Created at 02/21/2023 09:19

#baa2ce HEX Color Lucius Lilac information

#baa2ce RGB(186, 162, 206)

RGB values are RGB(186, 162, 206)
#baa2ce color contain Red 72.94%, Green 63.53% and Blue 80.78%.

Color Names of #baa2ce HEX code

Lucius Lilac Color

Classification of #baa2ce color

#baa2ce is Light and Cool Color
Tint of plum
Opposite Color for Lucius Lilac is #b5cea1

#baa2ce Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #baa2ce Lucius Lilac

hsl(273, 31%, 72%)
hsla(273, 31%, 72%, 1)
RGB(186, 162, 206)
RGBA(186, 162, 206, 1)

Palettes for #baa2ce color Lucius Lilac:

Below examples of color palettes for #baa2ce HEX color

darkest color is #131015 from shades and lightest color is #f8f6fa from tints

Shades palette of #baa2ce:
Tints palette of #baa2ce:
Complementary palette of #baa2ce:
Triadic palette of #baa2ce:
Square palette of #baa2ce:
Analogous palette of #baa2ce:
Split-Complementary palette of #baa2ce:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #baa2ce:

Suggested colors palettes for #baa2ce HEX:

Colors palette with color #baa2ce #1:
Colors palette with color #baa2ce #2:
Colors palette with color #baa2ce #3:
Colors palette with color #baa2ce #4:
Colors palette with color #baa2ce #5:

Color Lucius Lilac #baa2ce used in palettes (48)

