Deep Magenta, Pink Panther, Brunswick Green, Arctic Ni Willow Grey, Toad, Vegeta Blue, Crater Brown, Arctic Nights, Dried Leaf, Green Beret, Dave's Den, Caramelized Pears, Cottonseed pa Coral Commander, Radiant Yellow, Blue Stone, Blouson Blue, Dusky Grape, Love Letter, Tangaroa, Tricorn Black, Arctic Nights, Russi Chivalrous Walrus, Roycroft Suede, Hidden Morel, Dwarf Spruce, Sea Serpent, Putnam Plum, Ahmar Red, Concealed Green, Dark Rum, Arc Raspberry Ripple, Yukon Gold, Green Garter, Clear Mauve, Arctic Nights, Warm Brownie, Cheyenne Rock, Totally Tan, Daiquiri Green, Sandy Ridge, Harvest Time, Ride off into the Sunset, Alfalfa Bug, Pixelated Grass, Blue Heaven, Sapphire Shimmer Blue, Calypso Cor Garden Green, Arctic Nights, Windsor Moss, Blue Planet, Lasting Thoughts, Riviera Rose, Incan Treasure palette Donkey Brown, Lively Coral, Rusted Lock, Cascara, Paris Green, Ibiza Blue, Arctic Nights, Clear Concrete, Pan Tostado, Frosted Sil Kaolin, Cypress Garden, Obscure Olive, Petunia Patty, Arctic Nights, Slick Green, Roquefort Blue palette Golden Bell, Golden Passionfruit, Slumber, Cape Pond, Plum Majesty, Forest Blues, Venous Blood Red, Arctic Nights, Deep Evergreen, Bean Pot, Bloody Rust, Arctic Nights, Colonial Yellow, All Dressed Up, Steamed Chai, Always Neutral, Wildflower Bouquet palette Dry Dock, Fossil Butte, Baked Apple, Race Car Stripe, Chelsea Garden, Liberalist, Crystal Ball, Arctic Nights, Honed Soapstone, Bu Bluejay, Pink Glamour, Ancient Lavastone, Arctic Nights palette Orange Pepper, Dried Magenta, Sweet Violet, Blue Hill, Blue Wing Teal, Earth Black, Arctic Nights palette Torrey Pine, Emerald, Aloe Vera, Observatory, Raspberry Mousse, Arctic Nights, Vintage Indigo, Indulgent, Purple Agate, Arabella, Sunset Yellow, Medusa Green, Pine Garland, Putting Green, Moonless Night, Arctic Nights, Waza Bear, Take Five palette Roland-Garros, Ranger Green, Glide Time, Twilight Twinkle, Marker Blue, Mauve Seductress, Charismatic Red, Arctic Nights palette Diva Blue, Flirtatious Flamingo, Ultramarine Shadow, Arctic Nights, Gobo Brown, Stonehenge Greige, Stonebriar, Glittering Sun pale Midsummer Field, Arctic Nights, Marshy Habitat palette Glazed Pot, Market Melon, Decoration Blue, Emperor Jewel, Alligator Gladiator, Arctic Nights, Grecian Ivory, Multnomah Falls palet Lamiaceae, Arctic Nights, Arrow Shaft, Saudi Sand palette Baton, Queen Palm, Sudden Sapphire, Twilight Mauve, Dead Pixel, Arctic Nights, Maximum Mocha palette Valentine Red, Colorado Trail, Sleep, Arctic Nights, Your Majesty, Silk Chiffon, Light Saffron Orange palette Teakwood Brown, Rainforest Zipline, Lady of the Sea, Kuretake Black Manga, I R Dark Green, Arctic Nights, Cold Pink palette Randall, Earthnut, Greens palette Brick Paver, Domain, Chicory, Chunky Bee, Carlisle palette Fire Hydrant, Chive Bloom, Arctic Nights, Majestic Blue, Stone Pine, Ash Pink, They call it Mellow, Bleach White palette Highlands Twilight, Essential Teal, Grapest, Scorched palette YO88 Snake Eyes, Queen of Gardens, Blue Emerald, Arctic Nights, Lorian palette Lover's Leap, Spicy Mustard, Duckling, Black Howl, Arctic Nights, Ebbtide, Lush palette Sorrel Brown, Heavy Orange, Monarch Wing, Arctic Nights, Qiān Hūi Grey palette Butterscotch, Slime palette Rattan Palm, Pastel Red, Sinister, Infinite Night, Astronaut Blue, Vintage Wood, Arctic Nights palette Dry Pasture, Nickel Ore Green, Magic Blue, Cherryade, Warm Pink, Arctic Nights, Frozen Moss Green palette Crude Banana, Darkest Dungeon, Arctic Nights, Gold Winged palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #345c61 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Arctic Nights #345c61 color png