Created at 02/21/2023 16:27
#516572 HEX Color Slate information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#516572 | RGB(81, 101, 114) |
RGB values are RGB(81, 101, 114)
#516572 color contain Red 31.76%, Green 39.61% and Blue 44.71%.
Color Names of #516572 HEX code
Slate Color
Alternative colors of Slate #516572
Opposite Color for Slate is #715e50
#516572 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #516572 Slate
hsl(204, 17%, 38%)
hsla(204, 17%, 38%, 1)
RGB(81, 101, 114)
RGBA(81, 101, 114, 1)
Palettes for #516572 color Slate:
Below examples of color palettes for #516572 HEX color
darkest color is #080a0b from shades and lightest color is #eef0f1 from tints
Shades palette of #516572:
Tints palette of #516572:
Complementary palette of #516572:
Triadic palette of #516572:
Square palette of #516572:
Analogous palette of #516572:
Split-Complementary palette of #516572:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #516572:
Color Slate #516572 used in palettes (50)
Mountain Meadow, Slate, Aquarium Diver, Spanish Blue, Audrey's Blush, Black Metal, Spring Onion, Dressed to Impress, Crocus, Cozy Chinese Night, Man Cave, Leaf Green, Advertising Green, Slate, Yuè Guāng Lán Moonlight, Wizard Time, Rooftop Garden, Sunset Horizo Slate, Blueberry Patch, Odious Orange palette Green Glitter, Slate, Ocean Trip, Holiday Road, Elusive Blue palette Harlock's Cape, Barberry Yellow, Slate, Gypsy Magic, Port Glow, Tropical Peach palette Slate, Epic Blue, Dusty Rosewood, Ashwood, Serengeti Dust palette Berkeley Hills, Gould Gold, Slate, Medium Roast palette Old Gold, Slate, Wakame Green, Power Peony, Pale Iris, Sweet Surrender, Adriatic Mist, Blushed Cotton palette Hyacinth Red, Slate, Emerald Stone, Applause Please, Pink Potion, Calm Breeze palette Raven, Slate palette Brick, Copper Brown, Sweet Almond, Electric Energy, Golden Nectar, Surfie Green, Slate, Sea Grape, Reddy Brown, Chieftain, Texas S Desert Locust, Alpine, Yellowish, Broccoli, Slate, Ship Cove, Hammerhead Shark, Dragon's Blood, Purple Shade, Muddy Olive, Pear Ca Clay Bath, Slate, Blue Sapphire, Classic Blue, Ornate, Decorative Iris, Earth Red, Nato Blue, Sodalite Blue, Jungle Cover, Minimal Brown Rabbit, Mango Mojito, Dull Yellow, Salvia Divinorum, Arugula, Regal View, Slate, Bleached Denim, LED Blue, Mullen Pink, Scri Smouldering Red, Emotional, Slate, Experience, Boat House, Sports Blue, Incognito, Quail Ridge, Picnic Bay, Maple Pecan, Almond Oi Art District, Ginnezumi, Slate, Twisted Time, Royalty Loyalty, Bright Pink, Bison Brown, Foliage Green, Sandrock palette Emergency, Spicy, Wolf Pack, Fire Flower, Middle Yellow, Slate, Captains Blue, Vanity, Astro Nautico, Fischer Blue, Quarterdeck, E Sweet Annie, Nicotine Gold, Vivid Yellow, Enchanted Eve, Pool Green, Slate, Bristol Blue, Batik Pink, Everglade, Deep Earth, Cos, Monterey Brown, Middle Ditch, Tōmorokoshi Yellow, Sultry Sea, Slate, Real Raspberry, Blood Burst, Treetop Cathedral, Black Rose, R Olive Paste, Cocoa Berry, Flash in the Pan, Slate, Sapphire Glitter, Velvet Rose, Avocado Dark Green, Nile Blue, Sporting Green, M