Created at 02/21/2023 10:30

#9d0216 HEX Color Carmine information

#9d0216 RGB(157, 2, 22)

RGB values are RGB(157, 2, 22)
#9d0216 color contain Red 61.57%, Green 0.78% and Blue 8.63%.

Color Names of #9d0216 HEX code

Carmine Color

Classification of #9d0216 color

#9d0216 is Dark and Warm Color
Shade of darkred
Opposite Color for Carmine is #029c87

#9d0216 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #9d0216 Carmine

hsl(352, 97%, 31%)
hsla(352, 97%, 31%, 1)
RGB(157, 2, 22)
RGBA(157, 2, 22, 1)

Palettes for #9d0216 color Carmine:

Below examples of color palettes for #9d0216 HEX color

darkest color is #100002 from shades and lightest color is #f5e6e8 from tints

Shades palette of #9d0216:
Tints palette of #9d0216:
Complementary palette of #9d0216:
Triadic palette of #9d0216:
Square palette of #9d0216:
Analogous palette of #9d0216:
Split-Complementary palette of #9d0216:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #9d0216:

Suggested colors palettes for #9d0216 HEX:

Colors palette with color #9d0216 #1:
Colors palette with color #9d0216 #2:
Colors palette with color #9d0216 #3:
Colors palette with color #9d0216 #4:
Colors palette with color #9d0216 #5:

Color Carmine #9d0216 used in palettes (50)

