Created at 02/21/2023 12:09

#8273fd HEX Color Bainganī information

#8273fd RGB(130, 115, 253)

RGB values are RGB(130, 115, 253)
#8273fd color contain Red 50.98%, Green 45.1% and Blue 99.22%.

Color Names of #8273fd HEX code

Bainganī Color

Classification of #8273fd color

#8273fd is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Bainganī is #edfd72

#8273fd Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #8273fd Bainganī

hsl(247, 97%, 72%)
hsla(247, 97%, 72%, 1)
RGB(130, 115, 253)
RGBA(130, 115, 253, 1)

Palettes for #8273fd color Bainganī:

Below examples of color palettes for #8273fd HEX color

darkest color is #0d0b19 from shades and lightest color is #f3f1ff from tints

Shades palette of #8273fd:
Tints palette of #8273fd:
Complementary palette of #8273fd:
Triadic palette of #8273fd:
Square palette of #8273fd:
Analogous palette of #8273fd:
Split-Complementary palette of #8273fd:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #8273fd:

Color Bainganī #8273fd used in palettes (32)

Medium Candy Apple Red, Amaretto Sour, Baked Salmon, Native Berry, Hot Sand, Colony Blue, Bainganī, Luscious, Rose, Full City Roas Resort Tan, Malted Mint Madness, Bainganī, Juggernaut palette Volcanic Rock, Britches, Homestead, Burning Gold, Corn Harvest, Succulent Lime, Grey Monument, Chain Gang Grey, Bainganī, Space Ca Cameleer, Sea Grass, Rich Pewter, Metallic Blue, Bainganī, Crewel Tan, Lens Flare Blue, Encaje Aperlado palette Brick Brown, Cool Clay, Bainganī, Luna Pier, Tol Barad Green, Celestial Glow palette Steel, Bay's Water, Bainganī, Dark Humor, Blue Dianne, Rocky Creek, Lunar Green, Chocolate Soul palette Topaz Mountain, Nuclear Mango, Blue Bonnet, Bainganī, Ripasso, Surfin', Mellow Sun, Tender Limerence palette Brownie, Bright Lime Green, Bainganī palette Amazon Queen, Trump Tan, Revival, Jade Jewel, Bainganī, Forestwood, Persian Violet, Mocha Foam, Light Green Alabaster, Light Soft Arabesque, Celeste Blue, Purple Corallite, Bainganī, Cardinal Mauve, Solid Empire, Gleeful palette Tiki Hut, Indonesian Rattan, Stalk, Emerald Ring, Bainganī, Copper Pink, Wild Dove, Rogue Cowboy, Sun Deck palette Marmot, Canyon Verde, Cranberry Zing, Tropical Tree, Citadel, Bainganī, Olive Brown, Pomelo Red, Satire, Splash, Light Tidal Foam, Nearly Brown, Golden Leaf, Tonkatsu, Blue Angels Yellow, Lisbon Lemon, Sonic Silver, Bainganī, Green not Found, Chic Taupe, Stonew Baked Cookie, Parachute, Tigerlily, Fire Flower, Sunflower, Lemon Green, Gumbo, Indigo Blue, Grape Expectations, Bainganī, Espress Seasoned Apple Green, April Fool's Red, Sightful, Bainganī, Ironbreaker, Vintage Wood, Ginger Grey Yellow, Tiara Pink, Washed Out Gemwin Red Gumball, Rockin Red, Ruby Star, Nippon, Dull Gold, Great Dane, Lemon Bar, Soft Tone Ink, Vibrant Honey, Blackberry Leaf Green, Silithus Brown, Salem Blue, Raiden Blue, Amethyst Orchid, Bainganī, Nato Blue, Majestic Blue, Flour Sack, Peach Whip, Ice Flow, Ci Bath Turquoise, Snake River, Blue Heath Butterfly, Bainganī, Iced Orchid, Forest Berry, Little Bow Pink, Pure Midnight, Woodland M Variegated Frond, Bainganī, Rain Storm, Hemp Rope, Pergament, Peppermint Stick, Silver Setting palette Cedar Wood, Deathclaw Brown, Bainganī, True Crimson, Curds and Whey palette Urobilin, Accent Orange, Super Rare Jade, Cadet Blue, Azure Green Blue, Bainganī, Umber Rust, Rainy Week palette Bainganī, Bee's Wax palette Medusa Green, Lisbon Lemon, Tirisfal Lime, St. Patrick, Turquoise Sea, Bainganī, Metropolis, Fruitful Orchard palette Pastry Shell, Striking Orange, Vivid Tangelo, Bainganī, Punctuate palette Happy Tune, Storm Cloud, Bainganī, Purple Noir, Dried Caspia, Discover, Crash Pink palette Dutch Orange, Ube, Bainganī, Stargate palette Green Moss, Gold Orange, Happy Daze, Soft Green, Old Prune, Bainganī, Pound Sterling, Dingy Dungeon palette Bainganī, Shady Green, Kiwikiwi Grey palette Violet Blue, Bainganī, Tibetan Temple, Single Origin, Ashes to Ashes, Blue Calico, Mud Berry, Quiet Whisper palette Sturdy Brown, Cricket Chirping, Sapphire Siren, Bainganī, Bright Nautilus, Bootstrap Leather, Mazarine Blue, Andes Ash palette Blue Beret, Bainganī, Chard, Underground, Pink Cardoon palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #8273fd with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Bainganī #8273fd color png