Created at 02/23/2023 23:11

#ba797d HEX Color Dusty Rose information

#ba797d RGB(186, 121, 125)

RGB values are RGB(186, 121, 125)
#ba797d color contain Red 72.94%, Green 47.45% and Blue 49.02%.

Color Names of #ba797d HEX code

Dusty Rose Color

Classification of #ba797d color

#ba797d is Light and Warm Color
Tint of rosybrown
Opposite Color for Dusty Rose is #78bab5

#ba797d Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ba797d Dusty Rose

hsl(356, 32%, 60%)
hsla(356, 32%, 60%, 1)
RGB(186, 121, 125)
RGBA(186, 121, 125, 1)

Palettes for #ba797d color Dusty Rose:

Below examples of color palettes for #ba797d HEX color

darkest color is #130c0c from shades and lightest color is #f8f2f2 from tints

Shades palette of #ba797d:
Tints palette of #ba797d:
Complementary palette of #ba797d:
Triadic palette of #ba797d:
Square palette of #ba797d:
Analogous palette of #ba797d:
Split-Complementary palette of #ba797d:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ba797d:

Color Dusty Rose #ba797d used in palettes (50)

Dusty Rose v2 shades Verde Marrón, Japanese Cypress, Mustard Oil, Dusty Rose, Fuchsia Berries, Bermuda Grass, Front Porch palette Toasted Chestnut, Cheater, Azure Tide, Turbulent Sea, Yawl, Star Sapphire, Gentian, Dusty Rose, Bruno Brown, Ultramarine Violet, H Smoked Salmon, Carrot, Buzz, Toad, Jadesheen, Green With Envy, Army Canvas, Silk Sari, Carbon Footprint, Copen Blue, Dusty Rose, R Dusty Rose, Somber palette US Field Drab, Butterscotch Mousse, Gladiator Leather, Birch Strain, Sunkissed Coral, Punctuate, Dusty Rose, Industrial Black, Poi Sea Fern, Dusty Rose, Grey Werewolf, Purple Mountains’ Majesty, Seawashed Glass, Italian Ice, Angelic, Soft Peach palette Temple Tile, Clarified Butter, Dusty Rose, Blue Whale, Mineral Brown, Smoked Paprika, Mandrake, Algodon Azul palette Dusty Rose, Mani, Desert Dune palette Alden Till, Chili Sauce, Exuberance, Green Pigment, Charter, Dusty Rose, Peach Blossom, Berry Blue Green, Purple Trinket, Filigree Snake Fruit, Russet Red, Fresh Scent, Dusty Rose, Genetic Code, Wren, Tropical Siesta, Sandwisp, Marjoram, Across the Bay palette Wisteria Yellow, Submarine Base, Dusty Rose, Arcavia Red, Dancing Dogs, Carriage, Casting Shadow, Early June, Light Soft Celadon p Kurumizome Brown, Caduceus Gold, Banana Palm, Leafy Canopy, Aqua Fresco, Borage Blue, Grape Kiss, Dusty Rose, Nail Polish Pink, Me Republican, Grapple, Dry Grass, EGA Green, Parasailing, Dusty Rose, Greenblack, Night Fog, Moorland, Harbour Grey, Smooth Beech, N Folk Guitar, Tigerlily, Galleon Blue, Kimberly, Dusty Rose, Trekking Blue, Stieglitz Silver, Amethyst Haze, Angel Finger, Jack Rab Grill Master, Pigeon Pink, Khemri Brown, Spiced Cinnamon, Sweet Mandarin, Biology Experiments, Rolling Sea, Fresh Take, Wild Ginge Taupe Beige, Owlet, Magnetic Magic, Eyeshadow Turquoise, Nebulas Blue, Meadow Flower, Dusty Rose, Redbud, Treasure Map, Heart of P Warm Nutmeg, Ayrshire, Argyle Rose, Taiwan Gold, Ivy Enchantment, Montana Grape, Regalia, Dusty Rose, Mexican