Isometric men statistics girl palette Nightly Blade, Lotus Red, Stardew, Lucius Lilac palette Open Range, Maple Syrup Brown, Arboretum, Highlighter Turquoise, Flat Blue, Scooter, Eminence, Queer Purple, Into the Night, Acadi Tiger's Eye, Brandy Rose, Bricks of Hope, Bonsai Trunk, Green Acres, Monstera Deliciosa, Viking, Foggy Amethyst, Chicha Morada, Or Olive Brown, Bayshore Blue, Romanesque Gold, Lucius Lilac, La Luna Amarilla, Eggshell palette Copper River, Melon Green, Lucius Lilac, Scalloped Potato palette Glimpse into Space, Bronze Medal, 5-Masted Preußen, Lucius Lilac, Pebble Cream, Commercial White palette Chimera Brown, Hot Mustard, Highlighter, Spring Frost, North Atlantic Breeze, Peacock Plume, Majorelle Blue, Quartzite, Brik Dough Soft Bark, Angry Hornet, Living Stream, Dirty Purple, Feverish Pink, Black Mocha, Moss Cottage, Pine Mountain, Morning's Egg, Raff Doe, Lakeshore, Sea of Galilee, Hippie Blue, Washed Black, God of Nights, Foliage Green, Singing in the Rain, Lucius Lilac, Hirosh Gingko Leaf, Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie, Glide Time, Pink Fever, Extinct, Lucius Lilac, Love Dust palette Lobster Brown, Crimson Warrior, Spring Garden, Bulma Hair, Imagine That, Bara Red, Mystification, Moosewood, Breakfast Blend, Luci Lucius Lilac Narcissus, Tartare, Jurassic Gold, Grecian Isle, Rich Violet, Murasaki Purple, Purple Pristine, Windmill Park, Lucius Lilac, Summe Highway to Hell, Charcoal Grey, Nut Cracker, Melbourne, Holbein Blue Grey, Brigade, Sensitive Scorpion, Horses Neck, Eclectic, Luc Flame Scarlet, Petal of a Dying Rose, Tatami Tan, Old Benchmark, Christmas Blue, Pink Red, Charmed Green, Crushed Violets, Desert Cinnamon Twist, Slightly Golden, Sequesta, Blackthorn Green, Dover Straits, Mulberry Wood, Plum Brown, Forest Moss, Mohalla, Aqua Kiriume Red, Downing Earth, Leery Lemon, Functional Blue, Watercress Pesto palette Red Chipotle, Rich and Rare, Unforgettably Gold, Liselotte Syrup, Crustose Lichen, Plastic Lime, Poisonous Potion, Granite Brown, Copper Wire, Puffins Bill, Eat Your Peas, Gondolier, Joust Blue, Twilight Lavender, Punk Rock Purple, Pink Explosion, Espresso Bea Crocodile, Pico Sun, Peas in a Pod, Esmeralda, Waterhen Back, Blue Suede Shoes, Lucius Lilac, Chlorophyll Cream, Salina Springs, I Bijou Red, Bare, Emerald Cory, Turtle Warrior, Blue Beetle, Artichoke Green, Arona, Alien Breed, Surprise Amber, Lucius Lilac, Sky Impatient Heart, Texas Ranger Brown, Bright Delight, Xanthe Yellow, Jadite, Blue Grass, Sapphired, Myself, Circus Red, Mobster, Lu Love Goddess, Yellow Summer, Garden Hedge, Deep Indigo, Foggy Amethyst, Drunk-Tank Pink, Rita's Rouge, Beetroot Purple, Boson Brow Armageddon Dunes, Basket of Gold, June Bud, Nuclear Blast, Lakelike, Eternal Flame, Wine Leaf, Volcanic Brick, Pinkish Tan palette Vermilion Scarlet, Noble Crown, Carmel, Moroccan Spice, Falafel, Iwai Brown, Amazon, Poplar Forest, Cyan Cobalt Blue, Aqua Obscura Leather, Roycroft Rose, Majestic Jungle, Funk, Thai Teal, Hoeth Blue, Kyoto House palette Dollar, Dayflower, Grand Avenue, Interesting Aqua, Light Terracotta, Lucius Lilac palette Link Grey, Jasper Orange, Elwynn Forest Olive, Prismarine, Song Bird, Birōdo Green, Lucius Lilac, Natural Tan palette Emotional, Distance palette Galley Gold, Purple Corallite, Blueberry Glaze, Smoky Wings, Old World, Icelandic Blue, Lucius Lilac, River Shark palette Citronne, Wolf Lichen, Waimea Blue, Coming up Roses, Silvermist, Lucius Lilac, Rose Water palette Peppergrass, Tail Lights, Moss Brown, Jasper Park palette Civara, Nugget Gold, Climate Control, Theatre Blue, Brierwood Green, Lucius Lilac, Polished Rock palette Super Rose Red, Cyprus Green, Medium Aquamarine, Pinyon Pine, Tourmaline Mauve, Lucius Lilac, Spinach Dip, Sun Drenched palette Solarized, Green Shade Wash palette Albanian Red, Muddy Brown, Royal Palm, Butterfly Blue, Evil Eye, Submersible, Lucius Lilac, Essentially Bright palette Globe Thistle Grey Rose, Bloomsberry, Lucius Lilac, Painted Desert, French Silver, Neo Tokyo Grey palette Red Hawk, Bright Turquoise, Daphne, Purple Anemone, Daisy Leaf, Rock Star Pink, Lucius Lilac palette Sandy Ridge, Here Comes the Sun, Twinberry, Lucius Lilac, Sunshine, Dainty Debutante palette El Caramelo, Ecru Olive, Wild Honey, Folkstone Grey, Seance, Tulipan Violet, Trekking Green, Antique Rosewood palette Chinese Night, Blood Red, Gulfweed, Emperor Jade, Spiced Potpourri, Volcanic Brick palette Grassy Ochre, Calypso Red, Office Green, Blue Dianne, Cavern Clay, Flax Straw, Lucius Lilac, Wafting Grey palette Fresh Cantaloupe, Blush Pink palette Red Gumball, Blue Sari, Mica Creek, Rich Red Violet, Greenhouse palette Iced Mocha, Creed, Zingiber, Garland, Crushed Berry, Purple Pennant, Soft Metal, Lucius Lilac palette Burgundy, Heartbeat, Burning Brier, Demonic Yellow, Oil Green, Lively Lavender, Surya Red, Pirat's Wine, Rain Cloud, Helen of Troy Barnwood Ash, Glorious Green Glitter, Dolphin Daze, Brigade, Muted Lavender, Blue Ocean, Fine Purple, Rikyūnezumi Brown, Orange Ma

Color Contrast

Color pairings #baa2ce with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
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Small text:
Contrast Ratio
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Small text:

Image Lucius Lilac #baa2ce color png

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