Created at 02/23/2023 02:31
#6a2e2a HEX Color Fired Brick information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#6a2e2a | RGB(106, 46, 42) |
RGB values are RGB(106, 46, 42)
#6a2e2a color contain Red 41.57%, Green 18.04% and Blue 16.47%.
Color Names of #6a2e2a HEX code
Fired Brick Color
Alternative colors of Fired Brick #6a2e2a
Opposite Color for Fired Brick is #2a666a
#6a2e2a Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #6a2e2a Fired Brick
hsl(4, 43%, 29%)
hsla(4, 43%, 29%, 1)
RGB(106, 46, 42)
RGBA(106, 46, 42, 1)
Palettes for #6a2e2a color Fired Brick:
Below examples of color palettes for #6a2e2a HEX color
darkest color is #0b0504 from shades and lightest color is #f0eaea from tints
Shades palette of #6a2e2a:
Tints palette of #6a2e2a:
Complementary palette of #6a2e2a:
Triadic palette of #6a2e2a:
Square palette of #6a2e2a:
Analogous palette of #6a2e2a:
Split-Complementary palette of #6a2e2a:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #6a2e2a:
Suggested colors palettes for #6a2e2a HEX:
Color Fired Brick #6a2e2a used in palettes (50)
Fired Brick Garden Gnome Red, Quiet Bay, UP Forest Green, Fired Brick palette Cleo's Bath, Fired Brick, Dave's Den, Peach Patch, Shell palette Cantankerous Coyote, Henna Shade, Finest Blush, Serape, Flash of Orange, Smashing Pumpkins, Yellow-Green Grosbeak, Moss Beach, Shu Carriage Stone, Fatty Fuchsia, Fired Brick palette Lightsaber Blue, Woodrush, Fired Brick, Pasta Rasta, Premium Pink palette Autumn Russet, Toki Brown, Nutria, Balsam Pear, Orange Juice, Tartrazine, Meadow Green, Winter Could Grey, Shrinking Violet, The O Curio Brown, Roseland, Dancing Crocodiles, Fired Brick, Grey Clouds, Arbor Vitae, Thatched Cottage, Mintie palette Fired Brick, Little Boy Blu, Sheer Pink palette Fired Brick, Silver Service palette Homestead Red, Woven Basket, Spinach Soup, Vibrant Blue, Cetacean Blue, Fired Brick, Pinebrook, Kangaroo Fur palette More Maple, Scallion, Craftsman Blue, Vintage Red, Fired Brick, Dainty Lace, Star Dust palette Fired Brick, Dusty Coral palette Cappuccino Bombe, Horn of Plenty, Cider Mill, Nugget, Fired Brick, Suede Indigo, Toasted Wheat palette Saddle Up, Eternal Summer, Light Birch Green, Mermaid Harbor, Purple Hyacinth, Geranium, Fired Brick, Rubine, Office Grey, Renegad Qahvei Brown, Dirty Orange, Sparrow’s Fire, Cathode Green, Bright Teal, Capri, Fired Brick, Stinging Nettle, Best Bronze, Teton Bl Hurricane, Stetson, Airbrushed Copper, Dirt Track, Pendula Garden, Marble Red, Mellow Melon, Fired Brick, Viaduct, Portofino, Azul Permanent Geranium Lake, Mossy, Honey Graham, Autumn's Hill, Bonfire Flame, Egg Toast, Banana Propaganda, Café de Paris, Velvet Ro Gaharā Lāl, Prairie Grove, Chandra Cream, Energos, Fired Brick, Oslo Blue palette Terra Cotta Clay, Falcon Wing, Fired Brick, Sweet Angelica palette Zamesi Desert, Prometheus Orange, Backwater, Dry Rose, Fired Brick, Deep Walnut, Scotland Road, Azuremyst Isle, Havana Blue, Tea T Majorca Green, Apple II Green, Bakos Blue, Fired Brick, Sepia Tone, Purple Vision, Seaport Steam, Natural Grey, Lower Linen, Heave Methadone, Mana, Bergamot Orange, Hit Pink, Orange