Created at 02/26/2023 04:01

#53a38f HEX Color Jargon Jade information

#53a38f RGB(83, 163, 143)

RGB values are RGB(83, 163, 143)
#53a38f color contain Red 32.55%, Green 63.92% and Blue 56.08%.

Color Names of #53a38f HEX code

Jargon Jade Color

Classification of #53a38f color

#53a38f is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Jargon Jade is #a35266

#53a38f Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #53a38f Jargon Jade

hsl(165, 33%, 48%)
hsla(165, 33%, 48%, 1)
RGB(83, 163, 143)
RGBA(83, 163, 143, 1)

Palettes for #53a38f color Jargon Jade:

Below examples of color palettes for #53a38f HEX color

darkest color is #08100e from shades and lightest color is #eef6f4 from tints

Shades palette of #53a38f:
Tints palette of #53a38f:
Complementary palette of #53a38f:
Triadic palette of #53a38f:
Square palette of #53a38f:
Analogous palette of #53a38f:
Split-Complementary palette of #53a38f:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #53a38f:

Suggested colors palettes for #53a38f HEX:

Color Jargon Jade #53a38f used in palettes (50)

Jargon Jade, English River, Bog, Rip Van Periwinkle, Winter Mood, Mollusca, Cherish is the Word, White Beach palette Ultimate Orange, Jargon Jade, Blue Charm, Slightly Spritzig, Diva Girl palette Jargon Jade, King Tide, Violet Whimsy, Mountain Lake Blue, Ghostly Tuna palette Adventure Orange, Jargon Jade, Bishop Red, Super Hero, Pale Orchid Petal palette Jargon Jade, Eclipse palette Portland Orange, Jargon Jade, Dark Iris, Green Paw Paw palette Jargon Jade, Tulip Red, Liche Purple, Lacquer Green, Orchard Plum, Jazz Age Coral palette Jargon Jade, Battery Charged Blue, Quiet Cove, Prime Blue, English Red, Valley View, Croissant, Light Incense palette Bengara Red, Jargon Jade, Abandoned Spaceship, Deep Lavender, Santorini Blue, Sapphire Blue, Exuberant Pink, Beauport Aubergine, O Maple Syrup, Paella, Jargon Jade, Costume Blue palette Jargon Jade, Maritime Outpost, Plum Preserve, Blackberry Cobbler, Sea Cliff, Barrett Quince, Fulgrim Pink palette New Sled, Love for All, Secret Journal, Siam Gold, Jargon Jade, Corsican Blue palette Curio Brown, Jargon Jade, Philosophical, Granite Falls, Clary, Lost in Space, Nosferatu, Curious Collection, Hay palette Warm Comfort, Be Yourself, Coral Gold, Grey Monument, Jargon Jade, Underwater Moonlight, Bit of Berry, Antique Silver, Spoiled Rot Summerset, Fresh Pineapple, Jargon Jade, Devil Blue, Traditional Blue, Order Green, Evening Lavender, Thermal Aqua, Shalimar, Ash Alfajor Brown, Jargon Jade, Lexington Blue, Purple Climax, Apple II Magenta, Smell the Roses, Alpine Salamander, Christalle, Mourn Little Ladybug, Kā Fēi Sè Brown, Tannin, Pirate's Hook, Demeter Green, Jargon Jade, Atlantis, Unimaginable, American Milking Devon Cinereous, Balor Brown, Ancient Yellow, Secret Meadow, Earthen Cheer, Peacock Silk, Jargon Jade, Winter in Paris, Blue Hour, Judah Bancroft Village, Jargon Jade, Surgeon Green, Scuba Blue, Hopbush, Pharaoh's Jade, Garden Gazebo, Silver Bells, Terracotta Sand, S Sunny Summer, Luminescent Green, Jargon Jade, Waikiki, Imperial Palm, Legacy, Wrought Iron palette