Created at 02/19/2023 18:39

#95918c HEX Color Elephant Grey information

#95918c RGB(149, 145, 140)

RGB values are RGB(149, 145, 140)
#95918c color contain Red 58.43%, Green 56.86% and Blue 54.9%.

Color Names of #95918c HEX code

Elephant Grey, Gray Color

Classification of #95918c color

#95918c is Light and Neutral Color
Shade of Grey
Opposite Color for Elephant Grey is #8d9196

#95918c Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #95918c Elephant Grey

hsl(33, 4%, 57%)
hsla(33, 4%, 57%, 1)
RGB(149, 145, 140)
RGBA(149, 145, 140, 1)

Palettes for #95918c color Elephant Grey:

Below examples of color palettes for #95918c HEX color

darkest color is #0f0e0e from shades and lightest color is #f4f4f4 from tints

Shades palette of #95918c:
Tints palette of #95918c:
Complementary palette of #95918c:
Triadic palette of #95918c:
Square palette of #95918c:
Analogous palette of #95918c:
Split-Complementary palette of #95918c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #95918c:

Color Elephant Grey #95918c used in palettes (50)

Flat UI colors in Pantone style RedЯum, Nouveau Copper, Vivid Malachite, Mulberry Purple, Blue Quarry, Roasted Nuts, Cannon Grey, Elephant Grey, Auger Shell, Grau Klaxosaur Blue, Elephant Grey, Cabo palette Toadstool, Burnt Red, Prince Paris, Loquat Brown, Billiards Cloth, Blue Shoal, Ube, Squid Hat, Elephant Grey, Filtered Light, Brid Pepperoni, Saladin, Elf Slippers, Teal Green, Barbados, Blue Antarctic, Aerostatics, Maximum Blue, Blue Ocean, Pewter Mug, Teen Qu Liquorice Black, Elephant Grey, Country Weekend, Zircon Ice palette Elephant Grey, High Hopes, White Frost palette Elephant Grey, Windmill Wings palette Hashut Copper, Camo Clay, Dark Everglade, Elephant Grey, Pressed Blossoms, Yellow Green Shade palette Downing Earth, Red Hook, Jungle Expedition, Bugman's Glow, Wild Thyme, Crystal Teal, Manor House, Aged Pewter, Elephant Grey, Lave Reddish Grey, Caramel Crumb, North Sea, Elephant Grey, Notable Hue, Sweet Lavender palette Presidio Plaza, Wet Leaf, King's Robe, Mulberry Wood, Black Evergreen, Silent Sea, Elephant Grey, Fortress, Dutch Jug, Peace, Nake Expedition, Crushed Clay, Painted Poppy, Cosmic Coral, Nifty Turquoise, Blue Kelp, Kerr's Pink Potato, Overgrown Trees, Elephant G Olive Grove, Crusade King, Caulerpa Lentillifera, Nautical Creatures, Dusky Orchid, Rosemary, Elephant Grey, Mineral Beige, Foil, Lionheart, Weathered Fossil, Leather Bound, Trinket, Cinnamon Brown, Sea Star, San Gabriel Blue, Fully Purple, Spiced Potpourri, M Edgy Red, Hemp Tea, Beauty, Opulent Mauve, Greenhouse, Elephant Grey, Mary Rose palette Volcanic, Golden Appeal, Barf Green, Ice Temple, Indigo Hamlet, Dark Rift, Mallard, Red Pepper palette Grey Locks, Timber Wolf, Dixie, Sunray, Verdant Views, Early Dew, Yíng Guāng Sè Green, Emerald Light Green, Camaron Pink, Pacific Smoking Red, Wyvern Green, Blue Jewel, Midsummer Nights, Vineyard Autumn, Magic Potion, Club Grey, Royal Lines, Elephant Grey, Sil Dropped Brick, Frozen State, January Blue, Cape Palliser, Elephant Grey, Heather Violet, Pastel Pea palette Clear Red, Sinoper