Frozen Tomato, Gold Leaf, Highlighter Orange, Soviet Gold, Golden Boy, Slate, Lightish Blue, Black Lacquer, Dark Crypt, Browse Bro Plastic Veggie, Slate, Pigeon Grey, Stormhost Silver, Majin Bū Pink, Jersey Cream palette Sleeping Giant, Grainfield, Breen, Slate, Steel Pink, Mystifying Magenta, Luminous Light, Oyster Grey, Nightly Aurora palette Snake Fruit, Golden Egg, Jalapeño, Arnica, Ochre Spice, Slate, Black Pearl, Armadillo palette Ludicrous Lemming, Red Jalapeno, Slate, Adrift, Vaporwave, Red Herring, Witches Cauldron, Ocean Abyss, Winter Sea, Peacock Purple, Black Headed Gull, Chocolate Milk, Papyrus, Tansy, Jade Lime, Blue Granite, Long Lake, Slate, Mourning Violet, Jalapeño Bouquet, O Copper Moon, Vintage Copper, Green High, Slate, Olympian Blue, Hereford Cow Brown, Cold Sea Currents, Chateau Brown, Paramount, Po Quiver Tan, Peacock Silk, Slate, Valentine, Spiced Coral, Eclectic Purple, Fortress, Sea Breeze, Lavender Fog, Coral Cream palette Taupe Beige, Slate, Marlin, Second Pour, Violet Frog, Darth Torus, Green Herb palette Spiced Cider, Slate, Genestealer Purple, Nordic, Deep Teal, Oh Pistachio, Filtered Light, Coral Bead, Peach Pink, Laughing Jack pa Mossy Gold, Mustard Crusted Salmon, Chinese Gold, Sea Turtle, Irish Beauty, Slate, Pine Scent, Mint Shake, Ice Castle palette Ferrari Red, The New Black, Slate, Fairy Tale Blue, Neptune, Glamour, Spring Glow palette Cascade Tour, Slate, Mulberry Wine, Hereford Cow Brown, Nevada Sky, Suffragette Yellow, Magnolia Blossom palette Slate, Cyan Azure, Periglacial Blue, Blue Shamrock Crease, Andouille, Banana Chalk, Yuzukoshō, Slate, Caribbean Current, Highlighter Pink, Mā White palette Terra Rose, Rumba Orange, Wishard, Slate, Rubiate, Alloy, Lavender Scent, Castle Wall palette Beeswax Candle, Slate, Twilight Lavender, Lemon Souffle palette Aqua Cyan, Slate palette River Rocks, Kalahari Sunset, Slate, Majorelle Blue, Destroyer Grey, Asagi Yellow, Rosy Outlook, Summer Birthday palette Slate, Druid Green, Northern Glen palette Poisonous Apple, Clay Brown, Slate, Valentine Heart, Carrier Pigeon Blue palette Bonfire, Julep, Waterfall, Slate, Christina Brown, Mortar, Laura palette Saddle Soap, Canadian Maple, Atlas Cedar Green, Slate, Méi Gūi Zǐ Purple, Eat Your Greens, Rosemary Sprig, Lover's Tryst palette Arava, Durotar Fire, Slate, Greenbriar, Pastel Grey, Green Parlor palette Pavilion Peach, Royal Palm, Slate palette Polished Gold, Reseda Green, Slate, Strawberry Ice, Steamed Milk palette Corn Maze, Slate Tile, Slate palette Bloodline, Young Tangerine, Slate, Rich Taupe palette Midnight Brown, How Now, Slate, Gigas, Celine, Czarina, Powder Room, Off Black, Deep Sapphire, Burning Steppes, Highland Green, De Decreasing Brown, Slate, English Manor, Sensaimidori Green, Astrogranite Debris, Monterey Chestnut, Deep Space Sparkle, Breathtaki
Color Contrast
Color pairings #516572 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#516572 Contrast Ratio
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Small text: |
#516572 Contrast Ratio
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