Created at 02/23/2023 23:45
#766d52 HEX Color Peat information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#766d52 | RGB(118, 109, 82) |
RGB values are RGB(118, 109, 82)
#766d52 color contain Red 46.27%, Green 42.75% and Blue 32.16%.
Color Names of #766d52 HEX code
Peat Color
Alternative colors of Peat #766d52
Opposite Color for Peat is #525a75
#766d52 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #766d52 Peat
hsl(45, 18%, 39%)
hsla(45, 18%, 39%, 1)
RGB(118, 109, 82)
RGBA(118, 109, 82, 1)
Palettes for #766d52 color Peat:
Below examples of color palettes for #766d52 HEX color
darkest color is #0c0b08 from shades and lightest color is #f1f0ee from tints
Shades palette of #766d52:
Tints palette of #766d52:
Complementary palette of #766d52:
Triadic palette of #766d52:
Square palette of #766d52:
Analogous palette of #766d52:
Split-Complementary palette of #766d52:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #766d52:
Color Peat #766d52 used in palettes (50)
Shades of Peat color #766D52 hex Tints of Peat color #766D52 hex Peat Peat, Aged Eucalyptus, Kali Blue, Tawny Mushroom, Rainee palette Peat, Brick Yellow, Eternity, Peaceful Peach palette Peat, Nurude Brown, Beige Intuition, Cinnamon Sand, Vivid Orange Peel, Sulfur Pit, Fern Canopy, Slime, Forest Fern, Kalish Violet, Peat, Loren Forest palette Peat, Fresco Blue, Space Missions, Glamour, Touch of Sand, Polar Expedition palette Peat, Antique Gold, Sis Kebab, Deadly Yellow, Pea Soup, Emerald Ring, Soft Savvy, Florida's Alligator, Autumn Fall, Zinc Grey, Gre Chi-Gong, Peat, Amber Glass, Statue of Liberty, Darkshore, White Duck, Frozen Civilization palette Peat, Seasoned Acorn, Sphagnales Moss, Balsam Green, Adeline, Airy Green, Moon Drop, Plum's the Word palette Cafe Ole, Shipwreck, Peat, Tin Bitz, Genever Green, Parachute Silk, Fresco palette Dorset Naga, M. Bison, Peat, Golden Bell, Chive Blossom, Light Pastel Green palette Peat, Iced Watermelon, Faint Clover, Oat Milk, Sand Castle palette Peat, Campanula Purple, Sea Bed, Venus Teal, Orient Mosaic Green, Pale Daffodil palette Chi-Gong, Dark Red, Peat, Elm, Catfish, Zia Olive, Midori, Tea Chest, Garnet, Cone Green Blue, Rose Colored, Waddles Pink, Banana Peat, Terra Tone, Ruddy Brown, Sumire Violet, Smudged Lips, Cruel Jewel, Tàn Hēi Soot, Tree Bark Green, New Kenyan Copper, Shallot Peat, Vesuvius, Fresh Acorn, Royal Oranje, Intense Brown, Fiji, Blueberry, Funnel Cloud, Ancient Prunus, Pear Cactus, Mirror Mirro Bannister Brown, Peat, Yellow Bell Pepper, Blue Aster, Kona, Hellion Green, Butterscotch Cake, Tudor Ice, Prudence, Ocean Front, K Peat, Fudge Bar, Escapade Gold, Carmel, Abyssal Waters, Kolibri Blue, Salty Dog, Monarch Velvet, Linseed, Green Shimmer, Spring Hi Peat, Lava Lamp, Fresh Oregano, Gladeye, Shinbashi Azure, Bohemian Jazz, Signal Grey palette Peat, Adventurer, Paco, Dallas palette Socialist, So Sublime, Peat, Fresh Croissant, Gameboy Screen, Rokushō Green, Swamp Monster, Blue-Black, Köfte Brown, Storm Warning Peat, Avocado Cream, Katydid, Magnetic Magic, Marker Blue, Divine, Banished Brown, Sugar Coral, Chrysocolla Dark Green, Royal Curt Peat, Green Ochre, Autumn Hills, Terrace Teal, Bridle Path, Sierra Madre, Torchlight palette Peat, South Rim Trail, Yellow Shout, Watercress Spice, Modest Mauve, Baby Shoes, Poseidon's Territory, Fuchsia Flock, Fairfax Brow Ancient Red, Peat, Weathered Wicker, New Cork, Imperial Yellow, Bluesy Note, Navy Black, Blue To You, Plushy Pink, Dust Storm pale Ruskie, Peat, Persian Gold, Falling Leaves, Arnica, Orange Juice, Sweet Juliet, Blueberry Mist palette Peat, Cabana Melon, Temple of Orange, Tijolo, Tennis Ball, Deep Indigo palette Peat, Mud Ball, Old Trail, Dover Straits, Gemstone Blue, Oxford Brown, Peppercorn Red, Grilled, Sycamore Tree, Limestone Green, Ai Peat, Zephyr Green, Warm Spring, Regality, Powerful Mauve, Lump of Coal, Pimento Grain Brown, Lunar Base, Sophistication, Lemon De Settlement, Peat, Copper River, Mid Green, Sea Wonder, Pixie Powder, Plum Preserve, Amaranth Deep Purple, Grey of Darkness, Vesper Peat, Heavy Goldbrown, Apricot Brandy, Faded Sunlight, Submarine Base, Blueberry Pie, Chrome White, Whipped Mint palette Peat, Warm Cider, Grape Purple, Fresh Pine, Bangalore, Apple Pie, Goose Bill palette Peat, O'grady Green, Quantum of Light, Lacrosse palette Peat, Flare, Eclipse Blue, Big Dipper palette Peat, Temple Tile, Muted Pink, Horse Liver palette Peat, Sundial, Fioletowy Purple, Only Natural, Light Eggshell Pink, Mint Gloss palette Peat, Kobra Khan, Blue Intrigue, Brown Velvet, Vintage Velvet palette Peat, Hacienda, Deep Blue, Frosted Fern, Crumbling Statue palette Peat, Elmwood palette Peat, Cayman Bay, Palatinate Purple, Zinfandel Red, Hopeful Dream, Rosy Tan, Mint Circle, Billowy palette Peat, Pastel Strawberry, Azul Caribe, Sorx Red, Fall Mood, French Taupe palette Cherry Tart, Hardware, Peat, Army Golf, Downwell, Crystal Lake, Sydney Harbour, Winter Chime palette Peat, Indian Reed, Green not Found, Plate Mail Metal, Smoke Green, Green Shimmer palette Grey Locks, Peat, Precious Pumpkin, Zard Yellow, North Grey palette Dry Sage, Motto, Peat, Newburyport, Dark Knight, Cold Winter's Morn palette Peat, Cherry Paddle Pop palette Peat, Mayan Ruins, Cherry Cola, KSU Purple palette Weathered Fossil, Peat, Ranch Brown, Bosc Pear palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #766d52 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#766d52 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#766d52 Contrast Ratio
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