Created at 02/22/2023 00:23

#b3cdd4 HEX Color Pallid Blue information

#b3cdd4 RGB(179, 205, 212)

RGB values are RGB(179, 205, 212)
#b3cdd4 color contain Red 70.2%, Green 80.39% and Blue 83.14%.

Color Names of #b3cdd4 HEX code

Pallid Blue, White Color

Classification of #b3cdd4 color

#b3cdd4 is Light and Cool Color
Tint of lightblue
Opposite Color for Pallid Blue is #d5bbb4

#b3cdd4 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #b3cdd4 Pallid Blue

hsl(193, 28%, 77%)
hsla(193, 28%, 77%, 1)
RGB(179, 205, 212)
RGBA(179, 205, 212, 1)

Palettes for #b3cdd4 color Pallid Blue:

Below examples of color palettes for #b3cdd4 HEX color

darkest color is #121415 from shades and lightest color is #f7fafb from tints

Shades palette of #b3cdd4:
Tints palette of #b3cdd4:
Complementary palette of #b3cdd4:
Triadic palette of #b3cdd4:
Square palette of #b3cdd4:
Analogous palette of #b3cdd4:
Split-Complementary palette of #b3cdd4:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #b3cdd4:

Color Pallid Blue #b3cdd4 used in palettes (50)

