Created at 02/19/2023 11:34
#aaff32 HEX Color Lime information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#aaff32 | RGB(170, 255, 50) |
RGB values are RGB(170, 255, 50)
#aaff32 color contain Red 66.67%, Green 100% and Blue 19.61%.
Color Names of #aaff32 HEX code
Lime Color
Alternative colors of Lime #aaff32
Opposite Color for Lime is #8833ff
#aaff32 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #aaff32 Lime
hsl(85, 100%, 60%)
hsla(85, 100%, 60%, 1)
RGB(170, 255, 50)
RGBA(170, 255, 50, 1)
Palettes for #aaff32 color Lime:
Below examples of color palettes for #aaff32 HEX color
darkest color is #111905 from shades and lightest color is #f7ffeb from tints
Shades palette of #aaff32:
Tints palette of #aaff32:
Complementary palette of #aaff32:
Triadic palette of #aaff32:
Square palette of #aaff32:
Analogous palette of #aaff32:
Split-Complementary palette of #aaff32:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #aaff32:
Suggested colors palettes for #aaff32 HEX:
Colors palette with color #aaff32 #1:
Colors palette with color #aaff32 #2:
Colors palette with color #aaff32 #3:
Colors palette with color #aaff32 #4:
Colors palette with color #aaff32 #5:
Color Lime #aaff32 used in palettes (46)
Lime shades Cocoa Whip, Lime, Chestnut Shell, Lasting Lime, Walden Pond, Parador Inn, Island Breeze, Impressive Ivory palette Orangish Red, Cricket's Cross, Antique Honey, Reddish, Sweet Curry, Heat of Summer, Lime, Spring Forth, Flax Flower Blue, Purple G Lanyard, Medieval Gold, Mongolian Plateau, Lime, Viola, Kara Cha Brown, Bay of Many, Shale Grey, Aqua Clear, Whispering Winds, Egg Elephant, Lime, Acid Pool, Secret of Mana, Baroness Mauve, Tidal Pool, Mossy Bench palette Dried Basil, Arts and Crafts, Whetstone Brown, Vin Cuit, Citrus Notes, Flaming June, Camo Clay, Fallout Green, Lime, Lochinvar, Br Lime Clayton, Muntok White Pepper, Oak Buff, Festival Orange, Williams Pear Yellow, Fashion Yellow, Lime, Santorini, Dull Violet, Shade Entan Red, Lime, Magic palette Arabian Red, Urobilin, Lime, Green Revolution, Nyctophobia Blue, Gala Ball, Midnight Moss, Ahoy, Salty Dog, Library Leather, Purpl Best of the Bunch, Pumpkin Orange, Wheel of Dharma, Lime, Aqueous, Jube, Bright Midnight Blue, Velvet Mauve, Persian Violet palett Craft Paper, Lime, Baby Berries, Magenta Red, Claret Red, Petro Blue, Tin Man, Cabbage palette Stucco, Leprous Brown, Cheddar Cheese, Sativa, Lime, Leisure Green, Emerald Coast, Bleu Ciel, Pacific Storm, Beachwalk, Mångata pa Red Contrast, Cameo Brown, Cool Copper, Orange Jewel, Lime, Swanndri, Lady of the Sea, Aqua Deep, Celtic, Peaslake, Beach Woods, J Woodcraft, Retro Vibe, Lime, Link's Awakening, Beaujolais, Berry, Fuchsia Berries, Congo Brown, Pale Jade, Harmonic Tan, Marsh Orc Arrowtown, Rat Brown, Lime, Parisian Patina, Refuge, Ethereal Blue, Cocobolo, Hard Coal, Gypsy's Gown, Buttery Leather, Robo Maste Lime, Decore Splash, Trefoil, Cavernous, Betsy, Just Rosey, Saxon, Almond Milk, Durango Dust, Guesthouse, Ballet Slipper, Light Lo Miami Spice, Escapade Gold, Gladiator Leather, Mongolian Plateau, Enough Is Enough, Lime, Caribbean Swim, Plum Taupe, Pinkish Tan, Lime, Black Orchid, Mysterious, Hillary, Over the Taupe palette Lover's Kiss, Presidio Plaza, Lime, Dark Lagoon, Chinese Tzu, Tranquil Teal, Dove, Objectivity, Drenched Rain palette Brown Yellow, Carrot Stick, Lime, Golf Blazer, American Anthem, Revelry Blue, Grilled, Shimmer, Antarctica Lake, Practical Tan, Ca Rich Walnut, Boho Copper, Dusky Yellow, Dry Grass, Lime, Parakeet Green, Apple II Magenta, Refined Rose, Persuasion palette Kite Brown, Lime, Galleon Blue, San Francisco Mauve, Rialto, Fuchsia Purple, Cosmic Quest, Riptide, Geranium Bud, Dull Sage, Pie C Egyptian Pyramid, DodgeRoll Gold, Lime, Green Goddess, Water Welt, Elegant Midnight, Cherry Pie, Gourmet Mushroom palette Charred Clay, Lime, Pedestrian Green, Whale Shark, Benikeshinezumi Purple, Green Tone Ink palette Left on Red, Charcoal Grey, Aztec Gold, Cocktail Hour, Sebright Chicken, Fashion Yellow, Lime, Blue Bouquet, Our Little Secret pal Clayton, Chicory, Lasting Impression, Golden Moray Eel, Yanagizome Green, Lime, Deep Peacock Blue, Polished Steel, Cranberry Pie, Snap Pea Green, Snakes in the Grass, Lime, Burnt Maroon, Spectra palette Whiskey Barrel, Lime, Atomic Lime, Snoop, Windmill Park, Blue Limewash, Decadial Pink palette Autumn Russet, Lime, Rare White Jade, Roadster White palette Cork Wood, Isotonic Water, Lime, Vibrant Green, Tiān Lán Sky, Periwinkle Blue, Splash palette Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Lime, Cabana Blue, Scanda, Tarnished Treasure palette Lime, Scoop of Dark Matter, Heirloom Orchid palette Umbra Sand, Summerset, Lime, Powdered Brick, Pretty Primrose palette Gold Gleam, Glistening Dawn, Cerignola Olive, Lime, Chalcedony Violet, Electrifying Kiss, Silver Taupe, Kimberley Tree palette Sweet Mandarin, Deli Yellow, Lime, Spiro Disco Ball, Decadence, Bluebell Frost, Lavender Perceptions, Innuendo palette Hot Chili, Ancient Copper, Hot Sun, Lime, Falcon Turquoise, Rhythm & Blues, Galactic Civilization palette Orange Bell Pepper, Lime, Greek Blue, Philodendron, Thunder Chi, Always Rosey, Silver Spruce palette Maximum Yellow, Lime, River Fountain, Royal Pretender, Crystal Ball, French Mauve, Polished Cotton palette Dark Red, Asian Pear, Lightning Yellow, Lime, Tiān Lán Sky, Black Jasmine Rice palette Lime, Old Benchmark, Chinese Bellflower, Grape Candy palette La Grange, Monarch Migration, Orange Pepper, Lime, Revival Rose palette Tea Leaf, Lime palette Lime, Gala Ball, Spreadsheet Green, Wispy Mint, Rye Bread, Pretty Pale palette Lime, Purple Feather Boa, Àn Zǐ Purple, Brown Tumbleweed, Ripening Grape palette Genoa Lemon, Arathi Highlands, Lime, Raven's Coat palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #aaff32 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#aaff32 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#aaff32 Contrast Ratio
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