Created at 02/22/2023 20:07
#7f8384 HEX Color Legendary Sword information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#7f8384 | RGB(127, 131, 132) |
RGB values are RGB(127, 131, 132)
#7f8384 color contain Red 49.8%, Green 51.37% and Blue 51.76%.
Color Names of #7f8384 HEX code
Legendary Sword Color
Alternative colors of Legendary Sword #7f8384
Opposite Color for Legendary Sword is #858180
#7f8384 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #7f8384 Legendary Sword
hsl(192, 2%, 51%)
hsla(192, 2%, 51%, 1)
RGB(127, 131, 132)
RGBA(127, 131, 132, 1)
Palettes for #7f8384 color Legendary Sword:
Below examples of color palettes for #7f8384 HEX color
darkest color is #0d0d0d from shades and lightest color is #f2f3f3 from tints
Shades palette of #7f8384:
Tints palette of #7f8384:
Complementary palette of #7f8384:
Triadic palette of #7f8384:
Square palette of #7f8384:
Analogous palette of #7f8384:
Split-Complementary palette of #7f8384:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #7f8384:
Suggested colors palettes for #7f8384 HEX:
Colors palette with color #7f8384 #1:
Colors palette with color #7f8384 #2:
Colors palette with color #7f8384 #3:
Colors palette with color #7f8384 #4:
Colors palette with color #7f8384 #5:
Color Legendary Sword #7f8384 used in palettes (50)
Silken Ruby, Ragin' Cajun, Painted Poppy, Tory Red, Autumn Red, Kikuchiba Gold, Prairie Green, Legendary Sword, London Road, Epime Roxy Brown, Cool Camel, Pottery Red, Faneuil Brick, Blazing Orange, Leafy, Caicos Turquoise, Legendary Sword, Rainy Lake, Blue Hei Legendary Sword, Crown of Thorns, Good Karma, Tempe Star, Iron Wood, Mountain Lake Blue, Retro Mint palette Incarnadine, Napa Sunset, Brave Orange, Blazing Orange, Pea, Composite Artefact Green, Legendary Sword, Hypnotic, Fresh Take, Vint Beer, Legendary Sword, Acanthus, Spoonful of Sugar palette Bugman's Glow, Legendary Sword, Bright Cobalt palette Midas Finger Gold, Ellis Mist, Tambo Tank, Legendary Sword, Agate Violet, Desert Sandstorm, Ocean Eyes, Strawberry Smoothie, Perma Curry Brown, Free Green, Legendary Sword, Marina, Afterlife, Voltage, Canyon Falls palette Mermaid, Birchy Woods, Exit Light, Legendary Sword, Purple Squid, Heliotrope Magenta, Basque Green, Black Dragon's Cauldron, Chica Light Topaz Ochre, Chōshun Red, Limed Ash, Legendary Sword, Leisure Time, Yuè Guāng Lán Blue, Rose Cheeks, Abyssal Blue, Thunderst Ripe Currant, Cherry Sangria, The Cottage, Hutchins Plaza, Clear Orange, Yellow Warbler, Legendary Sword, Mood Mode, Drunk-Tank Pi Urban Exploration, Royal Flycatcher Crest, Legendary Sword, Smoked Claret, Booty Bay palette Red Candle, Bone Brown, Pheasant Brown, Wattle, Kaltes Klares Wasser, Legendary Sword, Venetian, Grape Nectar, Inviting Ivory pale Molten Lava, Rare Find, Molten Bronze, Legendary Sword, Cadet Blue, Mykonos, Red Light Neon, Pit Stop, Independent Gold, Aniline M Arabian Red, Redolency, Molten Core, Yellow Buzzing, Legendary Sword, Pango Black, Elm Green, Ghostly, Stone Guardians, Tenzing pa Brownish Red, Moss Rose, Legendary Sword, Lavenbrun, Masala Chai, Milk Quartz, Light Pale Tendril palette Red Epiphyllum, Yellow Warning, Snobby Shore, Mogwa-Cheong Yellow, Savoy, De York, Legendary Sword, Magenta Haze, Genetic Code, Dr Willow Grey, Golden Freesia, Mandalay Road, Brazen Orange, Pepperoncini, Legendary Sword, Brussels Sprout Green, Carmen, Goldie Ol Poppy Prose, Prison Jumpsuit, Ghoul, Legendary Sword, Rich Loam, Grey Web, Symmetry, Czech Bakery palette Golden Gate Bridge, Lazy Shell Red, Saveloy, Desert Sage, Bright Teal, Legendary