Chile, Burnt Coffee, New Roof, Melon Twist, Khaki Brown, Dusty Rose, Sundaze palette Emberglow, Medium Slate Blue, Dusty Rose, Purple, Night Rider, Sausage Roll palette Krasnyi Red, Fantan, Flower Field, First Timer Green, Chinese Blue, Dusty Rose, Magic Carpet, Mountain Green, Havana Blue, Iron Fi Arnica Yellow, Ocean View, Dusty Rose, Victorian Rouge, Green Leaf, Signal Grey, Brainstem Grey, Warm Buttercream, Durian Smell pa Spruce Woods, Grandiose, Dusty Rose, Delicious Berry palette Timber Wolf, Tanbark Trail, Robust Orange, Liselotte Syrup, Chlorosis, Radium, Wisteria Purple, Purple Spot, Elegant Midnight, Dus Cappuccino Bombe, Gold Vein, Cumquat Cream, Harem Silk, Evil Eye, Ganymede, Dusty Rose palette Shōjōhi Red, Tannin, Caramel Kiss, Coralistic, Cool Green, Green Haze, Amethyst Ganzstar, Dusty Rose, Ayame Iris, Pharmaceutical G Roycroft Brass, Laughing Orange, Blanka Green, Acapulco, Dusty Rose, Vegan Green, Dark Fig Violet, Mercury Mist, Nadia, Blue Booti Island Coral, Akebono Dawn, Simpsons Yellow, Crystal Green, Dusty Rose, Rhubarb Pie, Royal Neptune, Treetop Cathedral, Shadow of N Ochre Brown, Abomination, Blueblood, Purple Rain, Dusty Rose, Eigengrau, Black of Night, Bastion Grey, Suzu Grey, Zebra Finch, Min Vegas Gold, Primal Blue, Ganymede, Dusty Rose, Old Faithful, Lilac Smoke palette Mary's Garden, Dusty Rose, Objectivity, Comfort, Blue Pearl palette Emu, Sun, Kendal Green, Dusty Rose, Verdant Forest, Grape Blue, Garnet Stone Blue, Night Bloom, Serbian Green, Evening Mauve palet Chuckles, Alhambra, Rialto, Dusty Rose palette hospitalityDefault Banana Puree, Hammock, Queen of the Night, Dusty Rose, Dry Sea Grass, Jungle Moss, Chinook, Silver Springs palette Fuzzy Duckling, Dusty Rose, Eternity, Hematite, Deco-Rate, Dried Thyme, Tyrol, Fake Blonde palette Yellow Gold, Vanity, Isle of Capri, Dusty Rose, Excellence, Rough Stone, Hazy Blue, Banana Milk palette Brick-A-Brack, Mayan Treasure palette Dusty Rose, Lady Luck, Pink Granite palette Impatient Heart, Iron Ore, Dusty Green, Koopa Green Shell, Dusty Rose, Bruise, Autumn Malt, Sweet Aqua palette Moon Tide, Dusty Rose palette Alpine, Pure Blue, Storm Front, Dusty Rose, Binrouji Black, Bordeaux Red, Sophisticated Plum palette Encarnado, Vibrant Amber, Peanut Butter Biscuit, Dusty Rose, Tabriz Teal, Sand Paper palette Butterblond, Pacifika, Purple Opulence, Dusty Rose palette Orange Popsicle, Dusty Rose, Portobello, Agave, Bedrock palette Naga Morich, Spiced Latte, Timeless Copper, Dull Gold, Tangerine Bliss, Machu Picchu Gardens, Rolling Stone, Seascape, Dusty Rose, Betalain Red, Grotesque Green palette Gazelle, Prancer, Plastic Carrot, Composite Artefact Green, French Blue, Purple Pleasures, Dusty Rose palette Dusty Rose, Toasted Pine Nut, Peachy Breezes palette Ginger Whisper, Lapis Lazuli Blue, Regal Gown, Dusty Rose, Beaten Purple, Tin palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #ba797d with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Dusty Rose #ba797d color png