Created at 03/01/2023 08:52
#85443f HEX Color Spiced Berry information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#85443f | RGB(133, 68, 63) |
RGB values are RGB(133, 68, 63)
#85443f color contain Red 52.16%, Green 26.67% and Blue 24.71%.
Color Names of #85443f HEX code
Spiced Berry Color
Alternative colors of Spiced Berry #85443f
Opposite Color for Spiced Berry is #3e7f84
#85443f Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #85443f Spiced Berry
hsl(4, 36%, 38%)
hsla(4, 36%, 38%, 1)
RGB(133, 68, 63)
RGBA(133, 68, 63, 1)
Palettes for #85443f color Spiced Berry:
Below examples of color palettes for #85443f HEX color
darkest color is #0d0706 from shades and lightest color is #f3ecec from tints
Shades palette of #85443f:
Tints palette of #85443f:
Complementary palette of #85443f:
Triadic palette of #85443f:
Square palette of #85443f:
Analogous palette of #85443f:
Split-Complementary palette of #85443f:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #85443f:
Suggested colors palettes for #85443f HEX:
Colors palette with color #85443f #1:
Colors palette with color #85443f #2:
Colors palette with color #85443f #3:
Colors palette with color #85443f #4:
Colors palette with color #85443f #5:
Color Spiced Berry #85443f used in palettes (50)
Mirrored Willow, Jama Masjid Taupe, Spiced Berry, Chili Soda, Sun's Rage, Dull Green, Caribbean Turquoise, Poster Blue, Ink Blotch Spiced Berry, Blue Blue, Briquette, Whispered Secret, Corn Stalk palette Spiced Berry, Jaded, Tiny Calf, Soothing Sea, Angel Food palette Spiced Berry, Oilseed Crops, Bubble Bobble Green, Waterworld, Blue Fire, Kali Blue, Eccentricity, Sanderling, Mauve Mist, Peach Cl Red Willow, Spiced Berry, Talâyi Gold, Solar Flare, Biohazard Suit, Green Moray, Pond Bath, Meetinghouse Blue, Cornflower Blue, Di Spiced Berry, Pennywise, Prime Blue, Celestra Grey, Blended Fruit, Aria Ivory palette Spiced Berry, Royal Battle, Particular Mint, Stable Hay palette Manchester Nights, Rembrandt Ruby, Spiced Berry, Potter's Clay, Beyond the Stars, Legion Blue, Silver Skate, Olive Sand, Temperate Spiced Berry, Pompelmo, Turtle Creek, Rosy Cheeks, Fiery Flamingo, Dark Blackberry, Reef Green, Sharp Grey palette Spiced Berry, Poisonberry palette Spiced Berry, Calc Sinter palette Toscana, Spiced Berry, Mod Orange, Whale's Mouth palette Mexican Red, Marmot, Spiced Berry, Orangeville, Cocktail Olive, Smoky Emerald, Dying Moss, Greenblack, Outer Space, Nightingale Gr Verminlord Hide, Overgrown Citadel, Spiced Berry, Fired Up, Petrol Green, Berries and Cream, Maximum Red Purple, Cherry Plum, Wire Transfusion, Copper Hopper, Red Earth, Spiced Berry, Burnt Yellow, Victorian, Mint Bonbon Green, Monument Green, Gamin, Penna, Gre Spiced Berry, Laurel Garland, Belfast, Evening Crimson, Excalibur, Stingray Grey, Deduction, Violet Kiss, Lost Lace palette Vivid Auburn, Urban Garden, Soft Bronze, Spiced Berry, Korma, Farm Straw, Usukō, Aventurine, Rocky Hill, Antique Red, Bittersweet Spiced Berry, Potter Green, Highlighter, Yuzu Jam, Dupain, Red Cedar, Pure Zeal, Slate Mauve, Cotton White palette Spiced Berry, Redwood City, Golden Ochre, Gold Foil, Coral Orange, Nuclear Throne, Alhambra, Faded Blue, Willowherb, Iron Earth, F Priory, Spiced Berry, Untamed Orange, Ground Earth, Sea Cabbage, Fashion Blue, Pachyderm, Envy, Ashen Wind, Silent Storm, Carefree Timber Beam, Ludicrous Lemming, Spiced