Red, Endless Possibilities, Snot, Dancing Dragonfly, Hihada Brown, Warm Grey, Elephant Grey, Mist Grey, Ecru We Bold Brandy, Crail, Lemon Tart, Parmentier, Theatre Dress, Ink Blue, Kale, Elephant Grey, Beechnut, Skeptic, Eggshell Paper, Willo Library Pewter, Bottle Glass, Viennese Blue, Victorian Rouge, Forestry, Wenge Black, Liver Brown, Murray Red, Elephant Grey, Matt Pelati, Grog Yellow, Chinese Goldfish, Fresh Apple, Salem, Grape Haze, Mammoth Mountain, Wèi Lán Azure, Office Blue Green, Elephan Cozumel, Belladonna, Elephant Grey, Alaskan Grey palette Baked Cookie, Blue Jacket, Kung Fu, Thyme, Elephant Grey palette Orange Lily, High Voltage, Cool Waters, Good Samaritan, Ode to Joy, I Pink I Can, Nocturnal Rose, Night Red, Elephant Grey, Aquast Concord, Shoreline, Kakitsubata Blue, Kings of Sea, Eye Blue, Berry Jam, Seafarer, Elephant Grey, Gold Grillz, Broadway Lights, Ra Wine Cork, Old Mill Blue, Hollow Knight, Elephant Grey, Alloy, Smoked Mauve, Copenhagen palette Santa Fe Sunrise, Carrot Cake, Sojourn Blue, Aster Purple, Universal Green, Posy Green, Elephant Grey, Smoked Mauve, Atlantic Fig Red Baron, Arylide Yellow, Isle of Sand, Gulf Waters, Prune Plum, Elephant Grey, Wooden Peg, Paving Stone, Natural Green, Shrimp B Golden Hind, Delayed Yellow, Traffic Green, Serious Cloud, Yacht Blue, Elephant Grey, Colonial Revival Sea Green, Alexandrian Sky Porcupine Needles, Unfired Clay, Epsom, Pixel Nature, Elephant Grey palette Enfield Brown, Chamois Leather, Oxford Brown, Elephant Grey, Philanthropist Pink palette Indonesian Rattan, Rave Regatta, Lilac Spring, Warm Onyx, Elephant Grey, Summer Green, Earthy Cane, Table Pear Yellow palette Firebrick, Ornery Tangerine, Veiled Chameleon, Galah, Jet, Tol Barad Grey palette Lizard, Gerbera Red, Ceramic Green, Enamel Blue, Nettle Green, Pine, Hot Sauna, Elephant Grey palette Honey Haven, Chai Tea, Brilliant Impression, Verdant Fields, Benevolent Pink, Nile Blue, Blue Steel palette Landmark Brown, Grieving Daylily, Curaçao Blue, Tree of Life, Hidden Sapphire, Elephant Grey palette Potato Chip, Night Blue, Amaranthine, Elephant Grey, Hillside View palette Cherry Bomb, Copperleaf, Sail Cover palette Retro Nectarine, Orion palette Iced Cappuccino, Goldenrod Field, Camellia, Fresh Oregano, Lush Meadow, Prunelle, Vizcaya Palm, Elephant Grey palette Bristle Grass, Burning Tomato, Boundless, Berry Conserve, Grey Matter, Rosy Pink, Jet Fuel, Elephant Grey palette Cajun Spice, Mango Tango, Broom, Aruba Green, Prediction, Scuba Blue, Strawberry Moon, Elephant Grey, Cement, Baba Ganoush, Mauve Connect Red, Elephant Grey, Sky Watch, Old Bone palette Vigorous Violet, Berry Smoothie, Raspberry Magenta palette Polished Gold, Fiji, Acacia Green, Domino, Anchor Grey, Bold Sangria, Elephant Grey, Spring Walk palette Gingerbread, Vaporwave, Rosewood, Liquorice Red, Amish Green palette Jack and Coke, Bricktone, Vivid Vermilion, Dark Ash, Woodland Grass, Bunting palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #95918c with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Elephant Grey #95918c color png