Carmine, Burnished Brandy, Black Hills Gold, Stirland Battlemire, Dusty Orange, Abomination, Rich Green, Abandoned Spaceship, Blue Bento Box, Carmine, Vibrant, Pannikin, Cloud Blue, Only Olive, Cavern Pink, Fairy Pink palette Carmine, Rhind Papyrus, Goldenrod, Pacific Breeze, Light Nursery palette Carmine, Warm Wassail, Wood Charcoal, Purple Passion, Yacht Club, Chinaberry Bloom palette Carmine, Egyptian Jasper, Sea Radish, Scapa Flow, Strawberry Mix, Rosette, Reduced Sky, Coronation palette Carmine, Free Speech Red, Antler Moth, Evergreens palette Carmine, Farrago, Urban Charm, Green Tint, Canvas Luggage palette Carmine, Olive Haze, Great Grape, Volute, Sunset Serenade, Rapid Rock, Sharp Green, Fallen Blossoms palette Carmine, Fake Jade, Shagreen, Canoe, Rare White Jade, Diamond Stud palette Carmine, Ocean Spray, Stirland Mud, Heavy Metal Armor, Sunlit Allium palette Carmine, Gold Foil, Reliquial Rose, Shire, Outerbanks, Undercool, Pineapple Delight, Cream of Mushroom palette Carmine, Fresh Apple, Deep Daitoku Purple, Red Pink, Spacescape, Squid Hat, Double Espresso, Renaissance, Rabbit, Caput Mortuum Gr Carmine, Red Dead Redemption, Big Cypress, Plantain Chips, Taisha Brown, Severely Burnt Toast, Warm Balaclavas Are Forever, Riverb Carmine, Pepper & Spice, Mad For Mango, Indian Green, Veiled Chameleon, Faded Jade, Blue Venus, Fudge Truffle, Moon Rose, Windsor Carmine, Poppy Pods, Napa Sunset, Learning Green, Acid Pool, Lifeless Green, Blue League, Tàn Hēi Soot, Avocado Pear, Deep Sea Gre Noble Red, Carmine, Home Brew, Bee Pollen, Satin Lime, Poise, Loren Forest, Bigfoot, Partridge Grey, Nile palette Carmine, Maple Glaze, Sunglo, Vermeer Blue, American Violet, Garnet Stone Blue, Corundum Blue, Storms Mountain, Hopeful Dream, Gol Carmine, Center Ridge, Homestead Red, Show Business, Salmon Poké Bowl, Elwynn Forest Olive, Crown Jewels, Baronial Brown, Andes As Carmine, Radiance, Subdued Sienna, Rainford, Celestial, Detailed Devil, Purple Taupe, Tarmac, Eire, Brainstorm palette Carmine, Nougat Brown, Mud Ball, Sahara Sun, Planet Green, Tropical Waters, Lucid Dream, Impatient Pink, Power Peony, Ruby Violet Carmine, Dead Flesh, Deep Shale, Slopes palette Carmine, Wilderness, Knockout Orange, Mildura, Caustic Green, Spinning Blue, Feminism, Purple Cort, Black Space, Autumn Orchid, Vi Carmine, Funky Yellow, Poisonous, Celtic Green palette Carmine, J's Big Heart, Mystic Red, Maximum Blue Green, Berry Pie, Cosmopolitan, Guerrilla Forest, Radical Green palette Hot Jazz, Carmine, Summer Heat, Yam, Yellow Varnish, Brimstone, Queen Blue, Scarlet Shade, Carbon Copy, Lahar, Deer Trail, Greenga Carmine, Olive Reserve, Modest Mauve, Island Dream, Wakame Green, Mountbatten Pink, Desert Rose, Enamelled Jewel, Syrah, Twinberry Evil Sunz Scarlet, Carmine, Umenezumi Plum, Lemongrass, Mango Orange, Deep Daitoku Purple, Casal, Black Ice, Vivid Vision, Turquoi Carmine, Steel Pink, Thimble Red, Purple Empire palette Carmine, Precious Pumpkin, Emerald Coast, Lilac Fields, Beetroot Rice, Perfect Greige palette Dynamite Red, Carmine, Argyle Rose, Bombay Pink, Glazed Carrot, Pickled Avocado, Ninja Princess, Reading Tea Leaves, Palm Leaf, Mi Carmine, Rare Rhubarb, Warlock Red, Olive Ochre, Tulip Tree, Tan Hide, Classic Waltz, Sky Magenta, Red-Letter Day, Pear Cactus, Na Red Chili, Carmine, Corundum Red, Salsa Diane, Intellectual, Posy Green, Purple Protégé palette Carmine, Nougat Brown, Legendary Grey, Pink Tulip, Cold Sea Currents, Shady Character, Corundum Blue, Silicate Green, Soybean, Stu Blood Moon, Carmine, Bloody Salmon, Amber, Violet Quartz, Airy Green, Nectar palette Carmine, Grey Brown, Prehnite Yellow, Autumn Hills palette Carmine, Hutchins Plaza, Light Mocha, Chocolate Covered, Mung Bean, Deep Violet, Call It a Night, Copperfield palette Carmine, Bamboo Yellow, Brown Beauty, Thousand Years Green, Chopped Chive, Gull Wing, Reef Blue palette Carmine, Aviator, Jungle, Blue Bobbin palette Carmine, Brihaspati Orange, Night Green palette Carmine, Pitch Pine, Campground, Golden Nugget, North Atlantic Breeze palette Carmine, Antiquarian Brown, Bergamot Orange, Tasman Honey Yellow, Caneel Bay, Back In Black, Buzzard, Morris Artichoke palette Carmine, Hot Chili, Celuce, Viking, Ebizome Purple, Thredbo, Sage Brush, A Mann's Mint palette Carmine, Cigar Smoke, Brown Fox, Yellow Dragon, Gadabout palette Carmine, Traffic Light Green, Velvet Wine, Sonata palette Carmine, Sponge Cake palette Carmine, Blue Zephyr, Enchanting Sky, Poseidon's Territory, Lunar Eclipse, Stone Walkway, Frozen Tundra, Elfin Yellow, Sea Lavende Red Ink, Carmine, Corazon, Havasu, Subaqueous, Shell Brown palette Carmine, Red Beech palette Carmine, Fresh Soft Blue, Tanzanite, Silverado, Bison Beige, Fake Love palette Carmine, Determined Orange, Royal Star, Aquatone, Elfin Games, Silver Lined, Fuzzy Peach, Alto, Earth Happiness, Snow Tiger palett

Color Contrast

Color pairings #9d0216 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
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Small text:
Contrast Ratio
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Small text:

Image Carmine #9d0216 color png

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