Sword, Award Night, Rose Gold, Irogon Blue palett Thai Hot, Stucco, Kurumizome Brown, Copper Pipe, Brewed Mustard, Golf Green, Legendary Sword, Moon Tide, Clear Plum, Black Rock, L Jericho Jade, Legendary Sword, Cabana Blue, Prominent Blue, Blue Rose, Give Me Your Love, Silverpointe palette Brown Grey, Green Envy, Green Dragon, Legendary Sword, Milky Yellow palette Putty Yellow, Getaway, Las Palmas, Legendary Sword, Hawaii Morning, Krypton, Pastel Pea, Sky Glass, Light Silverton, Jakarta, Cool Cherry Sangria, Subway, Motherland, Redridge Brown, Boston Fern, Legendary Sword, Big Daddy Blue, Raiden Blue, Exquisite, Baby Tal Timeless Copper, Summer Citrus, Quartz Green, Mossy Shining Gold, Chlorella Green, Legendary Sword, Twilight, Celestial Plum, Anci Hot Embers, Legendary Sword, Plum Savor, Aphrodisiac, Natural Watercourse, Matsuba Green, Light Oak, Blue Dam, Pancake, Breath of Seared Earth, Legendary Sword, Silken Peacock, Magenta Affair, Indigo, Anthracite, Favorite Lavender palette Portsmouth Olive, Citronite, Electra, Legendary Sword, Antique Tin, Frost Blue, Indigo Sloth, Aluminum Silver, Gracilis palette Gǎn Lǎn Huáng Olive, Lima, Mint Cold Green, Legendary Sword, Bristol Blue, Flat Blue, Rainbow's Inner Rim, Orchid Ecstasy, Highlan Melted Butter, French Tarragon, Luscious Lime, Legendary Sword palette Legendary Sword, Court Jester, Flamingo Fury, Hydrogen Blue, Blobfish, Bright Laughter palette Legendary Sword, Skysail Blue, Blue Grotto, Deep Purple, Carob Chip, Requisite Grey, Moondance palette Fennel Fiasco, Legendary Sword, Purple Balance, Rainy Sidewalk, Green Darner Tail, Onion White, Apple Custard palette Sun Crete, Legendary Sword, Busty Blue, Chaotic Roses, Shikon, Goldie Oldie, Flax Beige, Vintage Lace palette Biopunk, Legendary Sword, Poppy Pompadour, Sooty palette Legendary Sword, Dishy Coral palette Yellowish, Legendary Sword, Wild Plum palette Armageddon Dunes, Fabulous Frog, Legendary Sword, Mountbatten Pink, Candy Drop, African Sand, Soft Amethyst, Fabulous Fawn palette Pinehurst, Legendary Sword palette Legendary Sword, Sombre Grey, Soft Celery, Raspberry Smoothie palette Philippine Red, Umenezumi Plum, Victorian Crown, Pumpkin Bread, Tropic Canary, Legendary Sword, Uniform Green Grey, Pixieland pale Country Tweed, Curry Sauce, Barnyard Grass, Enthusiasm, Legendary Sword, Vining Ivy, Rusty Tap, Chalcedony Violet, Blue Raspberry KU Crimson, Brownish Purple Red, Gold Orange, Royal Oakleaf, Drably Olive, Legendary Sword, Amazing Amethyst, Trapped Darkness, Wa Vulcan Fire, Chocolate Pudding, Hammered Gold, Legendary Sword, Special Grey, Tōnatiuh Red, Bruno Brown, Brown Coffee, Magnet, Faw Elkhound, Fired Up, Offbeat Green, Soft Tone Ink, Orange Tea Rose, Banana Mash, Sunflower Island, Mosaic Green, Legendary Sword, Z Inness Sage, Cut of Mustard, Montezuma Gold, Ripe Green, Irradiated Green, Legendary Sword, Viola Grey, Eat Your Greens, Roseville Arabian Bake, Lamplit, Shrimp Cocktail, Fresh Squeezed, Tropic Canary, BioShock, Legendary Sword, Quiet Shade, Pelagic, Blue et un Soft Bark, Canyon Stone, Glowing Firelight, Green Apple, Colony, Natural Orchestra, Legendary Sword, Rock Creek, Loyalty, Classy P Blood Red, Mango Squash, Flaming Torch, Pilsener, Wildness Mint, Greedo Green, Legendary Sword, Steel Blue palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #7f8384 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#7f8384 Contrast Ratio
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Small text: |
#7f8384 Contrast Ratio
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