Created at 02/26/2023 14:51

#a22042 HEX Color True Crimson information

#a22042 RGB(162, 32, 66)

RGB values are RGB(162, 32, 66)
#a22042 color contain Red 63.53%, Green 12.55% and Blue 25.88%.

Color Names of #a22042 HEX code

True Crimson Color

Classification of #a22042 color

#a22042 is Light and Warm Color
Tint of brown
Opposite Color for True Crimson is #20a27f

#a22042 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #a22042 True Crimson

hsl(344, 67%, 38%)
hsla(344, 67%, 38%, 1)
RGB(162, 32, 66)
RGBA(162, 32, 66, 1)

Palettes for #a22042 color True Crimson:

Below examples of color palettes for #a22042 HEX color

darkest color is #100307 from shades and lightest color is #f6e9ec from tints

Shades palette of #a22042:
Tints palette of #a22042:
Complementary palette of #a22042:
Triadic palette of #a22042:
Square palette of #a22042:
Analogous palette of #a22042:
Split-Complementary palette of #a22042:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #a22042:

Color True Crimson #a22042 used in palettes (48)

Kit Executive Course, Hot Chili, Green Spruce, True Crimson, Rare White Raven palette True Crimson, Desert Suede, Acadia Bloom palette Census, Court Jester, True Crimson, Twilight Taupe, Ice Palace palette Glazed Raspberry, True Crimson, Silver Lining, Gracious palette Lionfish Red, Red Stone, Tribal Pottery, Hazelnut, Rodham, Golden Koi, Liberator Gold, Shǔi Cǎo Lǜ Green, St. Patrick, Ocean Night True Crimson, Nori Green, Silver Blue, Young Green, White Basics, After Eight Filling palette Blue Green, Fig Cluster, True Crimson, Deep Plum, Moon Glow palette Kite Brown, Carbide, True Crimson, Endless Sea, Dress Up palette Camouflage Olive, Silver Willow Green, True Crimson, Milton, Ballet Slipper, Ivory Invitation palette Copper Mine, Ethiopian Wolf, Barberry Yellow, Bright Olive, True Crimson palette Ruddy Oak, Indochine, Flaming Orange, Thousand Herb, True Crimson palette Chinchilla, Clippership Twill, Pennywise, Spicy Sweetcorn, Poplar Forest, Indigo Blue, True Crimson, Fjord, Powdered Granite, Nect Cedar Wood, Deathclaw Brown, Bainganī, True Crimson, Curds and Whey palette Inventive Orange, Butter Cake, Bright Light Green, Whaling Waters, Ancient Shelter, True Crimson, Squirrel's Nest palette Fire, Yellow-Bellied, Hitsujiyama Pink, Fuchsia Pink, True Crimson, Cannon Black, Holly Leaf, Olive It, Dakota Wheat, Ginger Root Fresh Cinnamon, Green Dynasty, Common Teal, True Crimson, Aura, Cosmetic Mauve, Shady palette Tomato, Mudbrick, French Beige, Carrot Stick, Range Land, Grandview, Pomace Red, True Crimson, Sensaicha brown, Satin Chocolate, C Tobiko Orange, True Crimson, Flickr Pink, Leather Clutch, Patina Violet, Ocean Melody, Dark Limestone, Silver Springs palette bay789us Gouda Gold, Illicit Green, Dickie Bird, Clear Blue, True Crimson, Midnight Merlot, Quincy, Sunezumi Brown, French Oak, Inviting Ve Elysium Gold, Buzz, Verminal, Roseine Plum, Carol, True Crimson, Lost in Space, Smalt Blue palette Fennel Seed, Flat Earth, Chivalrous Fox, True Crimson, Hemp Rope, St. Augustine palette Romantic Night, Totem Pole, Trumpet, Brown Mustard, Hot Brown, Money, Marina, Wax Crayon Blue, Apple Butter, Mandy, True Crimson, Cathedral Stone, Mule Fawn, Bungalow Gold, Lucky Clover, Kickstart Purple, True Crimson, King's Plum Pie, Whiten't, Stegadon Scale Gold Spike, Poseidon Jr., Ultra Pink, True Crimson, Slate Wall, Favorite Tan, Stacked Limestone palette Red Earth, Mojo, Indian Sunset, Sunflower Island, Neon Green, Nautical Creatures, True Crimson, Broadleaf Forest, Douro, Flirtatio Bee Master, Big Foot Feet, Olden Amber, Grassy Field, Tournament Field, Spa Dream, Night Shadz, True Crimson, Brierwood Green, Gra Wild Cattail, Strong Mustard, Gold Fusion, Office Green, Montego Bay, Atlantic Blue, True Crimson, Prune Plum, Oath, Rock Cliffs, Deep Sea, Faraway Sky palette Green Wrasse, Star Platinum Purple, True Crimson, Chrysopal Light Green, Earth Warming, Saira Red palette Volcanic Blast, True Crimson, Sharp Green, Minified Cinnamon palette Mined Coal, Chapter, Dragon Ball, Pink Fever, True Crimson, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Silken Gold, Coral Bells palette Tee Off, Striking Purple, True Crimson, Sahara Sand palette Spicy, Green Woodpecker Olive, Jungle, Tomato Puree, True Crimson, Azuki Red, Bright Midnight Blue, Cut Heather palette Angry Flamingo, Prairie Denim, True Crimson palette Tansy Green, Schnipo, Dusky Yellow, Peppermint Fresh palette Baby Frog, Golden Period, Royal Marquis, Deep Space Royal, True Crimson, Metalise, Black Is Beautiful, Sherwood Forest palette German Mustard, Gothic Spire palette Graceful Ballerina, Filthy Brown, Arctic Lichen Green, Energy Green, Sandpiper Cove, True Crimson, Grey Pinstripe palette Tropical Rain, True Crimson, Industrial Black, Garnet Evening, Essential Grey palette Milk Brownie Dough, Fresh Clay, True Crimson, Duskwood, Spring Reflection palette Orange Squash, Laurel Garland, Soothsayer, Berry Smoothie, True Crimson palette US Field Drab, Mourning Blue, Magentarama, True Crimson, Elm Green, Larkspur Violet, Mauve Muslin palette Spice Bazaar, Buzz-In, Dresden Blue, Pixie Powder, Prickly Purple, True Crimson, Regatta Bay, Sailing Safari palette Edocha, Golden Spice, Blue Cruise, True Crimson, Cliff Ridge palette Banana Chalk, Spanish Viridian, Azurean, Affair, True Crimson, Oilcloth Green, Wise Owl palette Apple Polish, Elf Slippers, Harlequin, Rainbow's Inner Rim, True Crimson, Bogey Green, Twilight Blue palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #a22042 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image True Crimson #a22042 color png