Created at 02/26/2023 05:52
#bcd9c8 HEX Color Misty Jade information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#bcd9c8 | RGB(188, 217, 200) |
RGB values are RGB(188, 217, 200)
#bcd9c8 color contain Red 73.73%, Green 85.1% and Blue 78.43%.
Color Names of #bcd9c8 HEX code
Misty Jade Color
Alternative colors of Misty Jade #bcd9c8
Opposite Color for Misty Jade is #d8bacc
#bcd9c8 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bcd9c8 Misty Jade
hsl(145, 28%, 79%)
hsla(145, 28%, 79%, 1)
RGB(188, 217, 200)
RGBA(188, 217, 200, 1)
Palettes for #bcd9c8 color Misty Jade:
Below examples of color palettes for #bcd9c8 HEX color
darkest color is #131614 from shades and lightest color is #f8fbfa from tints
Shades palette of #bcd9c8:
Tints palette of #bcd9c8:
Complementary palette of #bcd9c8:
Triadic palette of #bcd9c8:
Square palette of #bcd9c8:
Analogous palette of #bcd9c8:
Split-Complementary palette of #bcd9c8:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bcd9c8:
Suggested colors palettes for #bcd9c8 HEX:
Color Misty Jade #bcd9c8 used in palettes (50)
Drink cartoon vector illustration palette Strawberry Cough, Bretzel Brown, Peace of Mind, Let It Ring, Zanci, Harvest Time, Furnace, Aloe Vera Tea, Reptile Green, Cadaverou Machine Green, Portland Orange, Greenday, Hawkesbury, Fishy House, Lyric Blue, Night Owl, Chalcedony Violet, Coming up Roses, Red Rose Marquee, Siam Gold, Southwestern Clay, Summer Citrus, Sparrow’s Fire, Limone, Sea Life, Migol Blue, Provence Violet, Vibrant Golem, Red Earth, Steamed Salmon, Noxious, Aqua Green, Fern Flower, Cavalry, Chenin, Rainforest Fern, Perennial Blue, Goldenrod Ye Sandy Ridge, Vaquero Boots, Pale Robin Egg Blue, Misty Jade palette Eagle, Bestigor Flesh, Regal Gown, Vintage Ribbon, Misty Jade, Delicate Daisy palette mental health day palette Grandiose, Beach Party, Old Lime, Persian Violet, Misty Jade, Pacific Fog, Arctic Shadow palette Turkish Stone, Heather Feather, Misty Jade palette Rookwood Clay, Moon Yellow, Tropical Elements, Unreal Teal, Dusky Purple, Amaranth, Navy Cosmos, Corral, Napa Grape, Heart Potion, Red Baron, Colorado Peach, Into the Blue, Deep Space Rodeo, Tourmaline, Casa Talec, Wool-Milk Pig, Sparkling Metal, Misty Jade, Pi Snip of Parsley, Evora, Majorelle Gardens, Walled Garden, Purpurite Red, Chick Flick, Vivid Viola, Brunswick, Parma Plum Red, Midn Smoking Red, Wyvern Green, Blue Jewel, Midsummer Nights, Vineyard Autumn, Magic Potion, Club Grey, Royal Lines, Elephant Grey, Sil Vintage Gold, Kōwhai Yellow, Camel Red, Grass, Infrared Gloze, Grapest, Red Oxide, Kinetic Blue, Lama, April Showers, Rice Grain, Medium Carmine, Hyperpop Green, Sea Lion, Elegant Purple Gown, Chocolate Truffle palette Wintergreen Dream, Ocean Call, Prismatic Springs, Silver Filigree, Poppy Pompadour, Sangria, Scarab, Deep Ocean, Bedrock, Peach's Rose Dawn, Deli Yellow, Flirtatious, Zunda Green, Farrago, Midnight Sea, Munch On Melon, Windsor, Lavender Honor, Misty Jade, Spar Primal Rage, Xmas Candy, Radiance, Misted Yellow, Fleur de Sel Caramel, Bluebrite, Scrub, Kikyō Purple, Pacific Harbour palette Manuscript Ink, Cendre Blue, Antigua Blue, Creamed Raspberry, Crazy Ex, Satin Deep Black, Ayahuasca Vine, Westhaven, Beastly Flesh Bacon Strips, Mangy