Created at 02/19/2023 15:19

#3a405a HEX Color Victory Blue information

#3a405a RGB(58, 64, 90)

RGB values are RGB(58, 64, 90)
#3a405a color contain Red 22.75%, Green 25.1% and Blue 35.29%.

Color Names of #3a405a HEX code

Victory Blue, Gray Color

Classification of #3a405a color

#3a405a is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Victory Blue is #5a543a

#3a405a Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #3a405a Victory Blue

hsl(229, 22%, 29%)
hsla(229, 22%, 29%, 1)
RGB(58, 64, 90)
RGBA(58, 64, 90, 1)

Palettes for #3a405a color Victory Blue:

Below examples of color palettes for #3a405a HEX color

darkest color is #060609 from shades and lightest color is #ebecef from tints

Shades palette of #3a405a:
Tints palette of #3a405a:
Complementary palette of #3a405a:
Triadic palette of #3a405a:
Square palette of #3a405a:
Analogous palette of #3a405a:
Split-Complementary palette of #3a405a:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #3a405a:

Color Victory Blue #3a405a used in palettes (50)

Minimal illustration vector line palette Design countdown timer uidesign colors Theme comapny minimal adobe illustrator Victory Blue and Yellow palette Rusty Heart, String Deep, Indian Saffron, Desert Night, Express Blue, Algiers Blue, Cadillac, Subnautical, Black Rose, Victory Blu Bold Brick, Cattail Brown, Western Sunrise, Dusted Peri, Precious Stone, Summer Lake, Purplue, Mega Magenta, Victory Blue, Sea Mar Soft Cocoa, Windy Meadow, Interdimensional Blue, Benevolence, Victory Blue, Desert Cactus, Victory Lake, Venetian Yellow, Golden R Bancroft Village, Huáng Dì Yellow, Wageningen Green, Poison Purple, Victory Blue, October Haze, Coral Blossom, Loggia Lights palet Cumquat Cream, Blue League, Victory Blue, True Romance, Toast and Butter palette Ginger Tea, Witch Wood, Victory Blue, Dark Shadows palette Victory Blue, Frittata palette Victory Blue Garden Hedge, Dusk Mauve, Idol, Victory Blue, Hemp Rope, Truly Taupe, Safari Chic, Mushroom, Manakin, Penna, Soy Milk, Venetian Ma Ginshu, Wood Chi, Green Energy, Level Up, Deep Forestial Escapade, Skilandis, Bright Midnight Blue, Victory Blue, Butcher Paper, P Rustica, Rust Coloured, Painted Pony, Tufted Leather, Butter Rum, Victory Blue, Ebi Brown, Sumi Ink, Brown Rice, Canyon Mist, Amet Wine & Roses, Tomato Sauce, Denim Blue, Briny, Victory Blue, Heritage Oak palette Gold Torch, Lucky, Syrah Soil, Windsor Brown, Bullfrog, Reef Waters, Living Stream, Blue Hour, Free Speech Magenta, Tetsu-Kon Blue Martian Ironearth, Scurf Green, Yíng Guāng Sè Pink, Victory Blue, Purple Springs, Southern Pine, Madame Mauve, Chilly Spice, Grass Upper East Side, Autumnal, Priceless Purple, Victory Blue palette Pinard Yellow, Taiga, Arcadia, Sidewalk Grey, Grey Purple, Fat Tuesday, Antique Bronze, Kachi Indigo, Victory Blue, Pink Discord, Gaboon Viper, Spicy Red, Wiggle, Silver Maple Green, Earthen Cheer, Fennel Fiasco, Neon Blue, Hilo Bay, Windsurf Blue, Victory Blu Epidote Olvene Ore, Bright Orange, Muted Mulberry, Legendary Lavender, Pink Piano, Downriver, Victory Blue, Sovereign, Magic Spell Amber Brown, Paella, Royal Azure, Purple