Hibiscus, Citron, Pot Black, Fired Brick, Deepest Sea, Green Trellis, Violet Po Hearty Orange, Kelley Green, Fired Brick, Sailor Boy palette Boho, Pickled Grape Leaves, Colony, Before the Storm, Hokkaido Lavender, Fired Brick, Grapeshot, Lover's Tryst, Old Celadon palett Archivist, Cocoa Cupcake, Green Fig, Spiced Rum, Kuchinashi Yellow, Ballyhoo, Leafy Canopy, Copper Turquoise, Ultramarine, Passion Thunderbird, Fifth Olive-Nue, Rudraksha Beads, Hot and Spicy, Rum Punch, Fluorite Green, Winter Storm, Night Thistle, Daphne, Brig Mocha Wisp, Picador, Bilious Brown, Stormy Ridge, Earthy Khaki Green, Fired Brick, Sleepy Owlet, Violet Dawn, Greek Garden, Playfu Shēn Chéng Orange, Burnished Caramel, Consumed by Fire, Saffron Mango, Rookwood Blue Green, Batman, Bohemian Blue, Fired Brick, Ni Organic, Spiced Carrot, My Pink, Pine Brook, Viennese Blue, Dahlia Purple, Akebi Purple, Begonia Rose, Fired Brick, Port Gore, Vin Red Candle, Spruce Woods, Citrus Blast, Dry Clay, Tropic Tide, Fuchsia Flash, Trefoil, Fired Brick, Brandy Brown, Sugar Pie, Grey Kombucha, Midsummer Gold, Endless Summer, Apple Jack, Purple Haze, Old Prune, Butterfly Green, Fired Brick, Purple Trinket, Magica Western Sunrise, Fleur de Sel Caramel, C64 Blue, Fired Brick, Stone Pine, Burnt Olive, Brevity Brown, Ruins of Metal, Coastal Frin Muddy Waters, Majestic Jungle, Pickled Pink, Sweet Watermelon, Noble Black, Fired Brick, Folklore, Royal Lines, Rumors, Jasper Sto Grey Tote, Ermine, Luscious Leek, Sea Life, Hanuman Green, Whimsical Blue, Scotch Thistle, Fired Brick, Space Black, Glossy Olive, River Rocks, Brandy Rose, Cinnamon Spice, Maximum Yellow, Lochinvar, Blue Azure, Fired Brick, Weaver's Spool, Blanched Driftwood, Compass, Khmer Curry, Blacksmith Fire, Zeus Purple, Fired Brick, Admiralty, Big Surf, Balmy Seas, Brig O'Doon, Pale Parsnip palett Alley Cat, Windy Seas, Night Wizard, Blood Brother, Machine Gun Metal, Fired Brick, Olive Bark, Sweet Pink, Pink Linen, Palomino M Emu, Butter Nut, Hillsbrad Grass, Lost Atlantis, Steel Light Blue, Real Mccoy, Amethyst, Plum Swirl, Shiny Rubber, Kimono Grey, Fi Hot Cacao, Phaser Beam, Cave Lake, Natural Instinct Green, Midnight Moss, Fired Brick, City Roast, Guitar, Morning's Egg, Winter B Mauve Taupe, Ending Navy Blue, Fired Brick, Peanut, Tower Tan, Chic Grey palette Méi Gūi Hóng Red, Chamois Yellow, Turquoise Panic, Calypso Blue, Fired Brick palette Copper Cove, Fired Brick, Wind Weaver palette daga88life Azshara Vein, Red Prayer Flag, Exotic Honey, Fired Brick palette Kashmir, Stomy Shower, Fat Tuesday, Fired Brick palette Caramel Coating, Jadestone, Wild Pansy, Blue, Fashion Fuchsia, Fired Brick palette Fired Brick, Thunder, Charming Cherry palette Calypso, Electric Ultramarine, Crumbly Lipstick, Wet Latex, Fired Brick, Birdhouse Brown palette Red Pigment, Hubert's Truck Green, Fired Brick, Indulgent, Herbalist, Evening Pink, Apparition palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #6a2e2a with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#6a2e2a Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#6a2e2a Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |