Created at 02/23/2023 12:29

#aa0055 HEX Color Shy Guy Red information

#aa0055 RGB(170, 0, 85)

RGB values are RGB(170, 0, 85)
#aa0055 color contain Red 66.67%, Green 0% and Blue 33.33%.

Color Names of #aa0055 HEX code

Shy Guy Red Color

Classification of #aa0055 color

#aa0055 is Dark and Warm Color
Opposite Color for Shy Guy Red is #00a854

#aa0055 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #aa0055 Shy Guy Red

hsl(330, 100%, 33%)
hsla(330, 100%, 33%, 1)
RGB(170, 0, 85)
RGBA(170, 0, 85, 1)

Palettes for #aa0055 color Shy Guy Red:

Below examples of color palettes for #aa0055 HEX color

darkest color is #110008 from shades and lightest color is #f7e6ee from tints

Shades palette of #aa0055:
Tints palette of #aa0055:
Complementary palette of #aa0055:
Triadic palette of #aa0055:
Square palette of #aa0055:
Analogous palette of #aa0055:
Split-Complementary palette of #aa0055:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #aa0055:

Suggested colors palettes for #aa0055 HEX:

Color Shy Guy Red #aa0055 used in palettes (50)

Autumn Maple, French Violet, Shy Guy Red, Maybe Maui, Khaki Core palette Shy Guy Red, Tenacious Tentacles palette Kickstart Purple, Shy Guy Red, School Ink palette Acid Green, Befitting, Shy Guy Red, Dirty Snow palette Shy Guy Red, Mont Blanc, Reflection Pool, Mom's Love, Mountain Heather palette Harley Davidson Orange, Flint, Honey Glow, Beloved Sunflower, Lime Tree, Eyelash Viper, Purslane, Chestnut Shell, American River, Cowboy Trails, Gomashio Yellow, Orange Peel, Shy Guy Red, Serendibite Black, Middle-Earth, Pediment palette Uran Mica, Rave Regatta, Shy Guy Red, Cobblestone Street palette Queen of Hearts, Rapeseed, Pumpkin Yellow, Playing Hooky, Steel, Desert Rose, Shy Guy Red, Chaos Black, Autumn Crocodile, Jet Grey Experience, Shy Guy Red, Deep Jungle, Mission Jewel, Tiamo, Pale Tendril, Spooky palette Toasted Chestnut, Circus Peanut, Donegal Tweed, Renga Brick, Deep Bamboo Yellow, Vivid Imagination, Coolbox Ice Turquoise, C64 Pur Light Mahogany, Tannin, Pale Brown, Green of Bhabua, Iguana, Ripe Green, Fresh Greens, Lavender Blue Shadow, Shy Guy Red, Searing Cool Clay, Golden Grain, Sage, Crystal Green, June Bud, Sea Caller, Shy Guy Red, French Puce, USMC Green, Eclipse, North Woods, Bl Shocking Crimson, Carob Brown, Dead Blue Eyes, There Is Light, Shy Guy Red, Fading Horizon, Urbanite, Basalt Grey, Pistachio Ice C Light Khaki, Plumburn, Cavolo Nero, Montego Bay, Awkward Purple, Shy Guy Red, Swamp of Sorrows, Sporting Green, Spelunking, Blue T Citrus Leaf, Shy Guy Red, Watercolour Blue, Sceptre Blue, Office Grey, Not So Innocent, Vision Quest palette Hot Cacao, Sriracha, Chinese Green, Persian Green, Amethyst Orchid, Cabernet, Shy Guy Red, Night Green, Smoked Oak Brown, Sienna B Roof Terracotta, Rusty, Gloomy Sea, Down Pour, Blue Jay, Plum Perfect, Shy Guy Red, Marshal Blue, Ebizome Purple, Camelback palett Casting Sea, Midsummer Nights, Shy Guy Red, Midnight, Bloodstone, Woodland Sage, Deduction, Paccheri palette Plantain, King Salmon, Roman, Brilliant Green, Herald of Spring, Hot, Shy Guy Red, Green Fog, Peaceful Pastures, Garden