Created at 02/24/2023 20:15
#bc2d29 HEX Color Ginshu information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#bc2d29 | RGB(188, 45, 41) |
RGB values are RGB(188, 45, 41)
#bc2d29 color contain Red 73.73%, Green 17.65% and Blue 16.08%.
Color Names of #bc2d29 HEX code
Ginshu, Greyed red (lit silvered red) (Ginshu) Color
Alternative colors of Ginshu #bc2d29
Opposite Color for Ginshu is #29b7bc
#bc2d29 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bc2d29 Ginshu
hsl(2, 64%, 45%)
hsla(2, 64%, 45%, 1)
RGB(188, 45, 41)
RGBA(188, 45, 41, 1)
Palettes for #bc2d29 color Ginshu:
Below examples of color palettes for #bc2d29 HEX color
darkest color is #130404 from shades and lightest color is #f8eaea from tints
Shades palette of #bc2d29:
Tints palette of #bc2d29:
Complementary palette of #bc2d29:
Triadic palette of #bc2d29:
Square palette of #bc2d29:
Analogous palette of #bc2d29:
Split-Complementary palette of #bc2d29:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bc2d29:
Color Ginshu #bc2d29 used in palettes (45)
Portfolio Greyed red colors palette Ginshu Spring 2024 Ginshu, Pennywise, Conker, Midnight in Saigon, Yakitori, Cheese, New Gold, Machu Picchu Gardens, Deep Mint, Flamboyant Teal, Night Spring 2024 (Edited) Lover's Kiss, Ginshu, Fresh Sawdust, Strong Mustard, Fresh Cantaloupe, Quince, Casandora Yellow, Discover Deco, Sheltered Bay, Cru Ginshu, Baked Clay, Fresh Nectar, Debrito, Jess, Bōtan, Rebel, Zucchini Noodles, Lightweight Beige, Night White, Happy Piglets, Pa Ginshu, Rust Brown, Dubonnet, Quincy, Orient Mosaic Green, Spray of Mint, Tip Toes, Rite of Spring, Good Morning Akihabara, Soft P Ginshu, Lipstick Red, Sandy Shoes, Hidden Cottage, Gathering Place, Marron Canela, Volcanic, Field Poppy, Rapeseed Blossom, Sweet Ginshu, Jinza Safflower, Airline Green, Port Au Prince, Fireside, Oceano, Classical White, Ancient Scroll palette Ginshu, Albanian Red, Field Maple, Astroturf, Canton, Self Powered, Lavish Spending, Maire, Shani Purple, Timothy Grass, Native Fl Brick Paver, Ginshu, Enfield Brown, Warm Wassail, Desert Willow, Lumberjack, Alexandrite, Distant Sky, Teeny Bikini, French Roast Ginshu, Ancient Chest, High Grass, King's Robe, Aviva, Morning Dew White palette Ginshu, Red Devil, Golden Handshake, Greeny Glaze, Parfait d'Amour, Dried Blood, Bronze Tone, Quantum of Light, Lilac Smoke, Self- Ginshu, Shōjōhi Red, Moderne Class, Grass Court, Ice Temple, Paddy, Old Map, Vista White, Violet Vignette palette Red Prairie, Ginshu, Rust Brown, Urban Exploration, Kurumizome Brown, Orange Juice, Bold Avocado, Bashful Blue, Fioletowy Purple, Ginshu, Baked Cookie, Split Pea, Royal Flycatcher Crest, Becker Blue, Scholarship, Manitou Blue, Flax Flower Blue, Kinky Pinky, Gr Ginshu, Crash Dummy, Matt Green, Cape Cod Bay, Amora Purple, Obsidian palette Ginshu, Kommando Khaki, Tapestry Gold, Charming Nature, Dead Blue Eyes, Han Purple, Obsidian Red, Frontier, Tǔ Hēi Black, Dell, Lo Ginshu, Butter Rum, Farmhouse Ochre, Sea Nettle, Acid Green, Carolina Green, Hawaiian Ocean, Medium Roast, Outerbanks, Tropical Ho Ginshu, Le Corbusier Crush, Aunt Violet, Raspberry Radiance, Night Sky, Obscure Olive, Sherwood Forest, Cactus, Portsmouth Bay, Da Ginshu, Loden Blanket, Prairie Clay, Butternut Squash, Yellow Tulip, Tribeca palette Ginshu, Morning Marmalade, Fire Yellow, Dinosaur, Blue Winged Teal, Dark Ash, Adventure of the Seas, Funnel Cloud, Dark Crypt, Sov Ginshu, Blue Edge, Grey Purple, Creamy Coral, Rice Grain palette Ginshu, Common Jasper, Themeda Japonica, Jericho Jade, Orion Blue, Ensign Blue, 5-Masted Preußen, Purple Gentian, Lilac Smoke, Sim Flame Red, Ginshu, Cocoa Pecan, Tuscan Herbs, Gothic Revival Green, Delaunay Green, Python Blue, Midnight Dreams, Calming Silver L Ginshu, Island Coral, Dry Peach, Catalina Tile, Patina, Soft Green, Splash Palace, Steel Blue Eyes, Haddock's Sweater, Victoria, B Ginshu, Mined Coal, Soho Red, Pindjur Red, Coralistic palette Ginshu, Melting Moment palette Ginshu, Pico Orange, Myrtle Green, Deep Sky Blue, Gossamer Veil, Casa del Mar palette Ginshu, Mountain Trail, Hibiscus Pop, Dynasty Celadon palette Ginshu, Lazy Shell Red, Fozzie Bear, Verdigris Roundhead, Strawberry Surprise, Tuk Tuk, Charismatic, Evening Dress palette Ginshu, My Sin, Sunburst palette Ginshu, Peaches à La Crème, Infrared Flush palette Ginshu, Wazdakka Red, Remington Rust, Vintage Pottery, Blue Crab Escape, Straw Yellow, Gentleman's Suit, Hourglass palette Ginshu, French Bistre, Grainfield, Aquella, Charcoal, Thunderbolt Blue, Norway palette Ginshu, Expedition, Blue Azure, Aztec Sky, Carnation Festival, Indulgence, Open Canyon, Clear Concrete, Pale Periwinkle palette Ginshu, Copper Brown, Monstrous Green, Emerald Succulent, Swampland, Heather palette Ginshu, Victorian Garden, Larimar Blue, Hidden Waters, African Sand palette Ginshu, Bee Hall, Royal Silk, Daring Indigo, Prettiest Pink, Picasso palette Ginshu, Bengala Red, Limonana palette Ginshu, Marsh Creek, Pumice Grey, Caliban Green, Angry Gremlin, Berry Bush, Green Chalk palette Ginshu, Paella, Leery Lemon, Aqua Rapids, Carlisle, Beech, Strike a Pose, Purple Passion, Hills of Ireland, Sea of Tranquility, Wa Ginshu, Beaver Kit, Skarsnik Green, Greenish, Boltgun Metal, Zinfandel Red, Majolica Green, Sunday Drive, Straw Hat, Light Chintz, Ginshu, Wood Chi, Green Energy, Level Up, Deep Forestial Escapade, Skilandis, Bright Midnight Blue, Victory Blue, Butcher Paper, P
Color Contrast
Color pairings #bc2d29 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#bc2d29 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#bc2d29 Contrast Ratio
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