Created at 02/22/2023 19:57
#afaba0 HEX Color Big Band information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#afaba0 | RGB(175, 171, 160) |
RGB values are RGB(175, 171, 160)
#afaba0 color contain Red 68.63%, Green 67.06% and Blue 62.75%.
Color Names of #afaba0 HEX code
Big Band Color
Alternative colors of Big Band #afaba0
Opposite Color for Big Band is #a0a5b0
#afaba0 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #afaba0 Big Band
hsl(44, 9%, 66%)
hsla(44, 9%, 66%, 1)
RGB(175, 171, 160)
RGBA(175, 171, 160, 1)
Palettes for #afaba0 color Big Band:
Below examples of color palettes for #afaba0 HEX color
darkest color is #111110 from shades and lightest color is #f7f7f6 from tints
Shades palette of #afaba0:
Tints palette of #afaba0:
Complementary palette of #afaba0:
Triadic palette of #afaba0:
Square palette of #afaba0:
Analogous palette of #afaba0:
Split-Complementary palette of #afaba0:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #afaba0:
Suggested colors palettes for #afaba0 HEX:
Colors palette with color #afaba0 #1:
Colors palette with color #afaba0 #2:
Colors palette with color #afaba0 #3:
Colors palette with color #afaba0 #4:
Colors palette with color #afaba0 #5:
Color Big Band #afaba0 used in palettes (50)
Wheat Penny, Mode Beige, Your Shadow, Ming, Mosaic Blue, System Shock Blue, Dark Clove, Big Band, Aqua Bloom, Magic Mint, Feng Shu Big Band, Lichen, Bff, Powdered Gold palette Silver Sage, Otter Tail, October Leaves, Edgy Gold, Summer Day, Wheel of Dharma, Lawn Green, Polished Pine, Shovel Knight, Tall Wa Zandri Dust, Telemagenta, Nightshadow Blue, Big Band, Billowing Sail palette Light Tomato, Apocalyptic Orange, Red Prickly Pear, Spinel Stone Black, Drip Coffee, Regal Violet, Shaded Willow, Big Band, Citrus Copper Trail, Melbourne Cup, Watermelon Pink, Blood Pact, Iron Head, Spring Lobster Brown, Concrete Landscape, Quicksand, Shattell Gypsy Dancer, Dark Olive Paste, Big Band, Sour Lemon palette Searching Blue, Rose Cheeks, Beet Red, Big Band, Lunar Surface, Moonlit Snow palette Lost Summit, Chocolate Covered, Futuristic, Big Band, Angélique Grey palette edy Burnt Grape, Reed Mace Brown, Orange Sulphur, Yellow Sea, Laurel Garland, Shamrock, Vivid Fuchsia, Alpine Green, Purple Blanket, B Fire Hydrant, Duck Sauce, Umezome Pink, Big Band, Water Wings, Lightning Bolt Blue, Coral Fountain, Lavender Veil, Nashi Pear Beig Watermelon Pink, Raspberry Mousse, Big Band, Apple Turnover, Hearth palette Subway, Camo Green, Brazilian Brown, Fresh Croissant, Clay Brown, Presidio Peach, Cyan Azure, Beauty, Big Band, Ash, Light French Chocolate Fondue, Forsythia Blossom, Garden Stroll, City Bench, Big Band, Winter Willow Green palette Dragons Lair, Baked Sienna, Carlisle, Wailing Woods, Juniper Berry Blue, Albuquerque, Big Band, Quiet Teal, Rum Custard, Desert Me Ruby Red, Lagoon Moss, Sea Nettle, Buddha Green, Larkspur, Blue Wing Teal, Dark Space, Seafoam Blue, Beachwalk, Big Band, Immortal Terracotta, Sorbet Yellow, Green Pear, Delft Blue, Deep Ocean, Violet Black, Chestnut Peel, Big Band, Perfect Tan, Crowned One pal Mountain Road, Roller Coaster, Sconce, Periscope, Batik Pink, Fever Dream, Volcanic Stone Green, Big Band, Sweet Chrysanthemum, Va Fetched Stick, Giant's Club, Miami Jade, Quintana, Traditional Royal Blue, Ancient