Created at 02/21/2023 15:21

#9f8170 HEX Color Beaver Kit information

#9f8170 RGB(159, 129, 112)

RGB values are RGB(159, 129, 112)
#9f8170 color contain Red 62.35%, Green 50.59% and Blue 43.92%.

Color Names of #9f8170 HEX code

Beaver Kit, Beaver Color

Classification of #9f8170 color

#9f8170 is Light and Warm Color
Tint of rosybrown
Opposite Color for Beaver Kit is #6f8e9f

#9f8170 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #9f8170 Beaver Kit

hsl(22, 20%, 53%)
hsla(22, 20%, 53%, 1)
RGB(159, 129, 112)
RGBA(159, 129, 112, 1)

Palettes for #9f8170 color Beaver Kit:

Below examples of color palettes for #9f8170 HEX color

darkest color is #100d0b from shades and lightest color is #f5f2f1 from tints

Shades palette of #9f8170:
Tints palette of #9f8170:
Complementary palette of #9f8170:
Triadic palette of #9f8170:
Square palette of #9f8170:
Analogous palette of #9f8170:
Split-Complementary palette of #9f8170:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #9f8170:

Color Beaver Kit #9f8170 used in palettes (44)

Design Beaver colors palette logo brand colors Beaver Kit color shades Beaver Kit Beaver Kit, Geyser Basin, Snow Peak, Warm Fuzzies palette Beaver Kit, Yearling, Lavish Gold, Brass, Ukon Saffron, Stone Green, Tropic Tide, Kimono Violet, Coastal Fjord, Aerostatics, Viola Old Glory Red, Soya Bean, Beaver Kit, Ochre Spice, Teal Tune, Treasured Love, Brochantite Green, Lentil, Belgian Cream palette Beaver Kit, Mystic Turquoise, Pa Red, Almandine, Rain Drop palette Beaver Kit, Persian Jewel, Green Goanna, Violet Posy, Rustic Taupe, Silhouette, Korila palette Beaver Kit, Corn Bread, Forest Edge, Grant Grey, Blue Dolphin, Bone Trace palette Beaver Kit, Old Porch, Flaming Cauldron, Hawk Turquoise, Dusky Pink, Legal Ribbon, Purple Agate, Tempting Pink palette Beaver Kit, Mid Green, Briny, Oslo Grey, Soft Vellum, Washed-Out Crimson, Marvelous Magic palette Beaver Kit, Brescian Blue, Honed Steel, Poisonberry palette Mendocino Hills, Beaver Kit, Persian Plush, Victorian Iris, Brass Scorpion, Aquaverde palette Beaver Kit, Foggy Bog palette Tedious Red, Beaver Kit palette Caffeine, Beaver Kit, Goldie, Twenty Carat, Sparrow’s Fire, Lucent Lime, Genteel Blue, Lapis Jewel, Celestial Indigo, Chinese Viol Ginshu, Beaver Kit, Skarsnik Green, Greenish, Boltgun Metal, Zinfandel Red, Majolica Green, Sunday Drive, Straw Hat, Light Chintz, Beaver Kit, Banana Flash, Shandy, Scarabœus Nobilis, Brescian Blue, Trapper Green, Teal Dark Green, Deep Marine, Nightfall, Taos T Pure Red, Beaver Kit, Gilded Glamour, Gǎn Lǎn Lǜ Green, Acid Pool, Jade Dragon, Lily Pads, Ineffable Green, Draw Your Sword, Porch Beaver Kit, Galley Gold, Bockwurst, Dwarven Flesh, Rainy Lake, Prunus Avium, Betel Nut Dye, Biscay, Forged Iron, Newport Indigo, D Beaver Kit, Plum Blossom Dye, Roman, Bonus Level, Gameboy Light, Waystone Green, Monkey Island, Secret Glade palette Licorice Stick, Beaver Kit, Yellow Green, Glass Bottle, Green Ink, Spanish Viridian, Grecian Isle, Teal Trinket, Purplish Brown, S Eastlake Lavender, Beaver Kit, Marquis Orange, Orange Daylily, Enamelled Dragon, Electric Pink, Blue Sash, Antiquate, Spearmint Fr Beaver Kit, Toffee Bar, South Pacific, Copen Blue palette Almond Frost, Beaver Kit, Soft Tone Ink, Felwood Leaves, Walk in the Woods, English Channel, Bay Site, Strawberry Frosting, Woodla Ferra, Beaver Kit, Orlean's Tune, Race Car Stripe, Hot Brown, Chartreuse, Lavender Mauve, Cursed Black, Cafe Royale, Pine Forest, Mined Coal, Beaver Kit, Alameda Ochre, Splashing Wave, Steel Blue Grey, Slate Pink, Olive Gold palette Beaver Kit, Happy Days, Dark Everglade, Warm Stone, Brimstone Butterfly, Velvet Beige, Blue Flax palette Beaver Kit, Earth Rose, Rokushō Green, Sea Kale, Artiste, Plum Skin palette Beaver Kit, Trading Post, Sun Yellow, Fish Camp Woods, Hassan II Mosque, Spring Tide, Amaya palette Beaver Kit, Indigo Carmine, Green Gables, Pompeius Blue, Solar Energy, Runic Mauve, Salty Breeze palette Beaver Kit, Brown Patina, Cranapple, Bile, Spitsbergen Blue, Strawberry Daiquiri, Dove Tail palette Beaver Kit, Mossy Statue, Clouded Blue palette Boy Red, Ground Pepper, Beaver Kit, Treasure Casket, Lizard Brown, Duckie Yellow, Sky Splash palette Beaver Kit, Meadow Green, Provence Violet palette Beaver Kit, Equator, Dark Pink, Immersed, Brown Chocolate, Piano Grey Rose palette Tango Red, Beaver Kit, Rustling Leaves, Blueberry Dream, Shocking Pink, Tyrian, Black Forest, Splashdown palette Enfield Brown, Beaver Kit, Fine Greige, Wasabi, Polished Marble palette Beaver Kit, Caneel Bay, Royal Heath, Blood Brother, Jungle King, Tobacco Brown, Dead Sea, Elusive Dream palette Thunder Mountain Longhorn Pepper, Chocolate Moment, Beaver Kit, Bright Cobalt, Mediterranean Sea palette Beaver Kit, Turquoise Green, Deep Diving palette Beaver Kit, Mocha, Venom, Yellow Jasper, Boogie Blast, London Fog palette Beaver Kit, Aniseed, Kihada Yellow, Quilotoa Green palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #9f8170 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Beaver Kit #9f8170 color png