Created at 02/21/2023 14:16

#8a0303 HEX Color Blood Omen information

#8a0303 RGB(138, 3, 3)

RGB values are RGB(138, 3, 3)
#8a0303 color contain Red 54.12%, Green 1.18% and Blue 1.18%.

Color Names of #8a0303 HEX code

Blood Omen, Blood Color

Classification of #8a0303 color

#8a0303 is Dark and Warm Color
Shade of darkred
Opposite Color for Blood Omen is #038c8c

#8a0303 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #8a0303 Blood Omen

hsl(0, 96%, 28%)
hsla(0, 96%, 28%, 1)
RGB(138, 3, 3)
RGBA(138, 3, 3, 1)

Palettes for #8a0303 color Blood Omen:

Below examples of color palettes for #8a0303 HEX color

darkest color is #0e0000 from shades and lightest color is #f3e6e6 from tints

Shades palette of #8a0303:
Tints palette of #8a0303:
Complementary palette of #8a0303:
Triadic palette of #8a0303:
Square palette of #8a0303:
Analogous palette of #8a0303:
Split-Complementary palette of #8a0303:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #8a0303:

Color Blood Omen #8a0303 used in palettes (50)

Telecom Blood colors palette Blood Blood Omen Blood Omen, Curaçao Blue, Thai Teak, Lively Lilac palette Blood Omen, Golden Glam, Averland Sunset, Chinese Porcelain, Damson Mauve, Pasture Green, Autumn Mist, Silver Fern, Cool Yellow, S Blood Omen, Chili Con Carne, Hotter Butter, Gorgonzola Blue, Turkish Boy, Cloisonne, Purple Squid, Choo Choo, Clown Nose, Kimono G Blood Omen, Highland Thistle, Etude Lilac, Hurricane Mist palette Blood Omen, Forest Path, Mystification, Marron palette Positive Red, Blood Omen, Coco Rum, Hog's Pudding, Fading Fog palette Dark Autumn Colors Blood Omen, Derby Brown, Persian Gold, Neon Violet, Hint of Violet, Shangri La palette Blood Omen, Eclectic Plum, Off Broadway, 5-Masted Preußen, Southern Pine, Wheaten White, Lost in Istanbul, Dear Reader palette Blood Omen, Outrageous, Bonfire Night, Beetroot Purple, Kahlua Milk, Geneva Morn, Eucalyptus Leaf, Pink Pearl, Mint Blossom Rose p Blood Omen, Touch of Class, Mecca Orange, Simply Peachy, McNuke, Angel Heart, Keen Green, Forest Rain, Milton, Indian Mesa palette Blood Omen, Tanned Leather, Akhdhar Green, Linderhof Garden, Ivy League, Silverfish, Stratton Blue, Peachy Sand, Discrete Pink pal Blood Omen, Favorite Fudge, Ginger Scent, Fluorescence, Pacific Palisade, Aster, Milton, Santas Grey, Vacherin Cheese, Canyon Sand Blood Omen, Invigorate, Ivy League, Midnight Dreams, Dusky Flesh, Tol Barad Grey, Night Night, Sinister Mood, Melville, Purple Sur Blood Omen, Homebush, Stilted Stalks, Sativa, Opulent Blue, Rapture Rose, Sherwood Green, Monogram, Exotica, Kaffir Lime, Camping Blood Omen, Momentum, Improbable, Equinox, Voyage, Sea Paint, Beef Jerky, Glam, Raisin, Baby Bok Choy, Viridine Green, Peach Smoot Blood Omen, Grey Pepper, Sofisticata, Peridot, Conifer, Pressing my Luck, Optimum Blue, Chrysocolla Medium Green, Restless Sea, Te Blood Omen, Faint Gold, Monument Grey, Intermezzo, Polaris Blue, Aster Violetta, Olive Sprig, Grey Frost, Pipe Clay, Defense Matri Blood Omen, Ochre, Patina, Malted Mint Madness, Cape Cod Bay, Izmir Purple, Sage Wisdom, Blue Cue, Coronado Dunes, Red Perfume, Bi Blood Omen, Folk Guitar, Bugman's Glow, Paella, Fierce Mantis, Ultramarine Shadow, Lava Stone, Hunter's Hollow, Barbados Beige, Gr Venetian Red, Blood Omen, Foxfire Brown, Play School, Strikemaster, Furious Fuchsia, Blood Organ, Peppercorn Rent palette Blood Omen, Overcast Brick, Miami Coral, Bonus Level, Greenish Cyan, Pink Ballad, Profound Pink, Gaia, Passive palette Blood Omen, Coffee Addiction, Aged Whisky, Clover, Flying Fish Blue, Deep Sea Base, Mayan Red, Coffee House, Incense, Turner's Lig Blood Omen, Bronze, Herbal Scent, Soft Touch, Midnight Pines, French Puce, Stone Cold Gray, Wild Manzanita, Arctic Blue, Lemon Dro Amarantha Red, Blood Omen, Rhind Papyrus, Golden Lion, Chlorophyll, Ocean Ridge, Bluebonnet, Kālā Black, Swedish Green, Ramadi Gre Blood Omen, Moss Rose, Orange Ballad, Five Star, Temptatious Tangerine, Gecko's Dream, Silent Night, Posy Green, Periwinkle Dusk, Blood Omen, Robinhood, Sunset Orange, Mary's Garden, Elm, Baby Shoes, Avocado Dark Green, Manhattan, Bored Accent Green, Ancestral Blood Omen, Gallstone Yellow, Peanut Butter Jelly, Kogane Gold, Chinese Green, Lucky Clover, Sandhill Crane, Sherwood Green, Purpl Blood Omen, Martian Ironearth, Taste of Summer, Heart's Desire, Aluminium, Beachside Drive palette Blood Omen, Tangle, Chartreuse, Natural Orchestra, Bahama Blue palette Number #117 Blood Omen, Earthworm, Talipot Palm palette Blood Omen, Mixed Berries, Lilac Purple, Classic Sand palette Blood Omen, Roman Coffee, Fragile Beauty palette Blood Omen, Chartreuse Shot, Korean Mint, Pink Poppy palette Blood Omen, Treacle Fudge palette Blood Omen, Castlevania Heart, Butterscotch Sundae, Cargo Green, Fleck, Creamy Cappuccino, Peppermint Stick palette Blood Omen, Pirate Plunder, Lilac Lotion, Tosca, Purple Balance, Desert Storm palette Blood Omen, Fig Mustard Yellow, Rookwood Dark Green, Relaxing Blue, Elegant Ice, Pale Egg palette Blood Omen, Dragon's Breath, Coconut Husk, New York Pink, Trellis Vine, Majorelle Gardens, Sky Grey palette Blood Omen, Aged Whisky, Skrag Brown, Sedia, Stonebriar, Meristem, Femininity palette Blood Omen, Peat Swamp Forest, Golden Summer, Panela, Bluebound, Zin Cluster, My Place or Yours?, Chrysoprase, Bombay, Dusty Trail Blood Omen, Peaches à La Crème, Wing Commander, Fancy Red Wine, Daylight Lilac, Cuticle Pink, Cherish the Moment palette Blood Omen, Havana Cigar, Flyway, Xavier Blue, Sailor Blue palette Blood Omen, Rainforest Zipline, September Gold, Lemon Bar, Rockpool, Germania palette Brownish Red, Blood Omen, Navy Blue, Demon palette Blood Omen, Velvet Evening, Purple Stiletto, Cucumber Green, Dim Grey, Sphinx, Revenant Brown palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #8a0303 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Blood Omen #8a0303 color png