Pennant, Victory Blue, Fire Roasted, Sunset Drive, Conservative Grey, Magnolia Blossom pa Crispy Gingersnap, Yellow Shout, Hadfield Blue, Victory Blue, Root Beer, PHP Purple, Swift, Bungalow Taupe, Windsurfer palette Chinese Night, Instant Orange, Lovely Lemonade, Yogi, Capitalino Cactus, Grim Purple, Titanium, Blue Palisade, Chicory Coffee, Vic Giant's Club, Buttered Rum, Soul Side, Blowout, Rocky Hill, Kōrainando Green, Persian Prince, Victory Blue, Cochineal Red, Baby Bo Melon Red, Polaris Blue, Gengiana, New Wave Pink, Victory Blue, Cassava Cake, Oatmeal Bath, Lemon Meringue, Short Phase, Steamed C Toki Brown, Golden Egg, Chun-Li Blue, Gloomy Purple, Crypt, Blue Mosque, Victory Blue, Paloma Tan, Whisper of Rose, Filmy Green pa Transfusion, Tawny Owl, Faded Rose, Watercress Spice, Ocean Swell, Windstorm, Victory Blue, Vinca & Vine, Sticks & Stones, Lily of Soya Bean, Tapenade, Mr Mustard, Privilege Green, Onsen, Gogo Blue, Cherry Cocoa, Blood Mahogany, Victory Blue, Obligation, Renwic Green Savage, Green Envy, Free Speech Aquamarine, Blue Bobbin, Victory Blue, Cassia Buds palette Bern Red, Medusa Green, Ocean Ridge, Prefect, Freinacht Black, Purple Void, Victory Blue, Sawgrass palette Blue Gem, Victory Blue, Kathleen's Garden palette S'mores, Gordal Olive, Cream Can, Olive Leaf Tea, Savoy, Portuguese Green, Victory Blue, Bleached Beige palette Thunder Mountain Longhorn Pepper, Sorbus, Mandarin Sorbet, Ultra Green, Brown Chocolate, Fireworks, Victory Blue, Evening Glow pal Midnight Brown, Rhode Island Red, Reef, Victory Blue, Basswood palette Caramelo Dulce, Celuce, Victory Blue, Coffee Shop, Velvet Umber, Cinnamon Frost, Smoke Grey palette Natural, Alexis Blue, Victory Blue, Delicate Lemon palette Splinter, Glowing Firelight, Petro Blue, Victory Blue, Jazz Age Blues, Galaxy Green, Biscotti palette Whisky, Dickie Bird, Peptalk, Victory Blue palette Earth, Saint Seiya Gold, Indian Peafowl, Violet Frog, Azalea, Rose Red, Not Tonight, Rosewood, Clover Brook, Victory Blue, Angela Kiriume Red, Caribbean Green, Poster Green, Victory Blue, Watercress Pesto, No$GMB Yellow, Mecha Kitty palette Blood Moon, Grubby Red, Lime Yellow, Ultra Green, Blue Jeans, Sensaicha brown, Victory Blue, Pale Beryl palette Metroid Red, Flavoparmelia Caperata, Hawk Grey, Lost in the Woods, Victory Blue, Rhynchites Nitens, Underground palette Sunbathing Beauty, Dark Marmalade, Colony, Sea Pea, Flashy Sapphire, Secret of Mana, Victory Blue palette Sultry Spell, Palomino Pony, New Brick, Mummy Brown, Basketball, Boat House, Victory Blue palette Caps, Spicy Red, Lightish Blue, Dark Strawberry, Thatch Green, Victory Blue, Tranquility, Weathered Hide palette Astrolabe Reef, Pickled Pink, Victory Blue, Pale Lichen palette Apple Seed, Crete, Corn Bread, Mildura, Sora Sky, Lynx Screen Blue, Berry Burst, Holly, Victory Blue, Cinnabark, Over the Taupe, A Lannister Red, Circus Peanut, Nugget Gold, Berry Smoothie, Victory Blue, Knight's Tale, Fleur-De-Lis, Bright Chambray, Fresh Frapp

Color Contrast

Color pairings #3a405a with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Victory Blue #3a405a color png