Berry, Honey Ginger, Baklava, Sinkhole, Wall Street, Colossus, Natural Steel, Shiitake, Kil Crackled Leather, Spiced Berry, Candle Yellow, Gemini Mustard Momento, Asparagus, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Prussian Plum, Milkweed P Keystone, Spiced Berry, Tau Sept Ochre, Clementine, Clementine Earring, Cobalt Stone, Carnation Festival, Irresistible, Energic Eg Ketchup, Peppered Pecan, Spiced Berry, Ultimate Orange, Lily Pads, Steel Blue Eyes, Tetsu Iron, Mineral Green, Pear Cactus, Marine Hat Box Brown, Spiced Berry, Tau Sept Ochre, Heavy Orange, Atlantic Wave, Thick Blue, Tassel Taupe, Shaded Willow, Insightful Rose Bestial Blood, Native Hue of Resolution, Spiced Berry, Green Neon, Flag Green, Silver Tree, Purple Climax, Siren, Grey of Darkness Spiced Berry, Antique Moss, Berry Syrup, Pansy Petal, Desolace Dew, Wave, Lavender Water, Cupcake Pink palette Spiced Berry, Super Banana, Sea Current, Valley of Glaciers, Tangaroa, Evergreen Field, Tropical Tan, Slate Pebble, Lavender Pink, Spiced Berry, Kaolin, Dexter, Amazing Smoke, Sizzling Watermelon, Fragrant Satchel, Blue Agave, Non-Photo Blue palette Spiced Berry, Taisha Red, Burst of Gold, Shale Green, Nominee, Navy Blazer, Port, Sunrise, Birthday King palette Bleached Bark, Spiced Berry, Lion Mane, Barrel, Bold Avocado, Van Gogh Green, Naval Passage, Just a Fairytale, Amphibian, Bull Sho Spiced Berry, Burning Brier, Astorath Red, Royal Flycatcher Crest, Spring Field, Apatite Blue, Amnesia Blue, Cherries Jubilee, Gra Dropped Brick, Rodeo Tan, Spiced Berry, Cakepop Sorbet, Cranberry Jam, Phlox Pink, Redstone, Fresh Lemonade, Fiorito, Baja, Countr Brazilian Citrine, Spiced Berry, Green Goblin, Heron, Peppery, Banyan Serenity, Riding Star, Cup of Tea palette Borscht, Nutty Brown, Spiced Berry palette Earth Fired Red, Spiced Berry, Highland Green, Midnight Magic, Jade Tinge, Antarctica, Champagne Peach, Molten Ice palette Art and Craft, Spiced Berry, Brigade, Imperial Primer, Parisian Night, Gothic Grape, Ethereal Mood, Sugar Swizzle palette Antler, Spiced Berry, Nugget Gold, Alverda, Light Jellyfish Blue palette Spiced Berry, Fresh Green, Hypnotic, Kokimurasaki Purple, Urahayanagi Green, Tiki Monster palette Elkhound, Spiced Berry, Cider Mill, Twilight Beige, Pastel Peach palette Spiced Berry, Approval Green, Sarah's Garden, Airforce, Saffron Blossom Mauve, Parsnip, Icy Water, Sweet Breeze palette Nuthatch, Spiced Berry, Kournikova, China Pink, Peacock Pride, Ancient Prunus, Fade to Black palette Spiced Berry, Faded Blue, Warmed Wine, Legal Ribbon palette Western Reserve, Spiced Berry, Calmness, Aquarelle, Mission Wildflower, Black Sheep palette Number #229 Spiced Berry, Indian Spice, Hawaiian Ocean, Concord Jam, Insomnia, Blackboard Green, Blue Ash palette Spiced Berry, Off the Grid, Sugar Coated Almond, Wild Thyme, Antique Tin, Tranquil Pond, Hammerhead Shark, Kettle Black, Deep into Spiced Berry, Apricot Nectar, Cembra Blossom, Melting Moment palette Red Ochre, Danger, Cafe Ole, Muse, Spiced Berry palette Spiced Berry, Blue Trust, Blue Dianne, Inner Cervela, Irish Moor, Hibiscus Petal palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #85443f with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#85443f Contrast Ratio
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#85443f Contrast Ratio
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