Created at 03/02/2023 00:38
#8aadcf HEX Color Mini Bay information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#8aadcf | RGB(138, 173, 207) |
RGB values are RGB(138, 173, 207)
#8aadcf color contain Red 54.12%, Green 67.84% and Blue 81.18%.
Color Names of #8aadcf HEX code
Mini Bay Color
Alternative colors of Mini Bay #8aadcf
Opposite Color for Mini Bay is #d0ad8b
#8aadcf Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #8aadcf Mini Bay
hsl(210, 42%, 68%)
hsla(210, 42%, 68%, 1)
RGB(138, 173, 207)
RGBA(138, 173, 207, 1)
Palettes for #8aadcf color Mini Bay:
Below examples of color palettes for #8aadcf HEX color
darkest color is #0e1115 from shades and lightest color is #f3f7fa from tints
Shades palette of #8aadcf:
Tints palette of #8aadcf:
Complementary palette of #8aadcf:
Triadic palette of #8aadcf:
Square palette of #8aadcf:
Analogous palette of #8aadcf:
Split-Complementary palette of #8aadcf:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #8aadcf:
Color Mini Bay #8aadcf used in palettes (50)
Love Vessel, Elephant in the Room, Mini Bay, Unfussy Beige, Saltwater palette Cinnamon Toast, Brass Yellow, Beloved Sunflower, Ocean Surf, Amethyst, Pink Shade, Bleeding Heart, Cathedral, Mini Bay, Rainwater, Silver Mink, Raw Chocolate, Mini Bay, Nevada Sand palette Dark Serpent, Mini Bay, Soft Matte, Finishing Touch palette Golden Beryl Yellow, Spinach Soup, Mini Bay, Sun Kiss, Spoonful of Sugar palette Impatient Heart, Turmeric Root, Aqua Fresco, Victorian Rouge, Damson Mauve, Anchor Grey, French Colony, Mini Bay palette Deep Terra Cotta, Love Letter, Mini Bay, December Rain palette Living Large, Lamb Chop, Second Nature, Oily Steel, Mini Bay, Legendary palette bj38sale Pure Red, Esmeralda, Pond Bath, Brandeis Blue, Epink, Dustblu, Sands of Time, Watchet, Mini Bay, Apple Infusion, Sawgrass, Water L Red Prayer Flag, Green Weed, Hello Summer, Phantom Ship, Trekking Green, Neutral Buff, Mini Bay, Charming Green, Shifting Sand pal Pettingill Sage, Jamaican Sea, Blue Danube, Lavender Blue Shadow, Rust Magenta, Descent to the Catacombs, Stormvermin Fur, Heavy M Stage Gold, Rough Ride, Draw Your Sword, Cement Feet, Dark Night, Mini Bay palette Butter Base, Bredon Green, Montana Grape, Burnt Ash, Dark Red Brown, Summer Night, Rich Taupe, Mini Bay, Honey Butter palette Pheasant Brown, Firebird Tail Lights, Aspen Valley, Wisteria palette Equestrienne, Dirty Green, Topiary Garden, Blasted Lands Rocks, Climbing Ivy, Herbalist, Quarry, Mini Bay, Taupe Tapestry, Veltlin Soft Tone Ink, Orb of Harmony, Heritage Blue, Virtual Pink, Mini Bay, Wasabi Paste, Grey Ashlar, Lightly Lime, Rapunzel Silver pal Osso Bucco, Sassy Green, Madagascar, Fuzzy Duckling, Young Leaf, Field Green, Beaming Blue, Slumber, Ornate, Knight Elf, Dark Cher Rocky Mountain, Keemun, Currywurst, Astroturf, Liberty Green, Screen Glow, Sultry Sea, Faded Jeans, Krameria, Off Black, Beauport Red Obsession, Hóng Sè Red, Film Fest, Roulette, Biopunk, Revel Blue, Wren, Imperial Purple, Damson Mauve, Jazz Age Blues, Alien B Jalapeño, Cosmic Coral, Majorelle Blue, Black Onyx, Mini Bay, Bistro Pink palette Forest Floor Khaki, Allegro, Muted