Created at 02/26/2023 23:17

#72c8b8 HEX Color Shockwave information

#72c8b8 RGB(114, 200, 184)

RGB values are RGB(114, 200, 184)
#72c8b8 color contain Red 44.71%, Green 78.43% and Blue 72.16%.

Color Names of #72c8b8 HEX code

Shockwave Color

Classification of #72c8b8 color

#72c8b8 is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Shockwave is #c97383

#72c8b8 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #72c8b8 Shockwave

hsl(169, 44%, 62%)
hsla(169, 44%, 62%, 1)
RGB(114, 200, 184)
RGBA(114, 200, 184, 1)

Palettes for #72c8b8 color Shockwave:

Below examples of color palettes for #72c8b8 HEX color

darkest color is #0b1412 from shades and lightest color is #f1faf8 from tints

Shades palette of #72c8b8:
Tints palette of #72c8b8:
Complementary palette of #72c8b8:
Triadic palette of #72c8b8:
Square palette of #72c8b8:
Analogous palette of #72c8b8:
Split-Complementary palette of #72c8b8:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #72c8b8:

Color Shockwave #72c8b8 used in palettes (50)

Aqua, Marine Teal, Shockwave, Meadow Glen palette Bright Sun, Trumpet Teal, New Steel, Chicago, Shockwave, Quantum Effect, Shrimp Boat, Supreme Green palette Fuchsia Red, Shockwave, Kislev Flesh palette Shockwave, Raspberry Ice palette Shockwave Copper-Metal Red, Summer in the City, Sour Green, Spartacus, Soft Bromeliad, Brown Derby, Shockwave palette Fresh Sawdust, Yellow Tulip, Used Oil, Shockwave palette Sweet Sparrow, Oxide, Calliste Green, Icy Life, Shockwave palette Bockwurst, Pacific Bridge, Pickled Beet, Shockwave palette Plover Grey, Fire Lord, Koi, Overgrown Trellis, Moody Blues, Raspberry Whip, Satsuma Imo Red, Shockwave, Raspberry Smoothie, Coral Rose Hip, Aegean Sky, Mantis, Eyeshadow Turquoise, Cascade Tour, Used Oil, Metallic Bronze, Shockwave, Croissant, Pinch Me, Sunpor Burning Trail, Turtle Lake, Ironside, Sultry Smoke, Gardener Green, Shockwave, It's Your Mauve, Desert Cover, Alley palette Local Curry, Crop Circle, Blue Turquoise, Castaway, Peacock Feather, Claret, Chrysocolla Medium Green, Tardis Blue, Green Hills, O Sludge, Delightful Green, Victorian Rose, Young Purple, Scarlet Flame, Elephant Ear, Shockwave, Violet Ice, Young At Heart, Purple Tank Grey, Bitter Orange, Savoy, Emu Egg, American River, Stormy Sea, Purple Emperor, Mid-century Gem, Shockwave, Pallid Blue, Nov Marmalade Glaze, Cedar Forest, Hibiscus Leaf, Kentucky Bluegrass, Garden Aroma, Viola Black, Espresso Bar, Classic Grey, Shockwave Vivid Auburn, Crocodile, Russet Red, Burnt Toffee, Caduceus Staff, Tanned Leather, Candy Corn, Cavolo Nero, Orchid Grey, Shockwave Pyrite Gold, Red Lightning, Drippy Honey, Orangealicious, Pumpkin Cat, Dorn Yellow, Iridescent Red, Vanilla Bean Brown, Lustrian U Shadow Cliff, Woven Basket, Wild Seaweed, Shutter Grey, Vallarta Blue, Haddock's Sweater, Geisha Pink, Dark Mahogany, Brandy Brown Cherry Shine, Harley Davidson Orange, Canvas, Necrotic Flesh, Stairway to Heaven, Turquoise Fantasies, Kimono Violet, Metal Constr Campfire Blaze, Applegate, Census, Green