Created at 02/22/2023 18:13

#bae7c7 HEX Color Canton Jade information

#bae7c7 RGB(186, 231, 199)

RGB values are RGB(186, 231, 199)
#bae7c7 color contain Red 72.94%, Green 90.59% and Blue 78.04%.

Color Names of #bae7c7 HEX code

Canton Jade Color

Classification of #bae7c7 color

#bae7c7 is Light and Cool Color
Shade of aquamarine

Alternative colors of Canton Jade #bae7c7

Opposite Color for Canton Jade is #e7bbdb

#bae7c7 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bae7c7 Canton Jade

hsl(137, 48%, 82%)
hsla(137, 48%, 82%, 1)
RGB(186, 231, 199)
RGBA(186, 231, 199, 1)

Palettes for #bae7c7 color Canton Jade:

Below examples of color palettes for #bae7c7 HEX color

darkest color is #131714 from shades and lightest color is #f8fdf9 from tints

Shades palette of #bae7c7:
Tints palette of #bae7c7:
Complementary palette of #bae7c7:
Triadic palette of #bae7c7:
Square palette of #bae7c7:
Analogous palette of #bae7c7:
Split-Complementary palette of #bae7c7:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bae7c7:

Color Canton Jade #bae7c7 used in palettes (35)

Secluded Green, Sweet Baby Rose, Amber Glow, Saffron Thread, Advertisement Green, Old Vine, Jadite, Bold Irish, Quinacridone Magen 7B5035 Pimento, Mauve Magic, Enchant, Canton Jade, Sushi Rice palette Wavy Glass, Canton Jade palette Philippine Red, Cold Brew Coffee, Vigorous Violet, Antarctic Blue, Cuba Brown, Virtuous, Castle Mist, Turquoise Grey, Kittiwake Gu Flood Mud, Red Gravel, Ocean View, Navy, Canton Jade, New Clay palette Rookwood Medium Brown, Hybrid, Canton Jade, Pale Celery, Wishy-Washy Yellow, Sweet Harbor, Light Marshmallow Magic palette Bright Red, Sedona Stone, Contrasting Yellow, Ecological, Ghostlands Coal, Elegant Purple Gown, Peppercorn, More Than A Week, Slic Wood Green, Plane Brown, Chá Lǜ Green, Parrot Green, Twining Vine, Veritably Verdant, Desert Night, Tool Blue, Hippie Blue, Kuwano Namakabe Brown, Bauhaus Gold, After Shock, USC Gold, Thor's Thunder, Unexplained, Pure Purple, Wool Turquoise, Cocoa Brown, Black Agave Plant, Matcha Powder, Green Pigment, Turtle Skin, Judge Grey, Infusion, Rozowy Pink, Canton Jade, Channel, Country Dairy pal Crushed Cinnamon, Terracotta Chip, Hot Coral, Circus, Dodger Blue, Port Wine, Young Redwood, Piano Black, Gentle Grape, Retributor Flush Orange, Mission Control, Drake’s Neck, Borage Blue, Pink Spyro, Dirty Pink, Willow Blue, Tornado Wind, Silver Service, Break Riesling Grape, Plum Cheese, Beauport Aubergine, Blue Tapestry, Shaggy Barked palette Moon Base, Korma, All the Leaves Are Brown, Dill Pickle, Noble Fir, Riviera Paradise, Monterey Chestnut, Aurora Pink palette Coconut Shell, Underbrush, Roasted Squash, Purple Sultan, Major Brown, Silverpine, Speedboat, White Box, Canton Jade, Cornflower L Masoho Red, Romantic Isle, Country Lake, Homestead Brown, Hot Stone, Young Prince, Morning Zen, Veltliner White, Canton Jade palet Mission Trail, Mustard Seed, Contrasting Yellow, Democrat, Deep Violet, Light Roast, Chianti, Nomadic Travels, Lavender Wash, Dry Parakeet Green, Mystical, Mission Hills, Burma Jade, Ta Prohm palette South Kingston, Florida Mango, Flambrosia, La Pineta, Mood Mode, Epic Blue, Black Safflower, Tin Bitz, Peruvian Soil, Sumatra Chic Golden Rule, Wild Truffle, Safari Chic, Fresh Pink, Harmonious Gold, Plum Point, Canton Jade, Himalaya White Blue palette Metallic Gold, Atlantic Shoreline, Pink Parakeet, Hull Red, Alloy, Great Green, Light Terracotta, Ash Grove, Clear Water palette Splatter Movie, Inferno, Korichnewyi Brown, Pacific Sea Teal, Seljuk Blue, Frosted Blueberries, Cosmos Blue, Interlude, Bridgewood Bright Orange, Citrine, Baby Whale, Vivacious, Canton Jade palette Salt Island Green, Slice of Watermelon, Silver Lining palette Cool Camel, Faneuil Brick, Cerulean Blue palette International Klein Blue, Brainstem Grey, Canton Jade palette Nutria, Colonial Brick, Salem, Purple Zergling, String, Garden Spot, Ripe Wheat, Canton Jade palette Volt, Fluorescent Green, Acid Pops, Green Garlands, Faience palette Trough Shell Brown, Peachy Pinky, Green Knoll, National Anthem, Purple Sultan, Peaches of Immortality palette Slick Mud, Inventive Orange, Diroset, Empire Violet palette Miami Marmalade, Paved Path, Sea, Fresh Ivy Green, Chili Dip palette Artisan Tan, Gingersnap, Gundaroo Green, Chrysanthemum Leaf, Sage Splendor palette Smokey Blue, Shrine of Pleasures, Ice Boutique Turquoise, Light Turquoise, Corydalis Blue, China Light Green palette Lunatic Sky Dancer, Mediterranean, Canton Jade palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #bae7c7 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Canton Jade #bae7c7 color png