Created at 02/22/2023 10:26
#bc5378 HEX Color Cockscomb Red information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#bc5378 | RGB(188, 83, 120) |
RGB values are RGB(188, 83, 120)
#bc5378 color contain Red 73.73%, Green 32.55% and Blue 47.06%.
Color Names of #bc5378 HEX code
Cockscomb Red Color
Alternative colors of Cockscomb Red #bc5378
Opposite Color for Cockscomb Red is #52bc97
#bc5378 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bc5378 Cockscomb Red
hsl(339, 44%, 53%)
hsla(339, 44%, 53%, 1)
RGB(188, 83, 120)
RGBA(188, 83, 120, 1)
Palettes for #bc5378 color Cockscomb Red:
Below examples of color palettes for #bc5378 HEX color
darkest color is #13080c from shades and lightest color is #f8eef2 from tints
Shades palette of #bc5378:
Tints palette of #bc5378:
Complementary palette of #bc5378:
Triadic palette of #bc5378:
Square palette of #bc5378:
Analogous palette of #bc5378:
Split-Complementary palette of #bc5378:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bc5378:
Color Cockscomb Red #bc5378 used in palettes (35)
Rawhide Canoe, Bengal, Snakebite Leather, Sun Yellow, Olive Leaf Tea, Amulet, Sophisticated Teal, Stormy Ridge, Cyan Cobalt Blue, Cockscomb Red, Edge of Space, Monks Robe, Voyager, Everlasting, Genevieve, Raindrops, Long Beach palette Cockscomb Red, Cherry Soda, Operetta Mauve, Tapestry Beige, Glass Of Milk, Vanilla Blush palette Real Red, Contessa, Porpita Porpita, Cockscomb Red, Pompeii Ruins palette Queen Lioness, Pheasant, Mossy Statue, Guardian of Gardens, Munsell Blue, Magento, Red Red Wine, Cockscomb Red, Honorable Blue, Sa Spartan Crimson, Seaweed Salad, Cinnamon Spice, Green Globe, Purple Balloon, Cockscomb Red, Black Powder, Berry Light palette Zinc Blend, Tilled Earth, Cameo Brown, Apple Cider, Cockscomb Red, Deep Forest Brown, Sunday Niqab, Brush, Taste of Berry, Light Y Harley Davidson Orange, T-Bird Turquoise, Your Shadow, Lakelike, Peacock Blue, Cockscomb Red, Limed Spruce, Pansy Petal, Robo Mast Crail, Cockscomb Red, Rye, Logan, Sawgrass Cottage, Lime Granita palette Coastal Storm, Lush Un'goro Crater, Dark Lime Green, Cockscomb Red, Fog of War, Delicate Truffle, Heifer, Neutra, Midday, Plum Taf Arrow Creek, Green Gloss, Astrogranite, Chill of Teamwork, Qing Dynasty Dragon, Epic Blue, Cockscomb Red, Treasure Seeker, Black T Gauntlet Grey, Artisan Crafts, Growth, Synthetic Spearmint, Purple Mountains Majesty, Berry Blackmail, Purple Urn Orchid, Cockscom Motto, Fire Island, Lamiaceae, Blue Catch, Breaking Wave, Cockscomb Red, Realm of the Underworld, Ice Cube, Magic Scent, Silver Se Pizza, Frozen State, Cockscomb Red, Deep Sea Base, Chocolate Lab palette Lentil Sprout, Evening Primrose, Bijou Blue, Cockscomb Red, Black Halo, Mussel Green, Gale of the Wind, Newport Indigo, Break the Sandwashed Driftwood, Tanami Desert, Cockscomb Red, Demitasse, Bronze Blue, Hamilton Blue, Safari Chic, Leamington Spa, Stone Mill Ninjin Orange, Contemplative, Quilotoa Green, Blue Granite, Maiden Pink, Cockscomb Red, Guide Pink, Rich Red, Quartzite, Pine, Cat Yellow Nile, Williams Pear Yellow, Blue Review, Mountain Iris, Cockscomb Red, Electric Pink, Ancient Olive, Codex Grey, Chuff Blue Super Rose Red, Etruscan, Nervy Hue, Gorgonzola Blue, Cockscomb Red, Burnt Crimson, Encore Teal, Wineberry palette Mexican Red, Bird’s Eye, Taiga, Shylock, Serengeti Green, Porpita Porpita, Brandeis Blue, Cockscomb Red, Philippine Violet, Vienna Méi Gūi Hóng Red, Coconut Shell, Mango Orange, Green Glitter, Appletini, Soft Blue, Medium Blue, Psychic, Cockscomb Red, Thames Du Edocha, English Bartlett, Halt and Catch Fire, Garden Glow, Trippy Velvet, Cockscomb Red, Che Guevara Red, Mysterious Waters, Pepp Quince, Mimesia Blue, Cockscomb Red palette Cockscomb Red, Superstitious palette Uguisu Green, LED Green, Golden Banner, Cockscomb Red, Jazzy, Forbidden Fruit, Bauhaus Buff, Light Vanilla Ice palette Sleeping Giant, Sparks In The Dark, Lucky Shamrock, Cockscomb Red, Twinberry, Gull Grey, Bliss Blue palette Coyote Tracks, Beagle Brown, Kariyasu Green, Cockscomb Red palette Nuclear Mango, Breeze of Chilli, Cockscomb Red, Rohwurst palette Lust, Lavender Violet, Cockscomb Red, Suntan palette Blue Aura, Deep Diving, Cockscomb Red, Coalmine, Shaded Spruce, Tilled Soil, Gentle Mauve, Wild Clary palette Turmeric Red, Battleship Grey, Periscope, Presley Purple, Cockscomb Red, Nightshade Berries, Green Tone Ink palette Red Blooded, Velddrif, Sea Pea, Beguiling Blue, Cockscomb Red, Intergalactic Ray, Lite Mocha, Viva La Bleu palette Dry Moss, Silver Fir Blue, Cockscomb Red, Butterfly Green, Mountain Lichen palette Cockscomb Red, Single Origin, Hayloft, Perennial Phlox, Pinky Swear palette Random1
Color Contrast
Color pairings #bc5378 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#bc5378 Contrast Ratio
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Small text: |
#bc5378 Contrast Ratio
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