Created at 02/21/2023 10:46

#826d8c HEX Color Grey Purple information

#826d8c RGB(130, 109, 140)

RGB values are RGB(130, 109, 140)
#826d8c color contain Red 50.98%, Green 42.75% and Blue 54.9%.

Color Names of #826d8c HEX code

Grey Purple Color

Classification of #826d8c color

#826d8c is Light and Cool Color
Shade of dimgrey
Opposite Color for Grey Purple is #778c6e

#826d8c Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #826d8c Grey Purple

hsl(281, 12%, 49%)
hsla(281, 12%, 49%, 1)
RGB(130, 109, 140)
RGBA(130, 109, 140, 1)

Palettes for #826d8c color Grey Purple:

Below examples of color palettes for #826d8c HEX color

darkest color is #0d0b0e from shades and lightest color is #f3f0f4 from tints

Shades palette of #826d8c:
Tints palette of #826d8c:
Complementary palette of #826d8c:
Triadic palette of #826d8c:
Square palette of #826d8c:
Analogous palette of #826d8c:
Split-Complementary palette of #826d8c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #826d8c:

Color Grey Purple #826d8c used in palettes (35)

Lauriston Stone, Clay Terrace, Grey Purple, Aquarelle Orange palette Covert Green, Beaver, Rikyūshira Brown, Ashen Brown, Cape Jasmine, Dubuffet Green, Woad Indigo, Navajo Turquoise, Arctic, Pottery Balsam Pear, Banana Peel, Grey Purple, Abyssal Blue palette Piercing Red, Candle Yellow, Sultry Sea, Grey Purple, Circus Red, Oubliette, Touch of Turquoise, Light Dante Peak palette Grey Purple, Bonker Pink palette Animal Blood, Timber Wolf, Exotic Honey, Grey Purple, Arabian Silk, Eine kleine Nachtmusik palette Green Acres, Matcha Picchu, Grey Purple, Shadow Planet, Eshin Grey, St. Patrick's Blue, Blue Anthracite palette Grapefruit, Salvia Divinorum, Grey Purple, Elderberry Black, Bambino, Haggis, Stainless Steel, Filmy Green palette Cardamom Green, Golden Boy, Shamrock, Quiet Night, Grey Purple, Quicksand, Mint Bonbon Green, Sky Watch, Raffia Cream, Coral Atoll Vivaldi Red, Beaver, Spring Marsh, Advertisement Green, Sickly Yellow, Press Agent, Grey Purple, Industrial Black, Suit Blue, Cano Zandri Dust, Grey Purple, Violet Frog, Decanting, Cowbell, Lavender Rose, Ganon Blue, Soap Pink palette Spicy, Chuckles, Angel's Trumpet, Cape Lee, Razee, Gentian Blue, Grey Purple, Dark Mahogany, Peacock Green, Feminin Nightshade, Ta Peach Bloom, Pumpkin Toast, Sea Fern, Picture Book Green, Violet Persuasion, Grey Purple, Purple Zergling, Tank, Wizard Grey, Clou Bloody Salmon, Mughal Green, Grey Purple, Plum Truffle, Delicate Lilac, Grape Mist, Shady, Magic Wand, Salt Steppe, Mystery Mint p Crocodile, Wavy Glass, Yellow Acorn, Autumn Arrival, Yellow Orange, Red Dit, Loud Lime, Jess, Aqua Lake, Grey Purple, Black Walnut Lauriston Stone, Teddy Bear, Caliente, Heavy Ochre, Kingdom Gold, Milvus Milvus Orange, Hawaiian Passion, Waystone Green, Grey Pur Mount Olive, Red Hook, Aegean Sky, Dulce de Leche, Regal Destiny, Jamaican Dream, Grey Purple, Melanite Black Green, Cadmium Green Baklava, Scotland Isle, Straightforward Green, Grey Purple, Exotic Flowers, Cardinal Red, Abyssal Blue, Surya Red, Rodeo Dust pale Olive Haze, Balthasar Gold, Tanned Flesh, Mung Bean, Poster Yellow, Blinking Terminal, Grey Purple, Ultimate Pink, Vanilla Quake, Dwarf Pony, Wheat Beer, Super Leaf Brown, Yáng Chéng Orange, Arizona Tree Frog, Lost Atlantis, Grey Purple, Strong Sage, Pale Will Essential Brown, Gazebo Green, Glorious Green Glitter, Anaheim Pepper, Tempest, Blue Sentinel, Grey Purple palette Adventurer, Grey Purple, Roman Bronze Coin, Winter Feather, Serenity, Foamy Lime palette Partridge, Brown Eyed Girl, Boring Green, Rolling Sea, Grey Purple, Purple Sultan, Caliban Green, Irish Coffee palette Vampire State Building, Retro Avocado, Meetinghouse Blue palette Yellowish, Green Gamora, Grey Purple, Wood Charcoal, Periwinkle Blossom, En Plein Air palette Cricket Chirping, Grey Purple, Magenta Pink, Joyful Tears, Nurturing, Bright Khaki, Baby Chick, Inked Silk palette Eaton Gold, Orangina, Grey Purple, Baal Red Wash, Blueberry Pie, Dried Flower Purple, Vintage Violet palette Derby Green, Grey Purple, Terrace Teal, Lime Lightning, Drover palette Cranberry Tart, Midas Finger Gold, Bnei Brak Bay, Grey Purple, Pink Overflow, Inky Storm, Boudin palette Sly Fox, Burnished Bronze, Beach Ball, Grey Purple, Rangoon Green palette Golden History, Butterscotch, Grey Purple, Sienna Yellow, Lady Banksia palette Philippine Red, Spanish Peanut, Grey Purple, Armadillo, Safflowerish Sky palette Potato Chip, Beaming Blue, Grey Purple, Lifestyle Red palette Pharlap, Hot Embers, Lime Lizard, Booger Buster, Grey Purple, Spruce Tree Flower, Deep Ocean, Desire Pink palette Grey Purple, Wakefield palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #826d8c with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Grey Purple #826d8c color png