Webdesign landing page web website palette Subaqueous Pesto Green, Portsmouth Olive, Lime Candy Pearl, Lightsaber Blue, Asagi Blue, Slumber, Galaxy Blue, Cloudy Plum, Cinder, Blue Meri Scab Red, Aged Jade, Sunburnt Cyclops, Pallid Blue, Baby Blue palette Rattan, Pinkadelic, Dallol Yellow, Cheerful Yellow, Winter Pea Green, Verdant Fields, Squeeze Toy Alien, Blue Genie, Extra Fuchsia International Orange, Tedious Red, Newsprint, Kommando Khaki, Treasure Chest, Greenivorous, Sealegs, Reef, King Neptune, China Ros Fruit Red, French Mirage Blue, Pallid Blue, Holy White palette Jade Powder, Garden Path, Blue To You, Pallid Blue, Morning Song, Gaiety palette Atlantic Gull, Kingfisher Blue, Pallid Blue, Pale Quartz palette Green Tank Grey, Bitter Orange, Savoy, Emu Egg, American River, Stormy Sea, Purple Emperor, Mid-century Gem, Shockwave, Pallid Blue, Nov Beaver, Craftsman Brown, Connect Red, Villandry, Blinking Terminal, Astro Arcade Green, Essential Teal, Art Deco Red, Race Track p Favorite Fudge, Desert Sage, Alarming Slime, Blue Flame, Blue Graphite, Gulf Harbour, Carbon Dating, Serpentine Green, Viola Soror Cool Clay, Earth Rose, Asian Pear, Ginger Jar, Afghan Sand, Bird Flower, Cembra Blossom, Mauve Mystique, America's Cup, Cos, Sourd Desert Yellow, Nutria, Bronze Mist, Cadmium Orange, Happy Daze, Purple Sapphire, Acai, Overcast Day, Crystal Gem, Silver Screen, M Lunar Outpost, Mahonia Berry Blue, Delft Blue, Apple-A-Day palette Ochre, Cheater, Absolute Apricot, Highlight Gold, Jamaican Jade, Brigadier Blue, Clematis, Ultra Violet, Old Heliotrope, Valley Hi Crisps, Lime Time, Acapulco Dive, Plunge, Frontier, Tom Thumb, Seedling, Oak Tone, Pallid Blue palette Royal Mail Red, Brass Buttons, Kid's Stuff, NYC Taxi, Cucuzza Verde, Kelly's Flower, Crisp Cyan, Rose Rush, Bordeaux, Mud Pack, Pa Bread Basket, Tatami Tan, Epidote Olvene Ore, Dried Blood, Dancing Dragonfly palette Cherokee Red, Amaretto Sour, Festival Green, Flip, Rich Electric Blue, 90% Cocoa, Brunneous, Nature Spirits, Pallid Blue, Little B Charcoal Light, Cocoa Whip, Verdant, Walk in the Woods, Count's Wardrobe, Delhi Spice, Hóng Lóu Mèng Red, Old Burgundy, Fiddle Lea Alarm, Brainstorm Bronze, Snuggle Pie, Shutterbug, Peony Pink, Apple Green, Empire Violet, Mulberry Bush, Alpine Haze, Chilled Cuc Cognac, Pollen Storm, Medium Vermilion, Kanzō Orange, Honey Wax, The New Black, Emerald Lake, Canyon Blue, Cloisonne, Royal Blue T Golden Snitch, Moss Vale, Woodland, Mission Bay Blue, Natural Rice Beige, Pallid Blue, Early July, River Mist palette Soft Bronze, Tempo Teal, Rule Breaker, Gloxinia, Source Green, Croissant, Cathedral Grey, Perplexed, Pallid Blue, Only Yesterday p Mustard Seed, Swamp Shrub, Azul, Iris, Candied Apple, Midnight Purple, Pine Tree, Cold Turquoise, Pallid Blue, Pearl Grey, Hazy Ma Rogue, King's Ransom, Orange Flambe, Tasman Honey Yellow, Adamite Green, Iris Petal, Idol, Mazarine Blue, Cloud Burst, Lifeboat Bl Brown Rabbit, Maine-Anjou Cattle, Mermaid Song, Flickering Sea, Hyacinth Arbor, Malachite Blue Turquoise, Misty Grape, Medicine Wh Meridian, Indian Dance, Rough Ride, Purple Illusionist, Green Waterloo, Thyme, Espresso Martini, Plum Frost, Aspiring Blue, Green Mountain Ridge, Artisan Crafts, Precious Copper, Sheffield, Kinetic Teal, Teal, Aurichalcite, North Atlantic Breeze, Aztec Sky, Pu Foggy Sunrise, Arctic Feelings, Oak Tone, Pallid Blue, Peach Yellow palette Shēn Chéng Orange, Sabo Garden, Black Raspberry, Grapeshot, Pallid Blue palette Lagoon Moss, Iced Cappuccino, Xanthous, Hot Embers, Jokaero Orange, Verse Green, Game Over, Green Goth Eyeshadow, Wild Forest, Bos Hazelnut, Alpha Centauri, Shadow Dance palette Spruce Woods, Wink, Druid Green, Puff Dragon, Beetroot Rice, Pallid Blue, Spring Fever, Pale Narcissus palette Ogen Melon, Sea Foam, Pallid Blue, Dainty Apricot palette Sap Green, Esmeralda, Leisure Blue, Toile Blue, Pallid Blue palette Lyons Blue Sorrell Brown, Double Dragon Skin, Beetle, Wet Ash, Dim, Pallid Blue palette Young Tangerine, Privet Hedge, Blue Blouse, Pink Granite, Summer Solstice, Pallid Blue palette Maui Mai Tai, Aerobic Fix, Hearthstone, Pallid Blue palette Number #914 Blood Moon, Grubby Red, Lime Yellow, Ultra Green, Blue Jeans, Sensaicha brown, Victory Blue, Pale Beryl palette Ruskie, Bronze Green, Rusted Lock, Saffron Soufflé, Egyptian Sand palette Claret, Wild Grapes, Pallid Blue, Apple Custard palette Incubation Red, Lazurite Blue, Warm Grey Flannel, Buttery, Pallid Blue, Tuscan Bread, Sassafras Tea, Grey Ghost palette Brake Light Trails, Vibrant Honey, Happy Days, Bluish Black, Receding Night, Pallid Blue palette Butter Nut, Canary, Butterfly, Pallid Blue, River Shark, Velvet Blush, Elderberry White palette Fern, Poise, Navy palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #b3cdd4 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Pallid Blue #b3cdd4 color png