Clay, Golden Frame, Dark Citron, Fatal Fields, McNuke, Truth, Smoke & Ash, Purple Lepidolite, M Rufous, Bantam Egg, Frog, Gengiana, Night Rider, Bison, Aloe Plant, Mini Bay, Larimar Green palette Llama Wool, Coconut, Fig Mustard Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Applegate, Kaltes Klares Wasser, Raspberry Glaze, Man Friday, Mini Bay, Sta Zanci, Half-Smoke, Burning Coals, Orioles Orange, Steadfast, Wood Violet, Rubber Band, God’s Own Junkyard Pink, Shadow Warrior, Ve Damascene, Peru, Duckling, Majorelle Gardens, Paperboy's Lawn, Identity, Teal Essence, Palatinate Blue, Plum Power, Charm, Old Egg Fire Dragon Bright, Garden Hedge, Refreshing Green, Veritably Verdant, Antique Turquoise, Albert Green, Purplish Brown palette Communist, Gold Spell, Bloodhound, Dandelion, Boardman, Lucky Day, Brilliant Green, Blue Vault, The Grape War of 97', Secret Story Mossy Pavement, Orb of Harmony, Deep Orchid, National Anthem, Bright Cerulean, Gladiola Violet, Beauport Aubergine, Antique Windmi Winning Red, Big Dip O’Ruby, Basalt Black, Mixed Berry Jam, Summertown palette Welded Iron, Liquid Lava, Safflower, Białowieża Forest, Spirulina, Mini Bay, Sea Dew palette Golden Sand, Cabana Blue, Nobel, Mini Bay, Agua Fría palette Orpiment Orange, Brown Orange, Dubonnet, Spice, True Taupewood, Mini Bay, Sky Fall palette Landmark Brown, Fresh Pesto, Pharaoh's Gem, Battle Blue, Red Dahlia, Mini Bay, Ikkonzome Pink palette Light Oak Brown, Cheery, Northampton Trees, Peruvian Violet, Parachute Purple, Mini Bay, Grandis palette Raw Linen, Olden Amber, Saffron Mango, Overjoy, Jade Gravel, Vibrant Vision, Mini Bay, Pan Tostado palette Sailor Moon, Acid Green, Eucalipto, Garden Medley, Enamel Antique Green, Shadow Purple, Mini Bay, Safflower Wisteria palette Cedar Staff, Golden Spice, Shì Zǐ Chéng Persimmon, Coralette, Zinnia palette Eagle Eye, Quantum Green, Brown Bramble, Etherea palette Iron Oxide, Black Hills Gold, Poisonous Dart, Fudge, December Eve, Cavern Clay palette Bricktone, Amber Brew, Gentleman's Whiskey, Green Relict, Joshua Tree, Píng Gǔo Lǜ Green, Grape Jam, Black Powder, Ayahuasca Vine, Evergreen Trail, Beef Jerky, Dark Fern, Interstellar Blue, Light Spice, Mini Bay, Traditional Tan, Pink Softness palette Tedious Red, Nostalgic, Akebi Purple, Blueberry Glaze, Dogwood Rose, Sunezumi Brown, Mini Bay palette Rebel Red, Old Wine, Amberized, Rhubarb Smoothie, Lilac Blue, Heather, Mini Bay, Gold Tint palette Corazon, Namakabe Brown, Ultra Indigo, Bunker, Mini Bay, Silverplate palette Silverbeet, Shadow Gargoyle, Mini Bay, Wheat Bread palette Metro, Autumn Hills, Dark Strawberry palette Yin Mist, Nature's Gift, Mini Bay, Pressed Rose palette Libra Blue Morpho, Wolf's Bane, Mini Bay, Pink Beauty, Kawaii, Clay Slate Wacke palette Butternut Wood, Suede Leather, Vegan Villain, Dancing-Lady Orchid, Greensleeves, Blue Tuna, Melon Mist, Bittersweet Chocolate, Mau
Color Contrast
Color pairings #8aadcf with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#8aadcf Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#8aadcf Contrast Ratio
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