Created at 02/28/2023 07:28

#a49e97 HEX Color Warm Granite information

#a49e97 RGB(164, 158, 151)

RGB values are RGB(164, 158, 151)
#a49e97 color contain Red 64.31%, Green 61.96% and Blue 59.22%.

Color Names of #a49e97 HEX code

Warm Granite Color

Classification of #a49e97 color

#a49e97 is Light and Neutral Color
Tint of darkgrey
Opposite Color for Warm Granite is #979ea5

#a49e97 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #a49e97 Warm Granite

hsl(32, 7%, 62%)
hsla(32, 7%, 62%, 1)
RGB(164, 158, 151)
RGBA(164, 158, 151, 1)

Palettes for #a49e97 color Warm Granite:

Below examples of color palettes for #a49e97 HEX color

darkest color is #10100f from shades and lightest color is #f6f5f5 from tints

Shades palette of #a49e97:
Tints palette of #a49e97:
Complementary palette of #a49e97:
Triadic palette of #a49e97:
Square palette of #a49e97:
Analogous palette of #a49e97:
Split-Complementary palette of #a49e97:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #a49e97:

Color Warm Granite #a49e97 used in palettes (37)

Archeology, Warm Granite, Heather Feather palette Tropical Twist, Green Oasis, Pion Purple, Warm Granite palette Bern Red, Secret Path, Trinket Box, Rodeo Red, Loden Yellow, Mango Salsa, Wiggle, Golden Glitter Storm, Palm Springs Splash, Periw Kofta Brown, Double Jeopardy, Blue Grass, Warm Granite, Veranda Charm, Maybe Maui, Roycroft Vellum palette Saving Light, Warm Granite, Toupe, On the Rocks, St. Nicholas Beard palette Urban Exploration, Sweet Curry, Opal Flame, Ultramarine Blue, Sultry Smoke, Warm Granite palette Green Energy, Warm Granite, On the Nile, Sulphur Water palette Pompeian Pink, Lemon Curry, Paint the Sky, Bay View, Mardi Gras, Warm Granite, Tyrol palette Infrared Burn, Pickled Cucumber, Sparkling Green, Absolute Zero, Mighty Mauve, Dark Tone Ink, Binrouji Black, Chive, Deep Reservoi Stetson, Nasturtium, Devilish Diva, Valley Floor palette Wild Poppy, Green Elisabeth Ⅱ, Violet, Canyon Falls, Warm Granite, Orleans Tune, Beach Towel, Blissful Meditation, Diluted Mint, L Artful Red, S'mores, Trumpet Flower, Rivergrass, Phantom, Trustee, Country Sky, Bering Sea, Warm Granite, Foothill Drive, Apricott Baguette, Crop Circle, Wall Street, Blue Sari, Heather Berry, Brown Derby, Warm Granite, Casa Talec, Light Water Wash palette Timber Wolf, Talipot Palm, Devil's Flower Mantis, Old Prune, Splendiferous, Plum Dust, Myoga Purple, Dark Ebony, Kenpōzome Black, Golden Lime, Sinopia, Glacial Green, Esmeralda, Flax Flower Blue, Elegant Navy, Flannel Pajamas, Warm Granite, Icy Teal, American Tawny Orange, Orange Creamsicle, Vivid Malachite, Olympian Blue, Suddenly Sapphire, Périgord Truffle, Toasted Pecan, Warm Granite, Iron Mountain, Pale Green Grey, Copper Turquoise, Night Mode, Tropical Wood Brown, Jewel Cave, Sinful, Warm Granite, Grey Wolf, Vi Beni Shoga, Zingiber, Turquoise Cyan, Ocean Current, Oubliette, Red Plum, Warm Granite, Alpine Morning Blue, Pollen Powder, Dawn P Amazon Stone, Olive Chutney, Rock Creek, Sensual Fumes, Luminous Pink, Warm Granite, Stellar Blue, Candlelight Dinner palette Teakwood Brown, Deep Tan, Arcadia, Medium Blue, Port Royale, Machine Gun Metal, Warm Granite palette Whiskey, Mistletoe, Enamel Antique Green, Antique Grey, Red Grey, Douro, Warm Granite, Green Gum, Mountain Mint palette Trading Post, Martian, Coal Miner, Flashman, Plum Preserve, Refined Green, Rich Bordeaux, Warm Granite, Vermicelli, Natural Youth, Antique Ruby, Ironstone, Iwai Brown, Absolute Zero, Red Endive palette Banana Pepper, Candy Green, Kobra Khan, Coastal Surf, Midsummer Nights, Darkness, Warm Granite, Sashay Sand palette Sand Yellow, Elephant Skin, Warm Granite, Rough Asphalt, Polar Drift palette Red Menace, Palmerin, New Car, Marsh palette Pesto, Bahia, Standing Waters, Pachyderm palette Lucky, Cobalt Stone, Arctic Dusk, Warm Granite palette Blood Red, Mauve Jazz, Smalt Blue, Warm Granite, Grey Clouds, Plushy Pink, Arid Landscape palette Bosc Pear, Tree Frog Green, Peppermint Toad, Garland, Out of the Blue, Purple Blue, Warm Granite, Friendly Homestead palette Nick's Nook, Pond Green, Deep Orchid, Saturated Sky, Serbian Green palette Spelt Grain Brown, Hierba Santa, Chlorophyll Green, Warm Granite palette Timeless Taupe, Warm Granite palette Hopsack, Green Serpent Scepter, Sailfish, Aster, Gentian, Velvet Magic, Pico Void palette Carriage Monza, Spicy Hue, Coastal Calm, Oak Creek, Peppercorn, Warm Granite, Velvet Ears, Princess Perfume palette Carmen Miranda, Southern Blue, Matt Purple, Warm Granite, Mint-o-licious, Transparent White palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #a49e97 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Warm Granite #a49e97 color png