Created at 02/21/2023 12:59

#bab6cb HEX Color Axis information

#bab6cb RGB(186, 182, 203)

RGB values are RGB(186, 182, 203)
#bab6cb color contain Red 72.94%, Green 71.37% and Blue 79.61%.

Color Names of #bab6cb HEX code

Axis Color

Classification of #bab6cb color

#bab6cb is Light and Cool Color
Tint of thistle
Opposite Color for Axis is #c6cab4

#bab6cb Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bab6cb Axis

hsl(251, 17%, 75%)
hsla(251, 17%, 75%, 1)
RGB(186, 182, 203)
RGBA(186, 182, 203, 1)

Palettes for #bab6cb color Axis:

Below examples of color palettes for #bab6cb HEX color

darkest color is #131214 from shades and lightest color is #f8f8fa from tints

Shades palette of #bab6cb:
Tints palette of #bab6cb:
Complementary palette of #bab6cb:
Triadic palette of #bab6cb:
Square palette of #bab6cb:
Analogous palette of #bab6cb:
Split-Complementary palette of #bab6cb:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bab6cb:

Color Axis #bab6cb used in palettes (50)

web 4 Axis Camel Cardinal, Baroque, Sultan Gold, Wild Caribbean Green, Dark Room, Winter Shadow, Southern Blue, Migol Blue, Magenta Stream, S Salsa Picante, Purple Passion, Thredbo, Axis, Light Spirited palette Carpe Diem, Natural Steel, Axis palette Purple Hedonist, Lilac Intuition, Axis, Precocious Red palette Verminal, Axis, Darling Bud, Porpoise Fin palette Seaweed Tea, Insignia, Moncur, Axis, Raw Silk, Leaves of Spring palette Upsdell Red, Mammary Red, Smoke Tree, Poison Purple, Rosy Pink, Insomnia, Cinnabar, Teak Wood, Abyss palette Crimson Boy, Kisses, Axis, Silver Strawberry palette Webcap Brown, Coral Silk, Soulmate, Soldier Green, Marzipan, Axis, Organza Green, Baker-Miller Pink, Workout Green palette Red October, Praline, Breeze of Chilli, Woodland Nymph, Wave Jumper, Persian Plush, Ball Blue, Daemonette Hide, Mangosteen, Clemat Beloved Sunflower, Environmental Study, Choo Choo, Velvet Cosmos, Cucumber, Honeydew Sand, Statued, Axis palette Shaker Peg, Sanguine, Aromatic Herbs, Star Platinum Purple, Cosmetic Red, Harajuku Girl, Mohair Mauve, Vegetarian Vulture, Catmint Sequoia Dusk, Quince Jelly, Luscious, Black Velvet, Piney Lake, Old Army Helmet, Castor Grey, More Than A Week, Mélange Green, Gre Cabbage Green, Marine Green, Maui Blue, Sapphire Siren, Deep Greige, Space Cadet, Ivy Topiary, Medium Grey Green, Axis, Shimmering Dungeon Keeper, Sharp Lime, Dutch Orange, Blue Martina, Power Outage palette Wild Wilderness, Café Renversé, Butterscotch, Contrasting Yellow, Mythic Forest, Mandy, Sayward Pine, Pure Zeal, Pewter Blue, Silk Croque Monsieur, Vivid Purple, Pointed Rock, Axis, Ancestral Gold palette Orange Essential, Persimmon Orange, Natural Watercourse, Alpine Race, Axis, Zürich White palette Bern Red, Hidden Cottage, Clovedust, Brassed Off, Tiger Cat, Canton, Grecian Isle, Warrior Queen, Flint Smoke, Paddy, Powdered All Sun Drops, Blistering Mars, Camo, Limeade, Azure Tide, Grass Court, Invasive Indigo, Wild Strawberry, Aircraft Green, Tree Bark Br Soho Red, Himalaya, Canyon Clay, Marquis Orange, Abyssal Anchorfish Blue, Birōdo Green palette Deep Terra Cotta, Lucky, Green Glitter, Spruce Shadow, Turbulent Sea, Blue Ranger, Warm Operator's Overalls, Purple Ash, Woven Str Extra Life, Olive Green, Anthracite, City Tower, Surrey Cream, Nature Spirits, Axis, Chino’s palette Tawny Birch, Wobbegong Brown, Crunch, North Texas Green, Garden Bower, Pebble Beach, Vibrant Orchid, Concealed Green, Thistle Down Prayer Flag, Lynx Screen Blue, Magentleman, Rose Chintz, Roycroft Copper Red, Wizard Grey, English Lavender, Woodland Sage, Sierra Deep Sea Grey, Axis, Sail to the Sea, Light Orchid Haze, Lavender Haze palette Painted Pony, Zhohltyi Yellow, Rainbow's Inner Rim, Dark Sakura, Green Kelp, Natural Pumice, Pale Spring Morning, Celandine Green, Gazelle, Charter Blue, Mikado, Monkey Madness, C'est La Vie, Concept Beige, Axis, Romulus, Light Iced Aniseed palette Florentine Clay, Sinsemilla, Daphne, Strong Pink, Nocturnal Expedition, Senate, Green Balsam, Link to the Past, Reform, Axis, Smas Complex Grey, Pitch Pine, Golden Pumpkin, Ragweed, Plum Cheese, Beach Cabana, Ocean Drive, Axis palette Ruby Shard, Rage of Quel'Danas, Olive Yellow, Paradiso, Mud Green, Violet Dawn, Axis palette Intermezzo, Ancient Murasaki Purple, Axis, Go Go Glow palette Swamp, Heavy Orange, Piquant Green, Axis, Popcorn, Yellow Blitz palette Aurora Splendor, Axis palette Peach Bloom, Axis palette Young Green Onion, Nero's Green, Bluish Black, Wandering Willow, Electric Slide palette Real Red, Kickstart Purple, Blue Rhapsody, Shadow Lime, Axis, Sweet Chamomile palette Aloe Blossom, Summer Turquoise, Roycroft Bronze Green, Tin Lizzie, Sky Bus, Axis, Tahitian Breeze palette Industrial Turquoise, Ultramarine Shadow, Casket palette Camo Beige, Isle of Capri, Lilac Luster, Byakuroku Green, Brimstone Butterfly, Axis palette Stormy Passion, Golden Kingdom, Unmellow Yellow, Rotting Flesh, Donnegal, Mint Ice Green palette Fire Hydrant, Warrant, Greek Sea, Pizza Pie, Espresso Macchiato, Red Mahogany palette Dòu Lǜ Green, Deep Sea Dream, Royal Coronation, Midori, Spiced Butternut, Axis palette Flannel, Luminous Apricot, Green Fluorite, Coffee, Birdie Num Num, Bourbon Spice, Solstice, Axis, Wisp, Little Pond palette Karakurenai Red, Earthbound, Mango Loco, Burnt Ash, Velvet Magic palette Persian Belt, Garish Blue, Alfonso Olive, Axis, Beekeeper, Modestly Peach palette Maximum Blue Green, Blue Oasis, Gondola, Port, Dried Leaf palette Terracotta Red Brown, Renwick Rose Beige, New England Roast, Impatient Heart, Peanut Butter Jelly, Alien, Simmering Smoke, Marine

Color Contrast

Color pairings #bab6cb with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Axis #bab6cb color png