Moose, Citrus Spice, Scorpion Green, Goblin Blue, Apple II Rose, Camouflage, Deep Mooring, Cinnabark, Oxblood Termite Beige, Sunshine Surprise, Kimberley Sea, Azul Turquesa, Blue Lagoon, Burnt Ash, Marble Red, Dark Granite, Dusky Citron, Mi Congo Pink, Asparagus Fern, Copper Mineral Green, Chocolate Red, Dove Tail, Sky Watch, Lazy Day, Foresight, Mild Orange, Mermaid T Moss Vale, Ashlite, Vast Desert, Misty Jade palette Shingle Fawn, Grass, Granny Smith, Cornflower Blue, Amethyst Purple, Indigo Purple, Belize, Misty Jade palette Burnt Copper, Oranzhewyi Orange, Bonfire, Plain Old Brown, Carnival Night, Night Brown Black, Lakeview, Shrubbery, Peach Preserve, Palomino, Earhart Emerald, Braided Mat, Instant Noodles, Misty Jade, Arctic Grey, Frankly Earnest, Peach Dust palette Clippership Twill, Koeksister, Tanned Skin, India Green, Raspberry Sorbet, Vintage Plum, Diversion, Latte, City Tower, Snowglory, Sheraton Sage, Celestial Plum, Blackberry Farm, Thredbo, Pebble Walk palette shbetwilliamblakesings Fury, Kurumizome Brown, Fall in Season, Amber Glass, Match Strike, Pumpkin, Ancient Yellow, High Voltage, Pontoon, Cruel Jewel, Sp Sandy Taupe, Exuberant Orange, Green Fluorite, Mecha Metal, Lythrum, Hashita Purple, Botanical Night, Forbidden Forest, Authentic Red Rock Falls, Highlighter Orange, Orange Outburst, Deep Diving, Claret, Satin Soil palette Operetta Mauve, Fuscous Gray, American Milking Devon, Caramel Cloud, Misty Jade palette Cheers!, Cochin Chicken, Sir Edmund, Rock Bottom, Misty Jade, Rose Fog, Bowstring palette Sunny Festival, Oarsman Blue, Glamour Pink, Tetsu Iron, Misty Jade palette Golden Freesia, Waywatcher Green, Ambassador Blue, Rosemary, Gobo Brown, Frontier Land, Gemini, Rain Check palette Middle Red, Christmas Gold, Forever Denim, Brig, Lavender Mosaic, Misty Jade palette Copper Pot, Brass Knuckle, Total Eclipse, Gloxinia, Indian Teal, Lost Lavender Somewhere palette Joust Blue, Tap Shoe, Sparkling Emerald, Cold Current, Froggy Pond palette Stranglethorn Ochre, Admiral Blue, Coated, Balsam Fir, Isle of Dreams, Hazy Day, Misty Jade, Sweet Pastel palette Coffee Addiction, Tomato Slices, Cobra Leather, Emerald Light Green, Sailor, Passion Fruit, Jordy Blue, Misty Jade palette Spectacular Scarlet, Rural Green, Hacienda Tile, Hashibami Brown, Decor Yellow, Lamplight, Anchors Aweigh, Quicksand palette Star, Mid Cypress, Bolt from the Blue, Cassiterite Brown, Green Bottle, Gumdrop, Quiet Pond, Persian Pink palette Apple Cinnamon, Gothic Gold, Arrowwood, Beer, Turner's Yellow, Old Four Leaf Clover, Planetarium, Royal Gramma Purple, Obsidian Br Fir Spruce Green, Plush Velvet, Apricotta, Misty Jade palette Vivid Viola, Garden Goddess palette Yellow Bell Pepper, Sweet Venom, Classic Blue, Scapa Flow, Cover of Night, Gourmet Honey, Misty Jade, New Cream palette Chaste Blossoms, Oleander Pink, Young Colt, Sand Verbena, Rum Custard, Misty Jade palette Tan Brown, Caramel Crumb, Catkin Yellow, Storm Grey, Hú Lán Blue, Ube, Misty Jade palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #bcd9c8 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#bcd9c8 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#bcd9c8 Contrast Ratio
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