Glade, Cla Kopi Luwak, Flood Mud, Golden Egg, Limed Ash, Medium Aquamarine, China Pattern, High Dive, Shy Guy Red, Roastery, Chrysomela Goett Woodkraft, Peace of Mind, Indian Brass, Golden Oak, Fresh Leaf, Iguaçuense Waterfall, Atmosphere, Gentian, Philippine Pink, Shy Gu Crabapple, Limón Fresco, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Vivid Red Tangelo, Onion Seedling, New Age Blue, Crushed Grape, Shy Guy Red, A Terrazzo Brown, Tropical Forest Green, Jargon Jade, Dolphin Daze, Neapolitan Blue, Fancy Red Wine, Shy Guy Red, Sideshow, Pepto, W Candy Grass, Shy Guy Red, Green Trance, Instant palette Fall in Season, Gypsy Canvas, Tupelo Honey, Pestulance, Sweet Cashew, Waimea Blue, Splendiferous, Shy Guy Red, Castle Stone, Cedar Redend Point, Vegetable Garden, Muted Blue, Burlap Grey, Qing Dynasty Fire, Violet Eggplant, Shy Guy Red, Lemon Balm Green, Nightf Lapwing Grey Green, Royal Star, Green Gamora, Caneel Bay, Shy Guy Red, Green Gables, Cameo Pink, Cordon Bleu Crust, Empire State G Light Topaz Ochre, Crustose Lichen, Pickled Cucumber, Girls Night Out, Shy Guy Red, Fitzgerald Smoke palette Grange Hall, Chocolate Curl, Hidden Treasure, Cliff Rock, Santiago Orange, Shy Guy Red, Back to Nature palette Shy Guy Red, Lush Meadow, Subtle Sunshine, Gallery Blue, Rosewater palette Flash of Orange, Herbal Garden, Citrus Leaf, Shy Guy Red, Pinetop, Hormagaunt Purple palette Shy Guy Red French Beige, Shiso Green, Hideout palette Mojo, Boysenberry Pink, Shy Guy Red, Commodore, Green Ash, Spearmint Leaf palette Pier 17 Steel, Shy Guy Red, Chicago Fog, English Rose palette Forceful Orange, Romanesque palette Dragon Red, Argyle Purple, Shy Guy Red palette Wave Jumper, Lapis Blue, Shy Guy Red, Purple Impression, Hawaiian Vacation, Braided Mat, Esoteric palette Sun Baked Earth, Golden Egg, Fresh Apple, Velvet Wine, Shy Guy Red palette Renwick Heather, Juicy Fig, Dark Denim, Shy Guy Red, Man Friday, Apricot Appeal, Summer Solstice, Siesta White, Shoelace palette Pale Green Grey, Succulent Leaves, Fisher King, Fine Burgundy palette Magentarama, Watermelon Candy, Shy Guy Red palette Milk Coffee Brown, April Green, Sweet Garden, Dormitory, Mysterious Blue, Shy Guy Red, Woodland Soul, Keshizumi Cinder palette Hawk Grey, Shy Guy Red, Equestrian, Broken Blue, Windsor Way, Misty Lake, Gunny Sack palette Congo Pink, Shy Guy Red palette Blood Donor, Sphagnales Moss, Bitter Clover Green, Great Coat Grey, Space Convoy, Prickly Purple, Shy Guy Red, Classic Bouquet pal Gristmill, Day Glow Orange, Caribbean Splash, Decore Splash, Dark Galaxy, Daah-Ling, Lipstick Illusion, Shy Guy Red, Night Rider, Bamboo Yellow, Mettwurst, Limone, Ivy League, International, Shy Guy Red, Maire, Lincoln Green, Smoked Amethyst, Tropical Cascade, Thick Red, Melon Green, Argyle, London Rain, Shy Guy Red, Ms. Pac-Man Kiss, Valhalla, Moss Glen, Lava Stone, Owl Manner Malt, Birc

Color Contrast

Color pairings #aa0055 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

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Image Shy Guy Red #aa0055 color png

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