Mojo, Jargon Jade, Holbein Blue Grey, Shirt Blue, Denim, Pickled Pink, Feasty Fuchsia, Integrity, Purple Berry, Femme Fatale, Fash Red Lust, Center Ridge, Ethiopia, Tree Sap, Jargon Jade, Cousteau, Cool Purple, Hyper Pink, Radioactive Eggplant, Bogey Green, Sto Jargon Jade, Mermaid Sea, Welsh Onion, Leisure Blue, Watermelon Candy, Obscure Olive, Sawgrass palette Molasses Cookie, Jargon Jade, Presumption, Sunset Purple, Tuna, Pewter Ring, Graceful Green, Moonshine, Sail to the Sea palette Terrazzo Brown, Tropical Forest Green, Jargon Jade, Dolphin Daze, Neapolitan Blue, Fancy Red Wine, Shy Guy Red, Sideshow, Pepto, W Cherry Sangria, Khardic Flesh, Jargon Jade, Modest Mauve, Far Away Grey, Midnight Navy, California Stucco, November Leaf, Useful B Natural Bridge, Lily Pad, Jargon Jade, Belly Flop, Meditative, Sage Brush, Aqua Island, Antoinette Pink, Adobe Sand, Ladoga Bottom Putrid Green, Jargon Jade, Emerald Cory, Gulf Waters, Thatch Green palette Blood Kiss, Secret Path, Mustard Musketeers, Valkyrie, Moon Yellow, Cricket Green, Jargon Jade, Harrow's Gate, Exclusive Plum, Mid Milano Red, Coffee Adept, Jargon Jade, Santorini, Tahitian Tide, Chocolate Sparkle, Autumn Haze, Venetian Yellow, Taffy Pink palet Whiskey Barrel, Golgfag Brown, Wet Coral, Salty Thyme, Jargon Jade, Stormy Strait Green, Olympian Blue, Faraway Sky, British Mauve Mesa Tan, Rumba Orange, Jargon Jade, Walk in the Woods, Peppy Peacock, Moisty Mire, Stone Silver, Geranium Bud, Pink Flare palette Show Stopper, Toucan, Jargon Jade, Mint Sprig, Italian Plum, Pueblo, Restrained Gold, Cosmo Purple, Golden Talisman, Harp palette Red Obsession, Yanagicha, Cider Toddy, Applegate, Melon Green, Jargon Jade, Van Gogh Green, Plum Preserve, Raw Chocolate, New Colo Copper Beech, Canary Yellow, Shutter Grey, Jargon Jade, Caribe, Deep Daitoku Purple palette Spicy Orange, Vegas Gold, Jargon Jade, Acapulco Dive, Fossil Tan palette Brown Grey, Jargon Jade, Bay's Water, Black Bamboo, Light Bathing, Moorstone palette Lime Punch, Spores, Mt Burleigh palette Boxcar, Lagoon Moss, Hot Cacao, Jargon Jade, Mega Blue, Pizazz Peach palette Citrine Brown, Radler, Jargon Jade palette Bleeding Crimson, Citrus, Jargon Jade, Nostalgic, Macaroni and Cheese palette Christmas Ivy, Jargon Jade, Sea Ridge, Nectarous Nectarine palette Maine-Anjou Cattle, Jargon Jade, Lipstick Pink, Lunar Eclipse palette Rebounder, Jargon Jade, Green Ink, Rhinoceros Beetle palette Nurude Brown, Slick Mud, Mown Grass, Jargon Jade, Billiards Cloth, Strong Pink, Bleached Spruce palette Bright Yarrow, Jargon Jade palette Jargon Jade, Exotic Incense palette Jargon Jade, Indian Fig palette Vegas Gold, 24 Carrot, Melon Green, Jargon Jade, Lake Blue, Thimbleberry, Beer Glazed Bacon, Joyous Song, Gallery Green, Urahayana Piquant Green, Aqua Forest, Jargon Jade, Carroburg Crimson, Midnight Magic, Peach Powder palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #53a38f with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

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Image Jargon Jade #53a38f color png

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