Created at 02/24/2023 07:16
#3d5e8c HEX Color Delft information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#3d5e8c | RGB(61, 94, 140) |
RGB values are RGB(61, 94, 140)
#3d5e8c color contain Red 23.92%, Green 36.86% and Blue 54.9%.
Color Names of #3d5e8c HEX code
Delft Color
Alternative colors of Delft #3d5e8c
Opposite Color for Delft is #8a6a3d
#3d5e8c Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #3d5e8c Delft
hsl(215, 39%, 39%)
hsla(215, 39%, 39%, 1)
RGB(61, 94, 140)
RGBA(61, 94, 140, 1)
Palettes for #3d5e8c color Delft:
Below examples of color palettes for #3d5e8c HEX color
darkest color is #06090e from shades and lightest color is #eceff4 from tints
Shades palette of #3d5e8c:
Tints palette of #3d5e8c:
Complementary palette of #3d5e8c:
Triadic palette of #3d5e8c:
Square palette of #3d5e8c:
Analogous palette of #3d5e8c:
Split-Complementary palette of #3d5e8c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #3d5e8c:
Color Delft #3d5e8c used in palettes (42)
Palette with primary Orange Maximum Red, Dutch Cocoa, Mukluks, Golden Glove, Yellow Sumac, Gamboge Brown, Dry Moss, Brussels, Brazilianite, Delft, Aster Purpl Delft, Chianti, Mix Or Match palette Fireball, Bombay Brown, Evil-Lyn, Tiny Seedling, Peter Pan, Romantic Isle, Deep Orchid, Sightful, Delft, Mermaid Dreams, Royal Pre Bresaola, Grey Pepper, Cassandra's Curse, Yolk, Tangerine Yellow, Dollar Bill, Borage, Delft, Sky Dancer, Rose Vale, Marsh Fern, B Delft, Splatter palette Flame Red, Toasted Bagel, Delft, Strawberry Frosting, Dripping Wisteria, Fresh Peaches, Minified Purple, Cold White palette Puffins Bill, Gothic, Delft, Warm Biscuits, Japanese Rose Garden, Chupacabra Grey, Cinderella, Nostalgia Perfume palette Worsted Tan, Stroopwafel, Golf Blazer, Observatory, Delft, Steamed Chestnut, Link Water, Cloudy Day palette Smokey Claret, Delft, Maui Blue, Very Grape, Wild Aster, Vermilion Cinnabar, Darkroom, Pompadour, City Dweller, Irish Moor, Soft S African Mud, Indian Paintbrush, Spiced Nectarine, Arylide Yellow, Brilliant Green, Delft palette Taisha Brown, Sparky Blue, Delft, Lapis Jewel, Volcanic Brick, Grey Olive, Haven, Dry Sea Grass, Fast Velvet, Tea Blossom Pink, Pl Winter Pea Green, Delft, Iron, Parisian Cafè, Silvermist, Smoke Dragon, Blithe Mood, Sailor Boy, Clean Air, I Miss You, Invigorati Rosso Corsa, Saddlebag, Cedar Grove, Sedona Stone, Golden Ginkgo, Flat Green, Stamp Pad Green palette Whisky, Feldspar, Limón Fresco, Magic Sage, Teal Stencil, Mermaid's Kiss, Delft, Fist of the North Star, Astrolabe Reef, Gameboy S Buffalo Hide, Troll Slayer Orange, Windsurf Blue, Delft, Ghostly Purple, Fjord Green, Daniel Boone, Moss Cottage, Warm Air of Debo Grey Locks, Tiger Stripe, Phosphorescent Green, Green Ink, Delft, Maldives, Munch On Melon, Vineyard Wine, Surf the Web, Caveman, Vermillion Seabass, Timeless Taupe, Noble Crown, Coral Trails, Lemon Twist, Delft, Secret of Mana, Flirtatious Flamingo, Pizza Pie Crack Willow, Soft Fig, Tanzanian Gold, Delft, Humpback Whale, Sassafras, Chalcedony Green, Maple Sugar palette Tropical Twist, Webcap Brown, Persimmon Juice, Oceanic, Experience, Delft, Bluealicious, Cactus Flower, Dark Maroon, Rich Black, B Heart of Gold, Soft Tone Ink, Tōmorokoshi Corn, Ground Earth, Triforce Yellow, Skysail Blue, Delft, Batman's NES Cape, Night Bloom Delft, Merguez, Whispering Oaks, Seaport Steam palette Hipsterfication, Garden Stroll, Delft, Align, Common Teal, Deep Daijin Blue, Konkikyō Blue, Rumba Red, Celery Green, Dusty Pink, B Pure Red, Akira Red, Myrtle Pepper, Trump Tan, Blanka Green, Greenalicious, Delft, Barn Red, Black Swan, Overbaked, Fortress Stone Palm Frond, Tau Sept Ochre, Red River, Delft, Lively Lavender, Glazed Ringlet, Rocky Road palette New Sled, Alden Till, Delft, Dancing Sea, Imaginary Mauve, First Plum, Double Espresso palette Jupiter Brown, Archaeological Site, Caribou Herd, Saltbox Blue, Delft, Dodger Blue, Hawaiian Sky, Jasper Cane palette Delft, Purple Mountains Majesty, So Merlot, Purple Zergling palette Heartthrob, Finlandia, Delft, Wineshade, High Forest Green, Luminary Green, Washed Green, Toxic Essence palette Chivalry Copper, Banana Yellow, Delft, Clover Brook, Woodland Sage, Common Chalcedony, Green Papaya, Pastel Lavender palette Serengeti Grass, Tapenade, Gold Flame, Cascara, Delft, Cherryade palette String Deep, Morocco, Delft, Olive Brown, Monument Green, Whirlpool palette Number #783 Wonderland, Hawk Turquoise, Delft, Filigree Green palette Bacchanalia Red, Delft, Frost Grey, Catawba, Apple II Beige palette Mai Tai, Delft, Bank Blue, Heavy Metal Armor, Egyptian Temple, Forever Green, Atomic Pink, Light Dewpoint palette Green Goddess, Delft palette Tan Hide, Delft palette Santorini Blue, Delft, System Shock Blue, Cheesy Grin palette Lead Cast, Delft, Deep Amethyst palette China Cinnamon, Delft, Award Blue, Chinese Blue, Exuberant Pink, Winter Sea, Blackberry Yogurt palette Hibiscus Red, Twine, Caribbean Turquoise, Delft, Blue Lust, Hotter Than Hell, Peruvian Lily, Maverick palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #3d5e8c with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#3d5e8c Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#3d5e8c Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |