Created at 02/20/2023 15:40

#b1d1fc HEX Color Ice Cold Stare information

#b1d1fc RGB(177, 209, 252)

RGB values are RGB(177, 209, 252)
#b1d1fc color contain Red 69.41%, Green 81.96% and Blue 98.82%.

Color Names of #b1d1fc HEX code

Ice Cold Stare, powder blue Color

Classification of #b1d1fc color

#b1d1fc is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Ice Cold Stare is #fcdbb0

#b1d1fc Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #b1d1fc Ice Cold Stare

hsl(214, 93%, 84%)
hsla(214, 93%, 84%, 1)
RGB(177, 209, 252)
RGBA(177, 209, 252, 1)

Palettes for #b1d1fc color Ice Cold Stare:

Below examples of color palettes for #b1d1fc HEX color

darkest color is #121519 from shades and lightest color is #f7faff from tints

Shades palette of #b1d1fc:
Tints palette of #b1d1fc:
Complementary palette of #b1d1fc:
Triadic palette of #b1d1fc:
Square palette of #b1d1fc:
Analogous palette of #b1d1fc:
Split-Complementary palette of #b1d1fc:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #b1d1fc:

Color Ice Cold Stare #b1d1fc used in palettes (50)

Covered Wagon, Warm Nutmeg, Camel, Tangerine Twist, Bee Pollen, Pistachio Flour, Neon Green, Green Grapple, Secret Story, Indian I Spanish Leather, Darkest Spruce, Harbour Fog, Ice Cold Stare, English Rose palette Roman, Lucky Orange, Blue Team Spirit, Ice Cold Stare palette Garnet Sand, Roseland, Powder Room, Snow White Blush, Ice Cold Stare palette Shining Gold, Bali Bliss, Classic Brown, Rough Stone, Rose Cloud, Ice Cold Stare, Heavenly Aromas, Taj Mahal palette Pressing my Luck, Japanese Laurel, Green Gold, Oatmeal, Ice Cold Stare palette Chutney Brown, Sea Blue, Sapphire Pink, Rose Branch, Evil Curse, Perano, Rozowy Pink, Ice Cold Stare palette Caffeinated Cinnamon, Lifestyle Red, King Kong, Sandshell, Hazy Mauve, Ice Cold Stare palette There's No Place Like Home, Bronze Satin, Green Priestess, Indian Pink, Windsor, Faded Letter, Languid Lavender, Egg Wash, Ice Col Rich Sorrel, Hacienda, Orange Tiger, Coral Trails, Election Night, Fog Green, Peach Tile, Exhale, Ice Cold Stare, Feather Plume pa Clay Ground, Lime Lizard, Demonic Purple, Hitsujiyama Pink, Vivid Cerise, Realm of the Underworld, Single Origin, Green Bottle, Du Magic Malt, Shutter Blue, Rich Electric Blue, Glowing Scarlet, Obsidian Shell, Spirulina, Farm Fresh, Oxford Tan, Quiet Veranda, I Cray, Picture Book Green, Catalan, Hot Gossip, Knighthood, Mauve Mystery, Garden View, Gnome Green, Blue Satin, Desert Suede, Picn Red Curry, Arabian Bake, Starbur, Kimono, Àn Zǐ Purple, Total Eclipse, Dapper, Firelight, Froth, Pale Celadon palette English Saddle, Primrose Path, Parasailing, Oxygen Blue palette Burnt Toffee, End of Summer, Dream of Spring, Steel Teal, Lost River, Andiron, Femme Fatale, Ash Violet, Sands of Time palette Fossil Butte, Chestnut Stallion, Quite Coral, Maturity, Chinese Lacquer, Forest Fruit Red, Winner's Circle, Time Warp, Rugged Tan, Kitsurubami Brown, Midnight in Saigon, Dayflower, Wine Stroll, Little Valley palette Green Cast, Copper Roof Green, Aqua Verde, Carol, Ancient Fuchsia, Dusky, Usu Koubai Blossom, Loafer, Naked Light, Ice Cold Stare UK88 Taffy, Blue Bouquet, Pine Grove, Forged Steel, Partridge Grey, Innuendo, Yellowstone Park, Peach Temptation palette Juniper Oil, Blunt Violet, Rum Riche, Katy Berry, Limonite Brown, Wine Dregs, Beaten Copper palette Boho, Mongoose, Good Luck Charm, Warrant, Master Round Yellow, Victoria Peak, Brilliant Turquoise, Glacier Green, Manifest, Tranqu Positive Red, American Roast, Chlorite, Old Brown Crayon, Saddle, Miniature Posey, Ice Cold Stare, Cottagecore Sunset palette Bee Master, Yellow Sumac, Toxic Orange, Tarragon, Felwood Leaves, Blue Edge, Bright Purple, Shrub Green, Jet, Baronial Brown, Wild Shaded Fern, Clown Green, Buzz-In, Harā Green, Tropic Canary, Stone Green, Magic Potion, Chestnut Brown, Mesclun Green, Vapor Blue Lemon Curd, Tree Frog Green, Deep Space Royal, Floral Arrangement, Roman Plaster, Pearl Bush, Ice Cold Stare palette Ending Autumn, Van Gogh Green, Structural Blue, Degas Pink, Gala Pink, Hihada Brown, Bruised Burgundy, Desert Grey, Sugar Pie, Smo Sunwin Heirloom, Magnetic Magic, Breaking Wave, Snappy Violet, Lucky Point, Deep Dairei Red, Sekkasshoku Brown, Beach Umbrella, Dusty Jad Ake Blood, Mocha Magic, Burlwood, Beaver, Lemon Whisper, City Bench palette Brownish Purple Red, Croque Monsieur, Caramel Swirl, Sonic Silver, Tropical Teal, Cherry Paddle Pop, Chestnut Brown, Anthracite Gr Dwarf Pony, Scotland Road, Blue Dam palette Gaharā Lāl, Tech Wave, Keese Blue, Satin Chocolate, Cream Puff, Celtic Grey, Ice Cold Stare, Wispy Pink palette Gully, Liquorice Red, Blue Fog, Ice Cold Stare, April Winds, Vanishing Point, Diminished Orange palette Dandelion Tincture, Lemon Delicious, Ice Cold Stare palette Furnace, Primal Green, Real Teal, Lively Light palette Sun Baked Earth, Deer Tracks, Thai Ice Tea, Golden Crescent, Sweet Flag, Lace Wisteria, Cantera palette Swamp Mosquito, Amethyst Tint, Light Lamb's Ears palette Crimson Sunset, Young Tangerine, Blue Horizon, Kings of Sea, Grated Beet, Navy Blazer, Kahlua Milk, Ice Cold Stare palette Cedar Plank, Rationality, Gold Taffeta, Bockwurst, Corona, Wild Ginger, Plumberry, Odyssey Plum palette Backyard, Deep Earth, Rain Dance palette Junkrat, Richardson Brick, Dark Seashore Night, Fresh Tone palette Burnt Ochre, Burnt Bagel palette Sun-Kissed Brick, Orange Hibiscus, Spaceman, Dupain, Blue Horror, Azul Tequila, Deeply Embarrassed, Ice Cold Stare palette Quiver Tan, Nutty Brown, Gold Foil, Coral Silk, Brave Orange, Veranda Green, Dublin, Green Symphony, Strong Iris, Azul Pavo Real, Wild Stallion, Southern Platyfish, Felicia, Reviving Green palette Arava, Iridescent Peacock, Royal Vessel, Casual Day palette Number #483 Tallarn Flesh, Ruri Blue, Claret, Chinotto, Whitney Oaks, Ice Cold Stare, Oleander, Tuft Bush palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #b1d1fc with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Ice Cold Stare #b1d1fc color png