Created at 02/24/2023 21:14

#82dbcc HEX Color Shimmering Blue information

#82dbcc RGB(130, 219, 204)

RGB values are RGB(130, 219, 204)
#82dbcc color contain Red 50.98%, Green 85.88% and Blue 80%.

Color Names of #82dbcc HEX code

Shimmering Blue Color

Classification of #82dbcc color

#82dbcc is Light and Cool Color
Shade of turquoise
Opposite Color for Shimmering Blue is #da818f

#82dbcc Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #82dbcc Shimmering Blue

hsl(170, 55%, 68%)
hsla(170, 55%, 68%, 1)
RGB(130, 219, 204)
RGBA(130, 219, 204, 1)

Palettes for #82dbcc color Shimmering Blue:

Below examples of color palettes for #82dbcc HEX color

darkest color is #0d1614 from shades and lightest color is #f3fbfa from tints

Shades palette of #82dbcc:
Tints palette of #82dbcc:
Complementary palette of #82dbcc:
Triadic palette of #82dbcc:
Square palette of #82dbcc:
Analogous palette of #82dbcc:
Split-Complementary palette of #82dbcc:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #82dbcc:

Suggested colors palettes for #82dbcc HEX:

Colors palette with color #82dbcc #1:
Colors palette with color #82dbcc #2:
Colors palette with color #82dbcc #3:
Colors palette with color #82dbcc #4:
Colors palette with color #82dbcc #5:

Color Shimmering Blue #82dbcc used in palettes (50)

