Created at 02/20/2023 14:52

#7e6c5f HEX Color Antique Earth information

#7e6c5f RGB(126, 108, 95)

RGB values are RGB(126, 108, 95)
#7e6c5f color contain Red 49.41%, Green 42.35% and Blue 37.25%.

Color Names of #7e6c5f HEX code

Antique Earth Color

Classification of #7e6c5f color

#7e6c5f is Light and Warm Color
Shade of dimgrey
Opposite Color for Antique Earth is #5e707d

#7e6c5f Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #7e6c5f Antique Earth

hsl(25, 14%, 43%)
hsla(25, 14%, 43%, 1)
RGB(126, 108, 95)
RGBA(126, 108, 95, 1)

Palettes for #7e6c5f color Antique Earth:

Below examples of color palettes for #7e6c5f HEX color

darkest color is #0d0b09 from shades and lightest color is #f2f0ef from tints

Shades palette of #7e6c5f:
Tints palette of #7e6c5f:
Complementary palette of #7e6c5f:
Triadic palette of #7e6c5f:
Square palette of #7e6c5f:
Analogous palette of #7e6c5f:
Split-Complementary palette of #7e6c5f:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #7e6c5f:

Suggested colors palettes for #7e6c5f HEX:

Colors palette with color #7e6c5f #1:
Colors palette with color #7e6c5f #2:
Colors palette with color #7e6c5f #3:
Colors palette with color #7e6c5f #4:
Colors palette with color #7e6c5f #5:

Color Antique Earth #7e6c5f used in palettes (47)