Elliott, Italiano Rose, Pink Red, Chocolate Castle, Atlantic Depths, Shockwave, French Ma Blanket Brown, Brown Rabbit, Tropic Tide, Iris Orchid, Copra, Red Wine Vinegar, Tosca, Shockwave, Blue Cuddle, Light Sage, Pantomi Madrileño Maroon, Sage Green, Llama Wool, Bread Crust, Colorado Bronze, Cheese, Loud Green, Stowaway, Dolphin Blue, Shockwave, Cei New Green, Tangerine Bliss, Tiger Cub, Salem, Hidden Forest, Storm Break, Shockwave, Aqua Sky, Pismo Dunes, Natural Tan, Strawberr Persian Red, Wooden Nutmeg, Prairie Clay, Desert Night, Emotive Ring, Castellan Green, Deep Loch, Shockwave, Dark Souls, Rampart, Mars Red, Imagine, Sharp Lime, Curry Bubbles, Forest Green, Ravenclaw, Carafe, Shockwave, Dijon Mustard, Pewter Patter, Nadia, Swe Cantankerous Hippo, Blue Odyssey, Muted Berry, Raspberry Fool, Avagddu Green, Dark River, Taj, Dramatist, Livingston, Shockwave, M Pine Leaves, Mt Burleigh, Innocent Pink, Greenblack, Dark Dreams, Purple Odyssey, Grand Grape, Dusty Heather, Shockwave, Historic Robinhood, Lime Time, Ink Blotch, Shaded Spruce, Shockwave, Kamut, Illusion palette Prickly Pear, Butterum, Delicious Mandarin, Casandora Yellow, Rose Red, Garden Path, Pa Red, Winter Oak, Jasper Park, Shockwave, T Blue Zephyr, Baja Blue, Abysse, Shockwave palette Smokin Hot, Holland Tulip, Hawk’s Eye, Shockwave, Fresh Wood Ashes palette Bird Blue, Apple Butter, Spring Onion, Shockwave, Diamonds In The Sky palette Supernatural Saffron, Agave Plant, Sapphire Lace, Spinnaker Blue, Nightly Woods, Peppercorn, Shockwave, Touch Of Green palette Potter Green, Gossamer, Níu Zǎi Sè Denim, Matt Black, November Storms, Atmospheric, Shockwave, Silver Dust palette Lauriston Stone, Skylla, Shockwave, Squid Pink palette Sugar Coated Almond, Charter Blue, Overgrown Temple, Midnight Dream, Spirulina, Shockwave, Vacherin Cheese, Doeskin palette Pale Green Grey, Hickory Plank, Shockwave palette Skrag Brown, Mimosa Yellow, Green Grapple, Green Teal, Cannon Barrel, Infinite Deep Sea, Shockwave, Silk Lilac palette Zandri Dust, University of California Gold, Shockwave, Orchid Smoke palette Burlwood, Butterscotch, Onsen, Deep Maroon palette Burning Orange, Shockwave, Perrywinkle, Lavender Cream palette Fire Hydrant, Wooden Swing, Acid Reflux, Shockwave palette Zany Pink, Shockwave palette Maximum Red, French Beige, Crisps, Burning Coals, Falcon Turquoise, Ultramarine, Derbyshire, Shockwave, Lush Mauve, Blonde Wool, G Cajun Red, Golden Fizz, San Francisco Mauve, Siren, Shockwave palette Venetian Red, Bold Brandy, French Pale Gold, Kinlock, Amethyst Orchid, Shockwave, Golden Rice, Sakura Mochi palette Fallen Rock, Mandarin, Intermezzo, Espalier, Deep Royal, Grauzone, Shockwave, Colonial Revival Grey palette Weathered Fossil, Shadows, Holbein Blue Grey, Shockwave, Shining Knight palette Allura Red, King Triton, Warpfiend Grey, Tulip Poplar Purple, Slugger, Le Max, Shockwave, Brookview palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #72c8b8 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Shockwave #72c8b8 color png