Created at 02/21/2023 10:29
#5a6a8c HEX Color Allegiance information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#5a6a8c | RGB(90, 106, 140) |
RGB values are RGB(90, 106, 140)
#5a6a8c color contain Red 35.29%, Green 41.57% and Blue 54.9%.
Color Names of #5a6a8c HEX code
Allegiance Color
Alternative colors of Allegiance #5a6a8c
Opposite Color for Allegiance is #8c7c5a
#5a6a8c Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #5a6a8c Allegiance
hsl(221, 22%, 45%)
hsla(221, 22%, 45%, 1)
RGB(90, 106, 140)
RGBA(90, 106, 140, 1)
Palettes for #5a6a8c color Allegiance:
Below examples of color palettes for #5a6a8c HEX color
darkest color is #090b0e from shades and lightest color is #eff0f4 from tints
Shades palette of #5a6a8c:
Tints palette of #5a6a8c:
Complementary palette of #5a6a8c:
Triadic palette of #5a6a8c:
Square palette of #5a6a8c:
Analogous palette of #5a6a8c:
Split-Complementary palette of #5a6a8c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #5a6a8c:
Color Allegiance #5a6a8c used in palettes (50)
Mown Grass, Allegiance, Red Licorice, Manganese Black, Yellow Beam palette Cherry Red, Brass Yellow, Sango Red, Fox Tails, Jīn Huáng Gold, Liberty Green, Icy Life, Allegiance, Lady of the Sea, Pickled Purp Bijou Red, Allegiance, Cleopatra, Leviathan Purple, Axe Handle palette Allegiance, Armadillo, Groundcover, Apple II Blue, Crispy Crust palette Mandalay Allegiance, Bluebird, Seance, Wren, Ice Cream Parlour palette Dangerously Green, Woad Indigo, Allegiance, Tetsu-Guro Black, Jaguar, Winner's Circle, Swanky Grey, Sweet Juliet palette Black Headed Gull, Caramel Sauce, Golden Lime, Aloe Blossom, Aqua Velvet, Allegiance, Prussian Plum, Sandwashed, Cotton Muslin, Le Chocolate Fondue, Allegiance, Vesuvian Violet palette Granite Boulder, Maple Glaze, Brick Orange, May Green, Allegiance, Precious Stone, Hawaiian Surf, Strikemaster, Royal Brown, Blue Allegiance, Diver's Eden, Lavender Elegance, Figue Pulp, Rosy Cheeks palette Allegiance Green Sleeves, Nomadic, Tangy Dill, Roof Terracotta, Pizza, Sun God, Huáng Jīn Zhōu Gold, Allegiance, January Blue, C64 Purple, Ni Royal Rum, Earth, Canyon Wall, Fiji Palm, Spring Bud, Allegiance, Flax-Flower Blue, Flickering Sea, Beryl Red, Purple Zergling, Pi Mechrite Red, Pixel Bleeding, Ultra Moss, Elysia Chlorotica, Allegiance, Watermelon Candy, Green Oblivion, Black Fox, Hawaiian Sky Golden Frame, Kihada Yellow, Flavoparmelia Caperata, Allegiance, Teal Essence, Tetrarose, Raspberry Ice Red, Valentine's Day, Hidd American River, Allegiance, Dark Blue, Mountain Bluebird, Adriatic Sea, Plush, Green Leaf, Opulent Purple, Sea of Tranquility, Des Tasty Toffee, Rembrandt Ruby, Masoho Red, Beech Fern, Allegiance, Dark Spell, Cool Operator's Overalls, Smoked Paprika, Vintage Ve Apricot Chicken, Golden Foliage, Allegiance, Benevolence, Slate Rose, Deep Lake, Hazel Woods, Plum Wine, Frosted Sugar, Lilac, Urb Allegiance, Sea Quest, Cucumber Green, Froggy Pond palette Tawny Brown, Rè Dài Chéng Orange, Buzz-In, Kermit Green, Sea Cabbage, Move Mint, Allegiance, Crushed Berries, Black Coffee palette Ferra, Resort