Created at 02/21/2023 11:51
#986960 HEX Color Unfired Clay information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#986960 | RGB(152, 105, 96) |
RGB values are RGB(152, 105, 96)
#986960 color contain Red 59.61%, Green 41.18% and Blue 37.65%.
Color Names of #986960 HEX code
Unfired Clay, Dark chestnut Color
Alternative colors of Unfired Clay #986960
Opposite Color for Unfired Clay is #60909a
#986960 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #986960 Unfired Clay
hsl(10, 23%, 49%)
hsla(10, 23%, 49%, 1)
RGB(152, 105, 96)
RGBA(152, 105, 96, 1)
Palettes for #986960 color Unfired Clay:
Below examples of color palettes for #986960 HEX color
darkest color is #0f0a0a from shades and lightest color is #f5f0ef from tints
Shades palette of #986960:
Tints palette of #986960:
Complementary palette of #986960:
Triadic palette of #986960:
Square palette of #986960:
Analogous palette of #986960:
Split-Complementary palette of #986960:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #986960:
Color Unfired Clay #986960 used in palettes (50)
Shades of Dark Chestnut color #986960 hex Tints of Dark Chestnut color #986960 hex Retail Dark chestnut colors palette Dark Chestnut Unfired Clay Unfired Clay, Rich Walnut, Hooloovoo Blue, Milky Yellow, Blue Shimmer palette Unfired Clay, Himalaya palette Red, Unfired Clay, Tuscan Sunset, Chicken Masala, Forceful Orange, Qahvei Brown, Dull Green, Deep Peacock Blue, Libra Blue Morpho, Unfired Clay, Dandy Lion, Sand Dune palette Teakwood, Unfired Clay, Nostalgic palette Unfired Clay, Hot Chili, Subdued Sienna, Epicurean Orange, Vermin Brown, Orange, Camo Clay, China Pink, Rainstorm, Nautilus, When Unfired Clay, Pool Green, Tamarama, Graphite Black Green palette Unfired Clay, Gargantua, Redcurrant, Fluorescent Pink, Sitter Red, Portuguese Dawn, Ice Cream Cone palette Unfired Clay, Lexaloffle Green, Ahaetulla Prasina, Storm Grey, Megaman palette Baneblade Brown, Unfired Clay, Copper Mining, Margarine, Passionate Purple, Obsidian Lava Black, Call It a Night, Iron Fixture, Mo Dragons Lair, Crooked River, Unfired Clay, Aspen Gold, Great Fennel Flower, Swollen Sky, Patch of Land, Grass Root, Flirty Pink pa Locomotion, Sweet Georgia Brown, Unfired Clay, Nuln Oil, October Sky palette Unfired Clay, Jaffa Orange, Blockchain Gold, Phaser Beam, Purple Orchid, Tin Bitz, Black Licorice, Smoked Flamingo, Hockham Green, Unfired Clay, Octarine, Tunic Green, Aquarium Blue, Berry Pie, Indigo Light, Forgotten Purple, Aphroditean Fuchsia, Alpine Green, Bloodthirsty Vampire, Unfired Clay, Geebung, Beijing Blue, Babe, Medium Scarlet, Hickory Plank, Double Duty, Chimes, Velvet Robe, Well Read, Electric Orange, Bearsuit, Mink, Unfired Clay, Meat, Maximum Blue Green, Palmetto, Carley's Rose, Tulip Red, Cobalt Nig No More Drama, Unfired Clay, Brazilian Citrine, Red Mana, Canary Yellow, Thundercloud, Bubble Bobble P2, Rockweed, Mella Yella, Dr Unfired Clay, Tangy Dill, Nârenji Orange, Midsummer Night, Heavy Siena palette Unfired Clay, Shu Red, Robin's Egg, Allyson, Sunset Serenade, Garden Cucumber, Classic French Grey, Green Ash, Sweet Pink, Soft Sa Native Hue of Resolution, Unfired Clay, Safari Trail, Clay Mug, Lichtenstein Yellow, Blue Sage, Blue Sail, Royal Purpleness, Red H Crisis Red, Unfired Clay, Chimera Brown, Orange Poppy, Magic Blade, Fabulous Frog, Splashy, Simmered Seaweed, Atlantic Navy, Gnome Unfired Clay, Yellow Polka Dot, Butter Fudge, Ryoku-Ou-Shoku Yellow, Elven Olympics, Mulberry Mauve Black, Purple Empire, Into the Unfired Clay, Grizzly, Precious Pumpkin, Garuda Gold, Slumber, Pumice Grey, Currant Violet, Light Spice, Adhesion, Faded Yellow, H Rye Brown, Unfired Clay, More Maple, Olden Amber, Chinois Green, Hawaiian Ocean, Painted Bark, Fig Leaf, Dusky Mood, Avocado Whip, Unfired Clay, Secluded Canyon, Colorado Bronze, Hibiscus Leaf, Castaway Cove, Redwood, Blackbird, Rocky Creek, Envisage, Cactus Bl Unfired Clay, Belfast, Kimono Violet, Red Onion, Appalachian Trail, Sunny, Primitive Green, Better Than Beige palette Unfired Clay, Butter Cream, Vermilion Bird, Protein High, Anime, Ephren Blue, Puissant Purple, Sugarloaf Brown, Ebi Brown, Cafe La Adaptive Shade, Unfired Clay, Wild Seaweed, Oil Blue, Blue Dart, Tropical Hibiscus, Lotus Red, Bitter Liquorice, Anchorman, Lemon Unfired Clay, Bronze Green, Kogane Gold, Plum Island, Tin Lizzie palette Wild Rider Red, Unfired Clay, Bruschetta, Shutter Copper, Egyptian Nile, Pink Hibiscus, Philippine Violet, Astronaut, African Viol Unfired Clay, Guinean Green, Fitness Blue, Senate, Soft Suede, Sora Blue, Pearl Dust palette Unfired Clay, Palm Tree, Alien Armpit, Purple Hollyhock, Thamar Black, Green Bottle, Lilac Geode, Child of Light palette April Love, Unfired Clay, Furious Frog, International Blue, Cold Sea Currents, Red Robin, January Garnet palette Unfired Clay, Soho Red, Plum Dust, Smoky Quartz, Hot Chocolate, Capulet Olive palette Infrared Burn, Unfired Clay, Forest Maid, Nevada palette Unfired Clay, Artemis, Golf Blazer, Red Herring, Night Blue palette Porcupine Needles, Unfired Clay, Epsom, Pixel Nature, Elephant Grey palette Unfired Clay, Milk Coffee Brown, Cobre, Air Force Blue, Bluealicious, Lavender Elegance palette Unfired Clay, Phoenix Red, Montego Bay, Hailey Blue, Purple Orchid, Night Black, Beastly Flesh palette Shiitake Mushroom, Unfired Clay, Outdoor Land, Pacifika, Safe Haven, Octavius palette Unfired Clay, Pacific Blue palette Mudstone, Unfired Clay, Tropical Hibiscus, Heath Green palette Infrared Burn, Unfired Clay, Back to School, Balcony Sunset, Sunset Strip, Maximum Green Yellow, Seaweed Tea, Melon Green, Moss, P Vivid Auburn, Unfired Clay, Mandarin Red, Asfar Yellow, Purple Door, Uniform Green, Deep Space, Sunset Beige, Grape Arbor, Vintage Megido Red, Unfired Clay, Orangeade, Fiddler, Magic Moment, Teal Tune, Natural Instinct Green, Viola Grey, Aster Violetta, Charade
Color Contrast
Color pairings #986960 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#986960 Contrast Ratio
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#986960 Contrast Ratio
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