Serpent, Tawny Birch, Coralite, Floral Leaf, Horenso Green, Lady Fern, Green Adirondack, Bright Cyan, Song Bird, Shoe Wax, Sunken Bright Red, Folklore, Shimmering Blue, Minified Magenta, Shyness palette Crazy Horse, Boredom Buster, Green Oblivion, Shimmering Blue palette Roasted Pecan, Jú Huáng Tangerine, Aqua Green, Tractor Beam, NYPD, Blue Shoal, Clear Brook, Aqua Fresco, Mademoiselle Pink, Storm Wine Crush, Clay Marble, Lion King, Autumn Leaf Brown, Metropolitan Silhouette, Grape Juice, Quiet Storm, Ombre Grey, Fortune, Woo pastels High Grass, Philippine Violet, Auricula Purple, Shimmering Blue, Valleyview, Duck Egg Cream palette Sausalito Ridge, Desert Sandstorm, Shimmering Blue, Castle in the Sky, Dunnock Egg, Alluring Light palette No More Drama, Heather Berry, Shimmering Blue, Yucatan, Beige Royal palette Red Brick, Wet Adobe, Fire Chalk, Casa De Oro, Lemon Whisper, Highland, Bayern Blue, Malevolent Mauve, Shimmering Blue, Blue Limew Hestia Red, Apricot Brown, Happy Face, Faded Blue, Fireworks, Shimmering Blue, High Elf Blue, Smooth Beech palette Naples Yellow, Laguna Blue, Purple Ode, Star of David, Cherry Pink, Blue Exult, Madison Avenue, Skavenblight Dinge, Valley Floor, Renwick Heather, Crushed Cinnamon, Sunnyside, Golden Passionfruit, Steel, Bnei Brak Bay, Lán Sè Blue, New Navy Blue, Bridgewood, G Film Fest, Brain Freeze, For the Love of Hue, Radiant Lilac, Shimmering Blue, Almond Wisp, Deeply Embarrassed, Mannequin palette Website test Brown Sugar Glaze, Portland Orange, Moonglade Water, Accolade, Scarlet Apple, Cerise, Beyond the Stars, Lush Grass, Crushed Violet Abandoned Playground, Matcha Picchu, Caulerpa Lentillifera, Cadaverous, Intense Teal, Commandes, Aged Wine, Graphic Charcoal, Belg Autumn Arrival, Killarney, Golden Hop, Shimmering Blue, Heavy Warm Grey, Fairfax Grey, Peace N Quiet, Yell Yellow, Natural Whisper Spanish Red, Big Foot Feet, Honey Chili, Deep Sea Dream, Nightfall, Medium Tuscan Red, Cuba Libre, Carrier Pigeon Blue, Shimmering Colonial Revival Stone, Kiss Candy, Potter Green, Golden Fizz, Happy, Fish Camp Woods, Ducati, Wintertime Mauve, Zany Pink, Bloody Grey Owl, Lizard Green, Chlorophyll, Army Canvas, Club Moss, Medium Electric Blue, Spiced Plum, In the Moment, Greyish Beige, Paci Northeast Trail, Marsala, Bravado Red, Barbecue, Radiant Yellow, Denim Drift, Blue Fjord, Aquatic Green, Watermelon Red, Country S Polished Brown, Lily Pads, English Meadow, Epimetheus, Lickedy Lick, Lost in Sadness, Shimmering Blue, Cold Blue, Sonoma Chardonna Rickrack, Copper Rust, Yarrow, Chic Shade, Screen Glow, Chestnut Bisque, Conch, Shimmering Blue palette Contemplative, Allure, Plum Paradise, Dark Side, Grimace, Patio Stone, Tree Lined, Rich Taupe, Chive Flower, Shimmering Blue, Chai American Gold, Banana Brick, Medium Red Violet, Chathams Blue, Regal Violet, Shimmering Blue, Sapphire Fog palette Khardic Flesh, Parsley Sprig, Shimmering Blue, Turquoise Pearl palette Khardic Flesh, Old Guitar, Peppy, Black Soap, Chocolate Cosmos, Semi Sweet Chocolate, Vintage Velvet, Boredom, Amethyst Paint, Tin Au Chico, Ultra Green, Decorative Iris, Honey Chili, Plantain Green, Snoop, Tyrant Skull, Shimmering Blue palette Poppy Power, Memphis Green, Costume Blue, Marina, Ruby Crystal, Hawk’s Eye, Catalina Blue, Deep Ocean, Berry Blush, Shimmering Blu Pickled Cucumber, Hydro, Ameixa, Antique Red, Seiheki Green palette Burnt Coral, Shimmering Blue, Madder Blue, Cocoon palette Precious Pumpkin, Harem Silk, LeChuck's Beard, Freedom, Shimmering Blue, Sky Grey palette Decreasing Brown, Aqua Forest, Cold North, Deep Sea Nightmare, Musk Memory, Shimmering Blue, Veranda Hills palette Soft Cocoa, Adobe, Pinkish Orange, Fading Love, Commodore, Shimmering Blue, Sunday Drive palette Chicken Comb, Candy Apple Red, Gold Tangiers, Not Yo Cheese, Rustic Red, Blue Lobelia palette Romantic Isle, Japanese Laurel, King's Cloak, Desert Echo, Endless Slumber, Shimmering Blue, Hūi Sè Grey palette Smoldering Copper, Copper Wire, Succulent Leaves, Savoy Blue palette Baked Apple, Nugget, Gem, Smoke Blue, Italian Basil, Pale Jade, Shimmering Blue, Butterfly palette Doe, Sun Valley palette Butterblond, Classic Berry, Smoked Amethyst, Shimmering Blue palette Red Wattle Hog, Fresh Turquoise, Merchant Marine Blue, Double Chocolate, Blackwater Park, Shimmering Blue palette Caramel Dream, Joshua Tree, Raspberry Radiance, Silver Storm palette Carnelian, Star Fruit Yellow Green, Lamplit, Butterfly Garden, Aqua Zing, Shimmering Blue, Electric Eel palette Chlorophyll Green, Deep Greige, Razzle Dazzle, Shimmering Blue, Dover Plains, Hazy Taupe, Apricot Sherbet, Disappearing Island pal Alpine Meadow, Muted Mulberry, Slate Mauve, Deepest Mauve palette Salmon, Radler, Sixties Blue, Galactic Cruise, Copper Pink, Shuriken, Blue Tapestry, Terrarium, Zorba, Dawn, Voila!, Shimmering Bl Iceland Poppy, Green Yellow, Lime Yellow, Paint the Sky, Bright Blue, Realm, Choral Singer, Tangaroa, Violet Black, Foggy Blue, Sh Flame Red, Positive Red, Grapple, Nutshell, Wheatacre, Where Buffalo Roam, Genteel Blue, Silver Filigree, Evening Sea, Incubus, No Olive Shade, Vegetarian Veteran, Scallion, Broccoli Paradise, Canyon Blue, Strawberry Smash, Old Mahogany, Deep Sea Turtle, By The

Color Contrast

Color pairings #82dbcc with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
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Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Shimmering Blue #82dbcc color png

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