Tan, Chimera Brown, Allegiance, Rumors palette Mephiston Red, Flickering Flame, Snarky Mint, Ocean Swell, Bay Wharf, Grape Haze, Allegiance, Astro Purple, Tobi Brown, Vampiric C Ottoman Red, Monza, Fresh Cut, Ovoid Fruit, Brown Rum, Corn Poppy Cherry, Embarrassment, Allegiance, Wenge Black, Futaai Indigo, E Ancho Pepper, Squig Orange, Bright Sienna, Day At The Zoo, Medium Spring Green, Allegiance, Summer Turquoise Blue, Snorkel Blue, G Bearsuit, Treasure Isle, Autumn Pine Green, Allegiance, Luxe Blue, Cupid's Eye, Aged Wine, Goshawk Grey, Canyon Dusk palette Bengala Red, Sable Brown, Gold Canyon, Breen, Heavy Orange, Retro Nectarine, Great Grape, Allegiance, Denim, Razzle Dazzle, Kirchn Secret Journal, Imagine, Heirloom, Brown Mustard, Allegiance, Mauve Mystique, Deep Blush, Dwarf Fortress, Liquorice Green, Tribal Bacon Strips, Pioneer Village, Firewatch, Emoji Yellow, Sickly Green, Deep Larkspur, Allegiance, Galaxy Blue, Tetrarose, Melanite Ruddy, Tonkatsu, Chasm Green, Green Elisabeth Ⅱ, Miracle Bay, Allegiance, Castaway, Mullen Pink, Kale Green palette Blood Red, Ragin' Cajun, Calico Cat, Honey Wax, Caustic Green, Allegiance, Otter Brown, Dark Reaper, Catwalk, Smokey Wings, Atelie Spice Bazaar, Goldsmith, Shebang, Alpine Herbs, Deep Peacock Blue, Allegiance, Sapphired, Bubble Bobble P2, Secret Story, Binrouji Cadillac Coupe, Reynard, June Bud, Allegiance, Stream, Sarah's Garden, Scrub, Chubby Chocolate, Smoky Beige, Lime Splash, Honey No Ole Yeller, Lucky Orange, Marine Green, Allegiance, Mega Blue, Ritual Experience, Metropolis, Solution, Qiān Hūi Grey, String, Som Polished Bronze, Cold North, Allegiance, Windows Blue, Marionberry, Scapa Flow, California Sunset, Gameboy Contrast, Dallas, Charc Spicy Mix, Match Strike, Tuscan Herbs, Ferntastic, Allegiance, Vintage Red, Zero Gravity, Refined Green, Cool Ashes, Lakefront, Lo Jess, Allegiance, Red Violet palette Peppergrass, Ginger Beer, Allegiance, Online, Dutchess Dawn, Wonder Lust, Mineral Spring palette Isotonic Water, Allegiance, Blue Suede Shoes palette Random Nice Colors Tanbark, Buttered Rum, Yolk Yellow, Allegiance, Straw Gold, Cowbell, Rock'n'Rose, Rose Linen palette Licorice Stick, Poncho, Apricot Mix, Blue Mana palette Mossy Bank, Almond Truffle, Mountain Ash, Agate Violet, Allegiance, Blue-Eyed Boy palette Wild Pigeon, Allegiance, Lavender, Royal Purpleness, Anchorman, Still Grey, Gravel Fint, Dolphin Tales palette Rogue, Paradise Bird, Golden Rain Yellow, Allegiance, Forbidden Fruit palette Green Acres, Allegiance palette Cadmium Purple, Sour Apple Candy, Arctic, Allegiance, Deep Cerulean, Dull Mauve palette Ionized-air Glow, Allegiance, Ocean Current palette Vermicelles, Orange Tea Rose, Reef Encounter, Allegiance, Genestealer Purple, Minted Blueberry Lemonade, Schiaparelli Pink, Black Allegiance, Purple Pristine, Federation Brown palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #5a6a8c with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#5a6a8c Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#5a6a8c Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |