Created at 02/22/2023 11:00
#5d98b3 HEX Color Pass Time Blue information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#5d98b3 | RGB(93, 152, 179) |
RGB values are RGB(93, 152, 179)
#5d98b3 color contain Red 36.47%, Green 59.61% and Blue 70.2%.
Color Names of #5d98b3 HEX code
Pass Time Blue Color
Alternative colors of Pass Time Blue #5d98b3
Opposite Color for Pass Time Blue is #b2775c
#5d98b3 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #5d98b3 Pass Time Blue
hsl(199, 36%, 53%)
hsla(199, 36%, 53%, 1)
RGB(93, 152, 179)
RGBA(93, 152, 179, 1)
Palettes for #5d98b3 color Pass Time Blue:
Below examples of color palettes for #5d98b3 HEX color
darkest color is #090f12 from shades and lightest color is #eff5f7 from tints
Shades palette of #5d98b3:
Tints palette of #5d98b3:
Complementary palette of #5d98b3:
Triadic palette of #5d98b3:
Square palette of #5d98b3:
Analogous palette of #5d98b3:
Split-Complementary palette of #5d98b3:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #5d98b3:
Suggested colors palettes for #5d98b3 HEX:
Colors palette with color #5d98b3 #1:
Colors palette with color #5d98b3 #2:
Colors palette with color #5d98b3 #3:
Colors palette with color #5d98b3 #4:
Colors palette with color #5d98b3 #5:
Color Pass Time Blue #5d98b3 used in palettes (50)
Be Daring, Melon Green, Pass Time Blue, World Peace, Flesh Fly, Grey Shingle, Peach A La Mode, Sprout Green palette Lemon Essence, Beach Bag, Pass Time Blue, Babiana, Limo-Scene, Fortress, Temperate Taupe, E. Honda Beige, Sapphire Light Yellow, P Wet Sandstone, Pioneer Village, Pass Time Blue, Butterfly Blue, Amourette Eternelle palette Pass Time Blue, Purple Statement palette Bugman's Glow, Mythical Orange, Dwarven Flesh, Poisonous Potion, Pass Time Blue, Licorice, Soft Matte, Light Salome palette Red Pegasus, Cloudburst, Mushroom Forest, Vintage Gold, Chilean Fire, Yule Tree, Onsen, Pass Time Blue, Noble Black, Skilandis, Kn Steel Teal, Pass Time Blue palette Pyramid Gold, Sun Shower, Mallorca Blue, Pass Time Blue, Silverado, Chinese Tea Green, Timeless Lilac, Below Zero, Olive Martini p Yellow Sumac, Banana Puree, Pass Time Blue, Birthstone, Pomegranate Tea, The Ego Has Landed, Birōdo Green, Thredbo, Pond Blue, La- 100 Mph, Rosedust, Bollywood, La Terra, Nasty Green, Matcha Picchu, Nuclear Waste, Pass Time Blue, Surf'n'dive, Rampant Rhubarb, V Cinnamon Crunch, Andouille, Jīn Zōng Gold, Corrosion Green, Pass Time Blue, Great Serpent, Homeworld, Dresden Blue, Sycamore Tree, Indiscreet, Aurora, Half Baked, Purple Ode, Pass Time Blue, Liberty, Watermelon Juice, Wild Thing, Watchet, Natural Green, Silverb Left on Red, Garden Salt Green, Red Orange Juice, Peachy Salmon, Luscious Leek, Azure Tide, Architecture Blue, Pass Time Blue, Sea Christmas Red, Axinite, Saddlebag, Café Au Lait, Aerobic Fix, Reptilian Green, Pass Time Blue, Minted Blue, Jellybean Pink, Gamebo Rio Rust, Raw Copper, Spruced Up, Salsify Grass, Pass Time Blue, Princess Blue, Beets, Felicia, Smoky Pink, Spruce Stone, Elizabet Deep Tan, Brick Hearth, Generic Viridian, Pass Time Blue, Bittersweet Shimmer palette Gold Tweed, Warm Olive, Weapon Bronze, Carmine Pink, Rusted Lock, Huáng Sè Yellow, Pass Time Blue, Ripe Plum, Pine Scent palette Cocoa Shell, True Copper, Chinese Dragon, Lionhead, Golden Banner, Green Field, Pass Time Blue, Nottingham Forest, Nana, Community Granite, Honey Garlic Beef, Cattail Red, Royal Marquis, Pass Time Blue, Lagoon Rock, Thick Blue, Titmouse Grey, Arts & Crafts Gold Silver Maple Green, Secret Cove, Pass Time Blue, Coastal Surf, Play Time, Aged Plastic Casing, Pipe Clay, Airflow, Coastal Fog pal Beef Hotpot, Canton, Pass Time Blue, Aztec Warrior, Bliss Blue palette Rock'n Oak, Pastel Brown, Pasadena Rose, Woodgrain, Greenway palette Subway, Baikō Brown, Saffron Robe, Pass Time Blue, Green Velvet, Fretwire, Zero Degrees, String Ball palette Cranberry Red, Donegal Tweed, Sago Garden, Seductive Thorns, Pass Time Blue, Vivid Cerulean, Pale Bamboo, Tahuna Sands, Restful Re Tahini Brown, Reseda Green, Corrosive Green, Taiga, Pass Time Blue, Maldives, Baton Rouge, Wood Charcoal, Ocean Eyes, Skin Tone, C Milano Red, Anchovy, Habanero Gold, Beautiful Darkness, Faded Denim, Star Spangled, Pass Time Blue, Hemp Rope, Ash Grove, Sonora A Red Contrast, Rapeseed Oil, Peony Pink, Jubilation, Potato Chip, Pass Time Blue, Blue Fire, Dahlia Mauve, Abaddon Black, Midnight Sable Brown, Artisan Crafts, Fallen Leaves, Smoldering Copper, Sweet Honey, Purple Daze, Pass Time Blue, Unimaginable, Kangaroo Po Jelly Slug, Manz, Pass Time Blue, Sail Away, Fairy Wren, Purple Urn Orchid, Noble Plum, Revolver, Cool Ashes, Grey Area, Warm Gran Burnt Umber, Mud Ball, Wood Garlic, Slightly Golden, Minion Yellow, Green Envy, Island Aqua, Loch Ness, Pass Time Blue, Faraway Sk Chi-Gong, Pass Time Blue, Espresso Beans, Night Mauve, Cedar Green, Sterling Blue, Thistle Green, Simply Violet, Zebra Finch, Fros Moroccan Spice, Yuzu Marmalade, Young Green Onion, Greenella, Fervent Green, Pass Time Blue, Blue Oasis palette Dry Hemlock, Aegean Green, Royal Palm, Pass Time Blue, Royal Curtsy palette Peppergrass, Tree Palm, Deep Indigo, Onion Skin Blue, Pass Time Blue, Mermaid's Tail palette Soft Fawn, Pass Time Blue, Sumi Ink palette Poisonous Dart, Pass Time Blue, Jubilee Grey, Blue Plaza, Macragge Blue, Shade of Bone Marrow palette Pass Time Blue, Sea Hunter, Iron Blue, Explorer Khaki palette Pastel Brown, Walnut Shell, Traffic Light Green, Pass Time Blue, Realm of the Underworld palette Titian Red, Pass Time Blue, Debian Red, Blue Shade Wash, Digital, Rhapsody palette Driftwood, Pass Time Blue, Rainy Mood, Meissen Blue, Matt Black, Green Hills, Foxhall Green, Clinical Soft Blue palette Number #284 Serpent, First Lady, Shu Red, Bee Yellow, Moss Green, Pass Time Blue palette Pass Time Blue, Extravehicular Activity, Sherpa Blue, Jordy Blue, Sandpaper palette Chili Oil, Golden Ochre, Question Mark Block, Estragon, Pass Time Blue, Sojourn Blue, Grated Beet palette Bugman's Glow, Pass Time Blue, Pink Parakeet, Juicy Details, Eleanor Ann palette Tupelo Honey, Neon Yellow, Pressing my Luck, Longmeadow, Pass Time Blue, Sailfish, Skylla, Full City Roast palette Incubation Red, Xmas Candy, Stonegate, Snappy Happy, Green Cyan, Pass Time Blue, Water Blue palette Magic Malt, Sauvignon Blanc, Pass Time Blue, Forget-Me-Not Blue, Dark Fig Violet palette Red Mulled Wine, Pass Time Blue, Scampi, Grey Carmine, Purplish Red palette Pass Time Blue, London Rain, Wild Geranium, Medium Scarlet, Tuatara, Showcase Blue, White Wisp, Lemon Sugar palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #5d98b3 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#5d98b3 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#5d98b3 Contrast Ratio
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