Antique Earth Borscht, Red Carpet, Incubation Red, Cave Painting, Antique Earth, Sappanwood Perfume, Electric Brown, Hanuman Green, Active Green Ranch Mink, Antique Earth, Tornado Cloud palette Antique Earth, Siesta Rose, Opulent Orange, Yellow Mask, Wild Axolotl, Elwynn Forest Olive, Rose, Crowberry, Judge Grey, Hellebore Antique Earth, Golden Handshake, Bargeboard Brown, Broken Blue palette Antique Earth, Bonnie's Bench, Bronze Brown, Gold Leaf, Golf Course, Cheerly Kiwi, Hanging Moss, Green Bank, Get Up and Go, Libra Antique Earth, Mellow Rose, Rotunda White, Salt Crystal palette Tank Grey, Antique Earth, Apricot Brown, Clear Weather, Tuscana Blue, Heron, Kala Namak, Deep Dairei Red, Wine Cellar, Voysey Grey Sehnsucht Red, Antique Earth, Pestering Pesto, Rose Gold, Juicy Details, Espresso, Nirvana, It's Your Mauve, Canary Feather, Coast Chili Pepper, Antique Earth, Electric Energy, Purple Sky, Sovereign, Dark Secret palette Antique Earth, Lizard Legs, Wood Thrush, Kinetic Teal, Nickel Ore Green, Queer Purple, Trendy Pink, Explosive Purple, Black Halo, Antique Earth, Butter Base, Wine Barrel, Burning Ultrablue, Hollow Knight, Dark Soul, Tribeca, Treetop palette Red Hot, Antique Earth, Mahogany Finish, American Yellow, Angel's Trumpet, Nature Retreat, Arboretum, Chicha Morada, Tahitian Pear Jules, Antique Earth, Toasted Nut, Caffeinated Cinnamon, Pico Orange, Cleopatra, Carbon, Blue Lava, Fall Heliotrope, Boiling Mud, Antique Earth, Tufted Leather, Peeled Asparagus, Cocktail Green, Monsoon, Equilibrium, Garden Room, Fresh Wood Ashes palette Antique Earth, Tangled Twine, Alpha Gold, Dwarven Bronze, Paprika Kisses, Sultan Gold, Rockpool, Garnet Black Green, Blue Accolade Antique Earth, Rickrack, Peanut Brittle, Lava Lamp, Goldfinch, Dry Hemlock, Hampton Surf, Greyish Blue palette BETVISA Antique Earth, Kombucha, Astorath Red, Vivid Amber, Chromophobia Green, Indonesian Jungle, Blue Iguana, Cod Grey, Red Velvet, Teal Antique Earth, Copper Creek, Indigo Hamlet, Nouveau Rose, Brown Moelleux, Schiava Blue, Black Ice, Little Blue Heron, Shining Armo Hurricane, Antique Earth, Cyan, Daisy Bush, Bora Bora Shore, Soft Sage palette Red Blooded, Star and Crescent Red, Spacious Grey, Antique Earth, Mud-Dell, Duckling, Mauve Mystique, Shikon, Black of Night, Choc Antique Earth, Venetian Gold, Beach Party, Sugar Pine, Fertility Green, Ocean Liner, Tangent Periwinkle, Dark Sanctuary, Indigo Dy Antique Earth, Seaweed Salad, Fossil Green, Aged Antics, Catalina Tile, Simpsons Yellow, Jade Gravel, Tropical Skies, Iron Fixture Antique Earth, Brick Dust, Golden Cadillac, Sesame Crunch, Intoxication, Fresh Green, Aquamentus Green, Mauve Madness, Jealous Jel Antique Earth, Sizzling Hot, Natrolite, Maxi Teal, Black Diamond Apple, Exotic Orchid, Bermuda Onion, Pebble, Retributor Armour Me Revere Greige, Antique Earth, Amphora, Rooster Comb, Exotic Flower, Wiped Out, Radiant Orchid, Infrared Tang, Old Mill, Violet Ind Harlock's Cape, Antique Earth, Golden Apricot, Grey Teal, Key West Zenith, Caramel Ice, Gazebo Grey palette Antique Earth, Election Night, Nile palette Antique Earth, New Forest, East Bay palette Antique Earth, Salmon Carpaccio, Silver Blueberry, Luxurious Red, Powerful Mauve, Mellow Mint palette Bloodmyst Isle, Antique Earth palette Antique Earth, Sassy Green, Hawkbit, Spirit Mountain, Berry Jam, Summer Breeze palette Antique Earth, How Now, Acorn Spice, Capture, Splashy palette Antique Earth, Peas Please, Turkish Stone, Amethyst Purple, Casper palette Complex Grey, Antique Earth, Dusty Canyon, Champagne Grape, Sodalite Blue, Pickled Bean palette Antique Earth, Aqua Velvet, Nordmann Fir, Velvet Black, Serrano Pepper, Alpine Lake Green palette Antique Earth, Café Renversé, Absinthe Green, Limonana, Too Dark Tonight, Rubylicious, Roasted Kona palette Antique Earth, Acorn Spice, Fluorescent Red, Dry Seedlings, Wasabi Green, Alfalfa Bug palette Antique Earth, Zodiac Constellation, Xanthous, Dark Sage, Green Moonstone, Majesty palette Antique Earth, Dried Blood palette Antique Earth, Oregon Trail, Pollination, Rosewood Brown, Wine Stain, Gallery Green palette Kurenai Red, Antique Earth, Howling Coyote, Construction Zone, Amalfitan Azure, Devil's Lip, Meditation, Wabi-Sabi, Mix Or Match, Antique Earth, Marron Canela, Moisty Mire, Lime Cream, Pink Satin, Angélique Grey, Cherish is the Word, Rarified Air palette Antique Earth, Braun, How Now, Pineapple Blossom, Ocean in a Bowl, Granite Peak, Moonstone, Licorice, Bordeaux, Tinted Lilac, Refr Antique Earth, Twisted Tail, Teal, Newbury Moss, Cavern Echo palette Antique Earth, Steamed Salmon, Indian Dance, Yellow Buzzing, Sedona Shadow, Practical Beige palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #7e6c5f with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Antique Earth #7e6c5f color png

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