Prunus, Crushed Violets, Rare Grey, Big Band, B Dull, Honey Haven, Reynard, Angry Pasta, Later Gator, Laguna Blue, Napa Wine, Big Band, Porcelain Yellow palette Granite, Zanci, Verde, Hidden Peak, Sultry Smoke, Heavy Metal, Clematis Blue palette Red Ink, Mellow Mango, Prism Violet, Mangosteen Violet, Reef Resort, Baby Bear, Bole, Big Band, Chopsticks palette Lazy Lichen, Cherry Bark, Creed, Ungor Flesh, Lime Fizz, Seaweed Green, Witch's Cottage, Blackest Berry, Base Camp, Forest Shade, Renwick Golden Oak, Sea Sight, Grape Jam, Crushed Grape, Phlox Flower Violet, Fiery Flamingo, Thunderstruck, Grey Squirrel, Letter Bella, Vintage Violet, Monastir, Big Band palette Secluded Green, Carrot Curl, In the Woods, Livery Green, Verditer, Semi Sweet Chocolate, Spelunking, Big Band palette Spinach Souffle, Payne's Grey, Titanium Blue, Magic Blue, Windows Blue, Velveteen Crush, Winning Red, Eastlake Olive, Big Band, So Raucous Orange, Uplifting Yellow, Beef Bourguignon, Chickadee, Abandoned Spaceship, Indigo Navy Blue, Blue Raspberry Seed, Stratos Tank Grey, Florentine Brown, Tiger, Glowing Firelight, Harbour Mist Grey, Bright Camouflage, Yuè Guāng Lán Moonlight, Blue Beauty, Orange Sulphur, Aqualogic, Forbidden Blackberry, Kalamata, Tin Pink, Compliment, Big Band, Cocoa Craving, Spring Yellow, Elf Flesh Cowboy Hat, Slimer Green, Green Globe, Plumosa, Big Band, Orchid Hue palette Flamenco, Fountain, Royal Blood, Big Band, Clean Green palette Wheatmeal, Juniper Ash, Warpfiend Grey, Really Teal, Darkest Navy, Big Band, Splash of Honey, Pale Robin Egg Blue palette Red Pegasus, Potato Chip, Paddy Field, Rare Grey, Big Band, Warm Neutral, Gold Tint, Simply Violet palette Sneaky Devil, Deco Red, Big Band, Eastern Spice palette Persian Gold, Strong Cerise, Dark Navy, Big Band, Light Sage palette Whisky Barrel, April Hills, Bracing Blue, Nectar of the Gods palette Bloody Red, Brick Fence, Indonesian Jungle, Midnight Pearl, Overdue Blue, Cruel Ruby, Big Band, Smokey Pink palette Bubonic Brown, Garish Green, Iris Eyes, Caribbean Swim, Simply Sage, Big Band, Lettuce Green, Summer Soft Blue palette Scarlet Red, Oro, Spruced Up, Autumn Leaf Orange, Royal Blue Tang, Fashion Fuchsia, Excellence, Big Band palette Chili Oil, Dandy Lion, Peacock Feather, Big Band palette Brazen Brass, Magnesia Bay, Melancholia, Pure Midnight, Big Band, Robo Master palette Emperor Jade, Velveteen Crush, Blue Opal, Big Band palette Big Band, Wild Clary, Pisco Sour palette Raked Leaves, Honey Wax, Lochinvar, Acapulco Cliffs, Mermaid's Tail, Deep Seagrass palette Paarl, Sinopia, Sunkissed Coral, Tree Frog Green, Blue Hill, Woodman, Smooth Coffee, Le Max, Big Band, Gingko, Jonquil, Salmon Fre Bleeding Crimson, Golden Slumber, Goblin Warboss, Furious Fuchsia, Young Night, Pompadour, Stone Creek, Big Band, Pale Sage palett Not Yet Caramel, Mango Creamsicles, Aureolin, Blue Oar, Ayahuasca Vine, Apple II Green, Bracken Fern, Beech Brown, Big Band, Apium Boredom Buster, Alexandrite, Lake Blue, Purple Excellency, Scarlet Ribbons, Plum Purple, Big Band, Taupe Mist, Fleeting Green, Ame
Color Contrast
Color pairings #afaba0 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#afaba0 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#afaba0 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |