Created at 02/21/2023 10:14

#6994cf HEX Color Bashful Blue information

#6994cf RGB(105, 148, 207)

RGB values are RGB(105, 148, 207)
#6994cf color contain Red 41.18%, Green 58.04% and Blue 81.18%.

Color Names of #6994cf HEX code

Bashful Blue Color

Classification of #6994cf color

#6994cf is Light and Cool Color

Alternative colors of Bashful Blue #6994cf

Opposite Color for Bashful Blue is #cfa468

#6994cf Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #6994cf Bashful Blue

hsl(215, 52%, 61%)
hsla(215, 52%, 61%, 1)
RGB(105, 148, 207)
RGBA(105, 148, 207, 1)

Palettes for #6994cf color Bashful Blue:

Below examples of color palettes for #6994cf HEX color

darkest color is #0a0f15 from shades and lightest color is #f0f4fa from tints

Shades palette of #6994cf:
Tints palette of #6994cf:
Complementary palette of #6994cf:
Triadic palette of #6994cf:
Square palette of #6994cf:
Analogous palette of #6994cf:
Split-Complementary palette of #6994cf:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #6994cf:

Color Bashful Blue #6994cf used in palettes (49)

Bashful Blue Bashful Blue Tints Samba, Ridgecrest, Red Brick, Maize, Bashful Blue, Deep Turquoise, Atlantic Mystique, Kingfisher Blue, Minuet Rose, Dard Hunter Gr Bashful Blue shades Biopunk, Bashful Blue, Chain Mail, Creek Bend palette Mac N Cheese, Lethal Lime, Bashful Blue, Handmade Linen palette Bashful Blue, Promised Amethyst, Tutti Frutti, Savannah Moss, Cachet Cream, Bare Beige, Celtic Linen palette Orange Caramel, Bashful Blue, Pitch-Black Forests, Basic Khaki, Lemon Souffle, Ski White palette Bashful Blue, Gorgeous Green, Pear Cactus, Sky High, Potpourri palette Bashful Blue, Blue With A Hint Of Purple, Cafe Royale, Evening Dove, Lemon Whip palette Gold Vein, Sugar Honey Cashew, Hipster Salmon, Bashful Blue, Hooloovoo Blue, Fuchsia Rose, Dell, Marble Green-Grey, Beach House, C Bashful Blue, Ducati, Navy Blazer, Baize, Majestic, Exclusively, Aurora Pink palette Whiskey Sour, Banana Farm, Epsom, Bashful Blue palette Exotic Palm, Bashful Blue, Periwinkle, Hyacinth Tint palette Lucky, Golden Apples, Ornamental Turquoise, Bashful Blue, Strong Sage, Blue Limewash, Cargo Pants, Natural Grey palette Edgy Red, Torch Red, Amour, Bashful Blue, Soulmate, Blood Burst, Secluded Woods, Plumberry, Safari Vest, Analytical Grey, White Fl Eat Your Peas, Verdigris Roundhead, Synthetic Spearmint, Cape Lee, Bashful Blue, Dahlia Matte Red, Spinel Stone Black, Meteorite, MVS Red, Ōtan Red, Salmon Sashimi, Temple Guard Blue, Blue Metal, Bashful Blue, Windsor Wine, Strawberry Shortcake, Golden Fleece, Granite Green, Sea Pink, Bashful Blue, Wild Mulberry, Fawn Brindle, Prize Winning Orchid palette Potter's Pink, Arrow Rock, Sweet Curry, Yellow Cattleya, Ocean View, Adventure Isle, Bashful Blue, Capri Breeze, Exotic Flowers, A Heidelberg Red, Creamy Caramel, Apricot Orange, Salvia Divinorum, Bashful Blue, Explosive Purple, Nordic, Pickled Beet, Pavlova, S Fossil Green, Drops of Honey, Margarine, Fluorite Green, Victorian Greenhouse, Bashful Blue, Tiān Lán Sky, Black Glaze, Baltic Pri Red Prairie, Ginshu, Rust Brown, Urban Exploration, Kurumizome Brown, Orange Juice, Bold Avocado, Bashful Blue, Fioletowy Purple, Chocolate Fondue, Chinchilla, October Leaves, Paprika Kisses, Bashful Blue, Rugged Brown, Bird's Nest, Pollen Grains palette Bashful Blue, Treasured Wilderness, Rhinox Hide, Fire Roasted palette Cantankerous Coyote, Bilious Brown, Finch, Himalaya Sky, Bashful Blue, Raw Garnet Viola, Dragon's Fire, Zucchini Cream, Damsel, Ca Terra Cotta Urn, Slick Mud, Unforgettably Gold, Charming Peach, Hotter Butter, Tomato Frog, Maximum Green Yellow, Bashful Blue, Sp Census, Bayou, Nile Stone, Twilight, Bashful Blue, Baby Shoes, Purple Hedonist, Chopped Chive, Siskin Green, Revenant Brown palett Center Ridge, Wet Adobe, Youthful Coral, Arnica Yellow, Bashful Blue, Horizon Blue, Fern Gully, Petal Purple, Chocolate Praline pa In the Red, Fish Boy, Bashful Blue, Katy Berry, Ghost Town, Otto Ice, Fennel Bulb, Icelandic palette Bashful Blue, Diva Rouge, Touch of Grey palette Yellow Warning, American Green, Bashful Blue, Beryl Red, Dreamless Sleep, CO₂, Rose Fantasy palette Atlas Red, Azul Turquesa, Bashful Blue, Chocolate Cupcake, Mostly Metal, Spice Garden palette Magic Malt, Gilded Leaves, Great Coat Grey, Saga Blue, Bashful Blue, Sapphire Lace, Meadow Violet palette Laura Potato, Tavern Creek, Bashful Blue, Catwalk, Hush Puppy, Toasty Grey, Fountain Frolic palette Sunshine Yellow, Succulent, Bashful Blue palette Brick Dust, Mountain Flower Mauve palette Let It Ring, Saffron Strands, Bashful Blue, Island Lush, Iroko, Cab Sav palette Salmon Eggs, Bashful Blue, Qing Dynasty Dragon, Altar of Heaven, Man Friday, Tricycle Taupe palette Coral Burst, Asparagus Cream, Bashful Blue, Deco Rose, Long-Haul Flight palette Spicy Orange, Clarified Orange palette Transfusion, November, Bashful Blue, Techno Blue, There Is Light, Quicksilver, Ultimate Grey, Yerba Mate palette Surgical Green, Bashful Blue, Sea Mariner palette Number #711 Secluded Green, Olive Niçoise, Bashful Blue, Adamantine Blue palette Eclectic Plum, Cornucopia, Bashful Blue, Indigo Hamlet palette Practice Green, Majestic Mountain, Bashful Blue, Peach Blush palette Methadone, Silver Tree, Bay Wharf, Bashful Blue, Cosmic Quest palette Roxy Brown, Bee Yellow, Moss Beach, Bashful Blue, Vicious Violet, Passionate Blueberry, Clinker Red, Amethyst Grey palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #6994cf with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Bashful Blue #6994cf color png