Created at 02/21/2023 14:40
#bc012e HEX Color Akai Red information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#bc012e | RGB(188, 1, 46) |
RGB values are RGB(188, 1, 46)
#bc012e color contain Red 73.73%, Green 0.39% and Blue 18.04%.
Color Names of #bc012e HEX code
Akai Red Color
Alternative colors of Akai Red #bc012e
Opposite Color for Akai Red is #01bc90
#bc012e Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bc012e Akai Red
hsl(346, 99%, 37%)
hsla(346, 99%, 37%, 1)
RGB(188, 1, 46)
RGBA(188, 1, 46, 1)
Palettes for #bc012e color:
Below examples of color palettes for #bc012e HEX color
darkest color is #130005 from shades and lightest color is #f8e6ea from tints
Shades palette of #bc012e:
Tints palette of #bc012e:
Complementary palette of #bc012e:
Triadic palette of #bc012e:
Square palette of #bc012e:
Analogous palette of #bc012e:
Split-Complementary palette of #bc012e:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bc012e:
Color Akai Red #bc012e used in palettes (35)
Akai Red shades Akai Red, Lilac Ash palette Akai Red, Golden Yarrow, Pleasure, Red Violet, Northern Territory, Bright Manatee, Meadow Phlox, Seaport Steam palette Akai Red, Grant Drab, Garden Club, Bōsōzoku Pink palette Akai Red, Sparky Blue, White Lily palette Akai Red, Hula Girl, Vivid Vermilion, Broom, Green Suede, Pristine Seas, Bunting, Mouse Trap, Wafer, Canvas Cloth, Dogwood palette Akai Red, Bloodthirsty, Savannah Moss palette Akai Red, Sulfur Pit, Muted Blue, Kala Namak, Kiwikiwi Grey, Reserve palette Akai Red, Yellow Groove, Mango Loco, Ducati, Persian Indigo, China Green Blue, Lavenbrun, Sand Dagger palette American Beauty, Akai Red, Royal Maroon, Everlasting Sage, Nirvana, Scallywag palette Akai Red, Lark, Deep Orange, Persian Belt, Nuclear Meltdown, Quiet Abyss, Rockweed, Coincidence palette Akai Red, Burgundy, Spice Cake, Santa Fe Sunrise, Wonderland, Endo, Vegan Mastermind, French Fuchsia, Blue Accolade, Park Avenue, Akai Red, Cargo, Warm Terra Cotta, Luxurious Lime palette Akai Red, Teak, Space Missions, Flexible Grey palette Akai Red, Fetched Stick, Brown Clay, Nasturtium Shoot, Smaragdine, Autumn Pine Green, Feverish Passion, City of Bridges palette Akai Red, Banana Puree, Wildflower, London Hue palette Akai Red, Elf Shoe palette Akai Red, Fossil, Sofisticata, Pollination, Riverside, Lunar Basalt, Parlor Rose, Yreka! palette Akai Red, Purslane, Celadon Green, Spell Caster, Ducal, Queen's Rose, Salmon Run palette Akai Red, Pumpkin Drizzle, Roti, Persimmon, Elysian Green, Ahriman Blue, Imperial Palace, Beetroot Purple palette Akai Red, Fossil Green, Fragrant Cloves, Inca Yellow, Highland, Alexis Blue, Strawberry Frosting, Black Panther, Beaver Pelt, Bonz Akai Red, Mesa Peach, Blazing Bonfire, Mossy Woods, Sugar Beet palette Akai Red, Lunar Launch Site, Celestial Pink, Nimbus Cloud palette Akai Red, Boiling Magma, Terra Cotta Clay, Sour Cherry, Magic Fountain, Serene Stream, Angel Wing palette Akai Red, Copper Rust, Gordal Olive, Mirabella, Diffused Orchid, Victorian Peacock, Chrysoprase, Beige palette International Orange, Red Tone Ink, Akai Red, Muse, Brown Butter, Seascape, Intergalactic Cowboy, Diverse Beige palette Akai Red, Golden Dream, Capsella, Royal Marquis, Alchemy palette Akai Red, Swamp Moss, Siren of Nature, Byzantine, Bean, Forest Blues, Waza Bear, Cumulus Cloud palette Scarlet Sage, Akai Red, Tomato Slices, Exaggerated Blush, Effervescent Blue, Farina palette Akai Red, Trinidad, Cathode Green, Rhinoceros, Tetsu Green, Fainting Light, Hurricane Green Blue, Quarry Quartz palette Akai Red, Mendocino Hills, Bucking Bronco, Sandy Taupe, Jube Green palette Akai Red, Faint Gold, Dusk Orange palette Classy Red, Akai Red, Patriarch, Ebi Brown, Feather Gold palette Akai Red, Guitar, Siskin Green, Charming Green, Cosmic Latte palette Naughty Hottie, Akai Red, Stamnankáthi Green palette