Created at 02/26/2023 22:50

#bdd0b1 HEX Color Apple Ice information

#bdd0b1 RGB(189, 208, 177)

RGB values are RGB(189, 208, 177)
#bdd0b1 color contain Red 74.12%, Green 81.57% and Blue 69.41%.

Color Names of #bdd0b1 HEX code

Apple Ice Color

Classification of #bdd0b1 color

#bdd0b1 is Light and Neutral Color
Opposite Color for Apple Ice is #c3afcf

#bdd0b1 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bdd0b1 Apple Ice

hsl(97, 25%, 75%)
hsla(97, 25%, 75%, 1)
RGB(189, 208, 177)
RGBA(189, 208, 177, 1)

Palettes for #bdd0b1 color Apple Ice:

Below examples of color palettes for #bdd0b1 HEX color

darkest color is #131512 from shades and lightest color is #f8faf7 from tints

Shades palette of #bdd0b1:
Tints palette of #bdd0b1:
Complementary palette of #bdd0b1:
Triadic palette of #bdd0b1:
Square palette of #bdd0b1:
Analogous palette of #bdd0b1:
Split-Complementary palette of #bdd0b1:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bdd0b1:

Suggested colors palettes for #bdd0b1 HEX:

Colors palette with color #bdd0b1 #1:
Colors palette with color #bdd0b1 #2:
Colors palette with color #bdd0b1 #3:
Colors palette with color #bdd0b1 #4:
Colors palette with color #bdd0b1 #5:

Color Apple Ice #bdd0b1 used in palettes (50)

Ux design mobile app colors palette Golden Olive, Cajeta, Hunter's Orange, Lurid Red, Fire Orange, Quiche Lorraine, Bean Shoot, Melissa, Fresh Turquoise, Payne's Grey Red Carpet, Lead Grey, Honey Haven, Treacle, Pitmaston Pear Yellow, Hematitic Sand, Honey Yellow Green, Zephyr Green, Magical Mala Diablo Red, Eastern Gold, Crail, Spanish Orange, Spoiled Egg, Otter Creek, Apple Ice, Jagged Ice palette Old Four Leaf Clover, Vehicle Body Grey, Apple Ice, Grey Spell, Rediscover, Carnation Bloom, Light Mystified, Go Go Pink palette Royal Vessel, Tawny Port, Quarry, Apple Ice palette Blue Heeler, Apple Ice, Tickle Me Pink, Slow Dance, Bright Ocarina palette Sun Yellow, Thor's Thunder, Magentle, Kirchner Green, Titmouse Grey, Apple Ice, Algodon Azul palette Devon Rex, Virgo Green Goddess, Sharknado, Easy Green, Hazy Rose, Polo Blue, Apple Ice palette Manzanilla Olive, Marsh Grass, Christmas Holly, Jade Gravel, Aarhusian Sky, Mauve Memento, Wild Strawberry, American Purple, Broom Grassy Savannah, Shimmering Expanse Cyan, Hong Kong Skyline, Horsetail, Groundcover, Apple Ice, Apricot Ice Cream, Shetland Lace, Rich Georgia Clay, Temple of Orange, Brown Butter, Super Rare Jade, Rhythm & Blues, Tranquil Pond, Campanula Purple, Lake Stream, Tomato Bisque, Green Knoll, Luck of the Irish, Noble Blue, Rose Cheeks, Blue Sash, Aluminium, Ozone, Dust to Dust, Apple Ice, Amer Flush Mahogany, Phenomenon, Coffee House, Le Max, Art Nouveau Glass palette Red Team Spirit, Rosso Corsa, Tree Branch, J's Big Heart, Mecca Orange, Ground Earth, Aquadulce, Coral Coast, Port Gore, Stony Cre Susu Green, Red Clay, Ahriman Blue, Noblesse, Deep Seagrass, Rolling Pebble, Cerulean Tint, Apple Ice, Chinese Jade, Floral Bluff, Frozen Tomato, Heating Lamp, Dull Yellow, Mahonia Berry Blue, Diva Violet, Modal Blue, Placid Sea, Cola Bubble, Cold Sea Currents, Wu-Tang Gold, Ashton Skies, Ryegrass, Apple Ice palette Copper Beech, Peaceful River, Bleu Ciel, Black Soap, Deep Dungeon, City Sunrise, Illicit Purple, Apple Ice, Peach Beach, Priscilla Moss Rock, Limuyi Yellow, Apple Ice, Candy Dreams, Mǔ Lì Bái Oyster palette Faience Green, Jīn Zōng Gold, Blue-Eyed Boy, Pink Hibiscus, Deep Pine, Corvette, Cushion Bush, Apple Ice, Mauvelous, Manuscript, I Wine & Roses, High Risk Red, Chinchilla Grey, Honey Haven, Whimsical Blue, Rosewood, Vermont Slate, Glacier, Rosy Fluffy Bedspread Nick's Nook, Chinese Lantern, Canary Yellow, Ocean Cruise, Apple Ice, Lion Cub palette Lobster Butter Sauce, Hot Sun, Mt. Rushmore, Wishard, Greenish Teal, Presley Purple, Akari Red, Fuchsia Fever, Amazon Depths, Autu Lost Golfer, Smoky Azurite, Zircon Blue, Greenish Black, Orion Blue, Pear Cactus, Apple Ice palette There's No Place Like Home, Cinnamon, Maximum Yellow Red, Lemon Dream, Greedo Green, Rust Magenta, Sunkist Coral, Old Cumin, Peace Bone Brown, Chōjicha Brown, Hedgehog Cactus Yellow Green, Sattle, Kingpin Gold, Old Asparagus, Hubert's Truck Green, Carol, Tàn Hē Romantic Thriller, Sunbathing Beauty, Burning Tomato, Wake Me Up, Baltic Turquoise, Planetarium, Palm Green, Apple Ice, Confection Aspen Gold, Ninja, Monarch Velvet, Red Dahlia, Stone Terrace, Mirage Grey palette Golden Bear, Garden Lettuce Green, Aureolin, Green Energy, Clairvoyance, Tropic Sea, Garish Blue, Blackberry Wine, Cordovan Leathe Meridian, Indian Dance, Rough Ride, Purple Illusionist, Green Waterloo, Thyme, Espresso Martini, Plum Frost, Aspiring Blue, Green Canyon Clay, Hawaiian Pineapple, Honest Blue, All Nighter, Bee's Wax, Apple Ice, Light Sea Breeze, Rozowy Pink palette Tuscan Sunset, Medium Turquoise, Lively Lavender, Geode palette Indian Red, Shiracha Brown, Delicious Dill, Pot Black, Harpoon, Pallasite Blue, Violet Shadow, Seed Brown, Hemlock, More Than A We Smoky Topaz, Cold Brew Coffee, Cosmic Coral, Highland, Bluealicious, Purpureus, Dusky Purple, Coastal Crush, Lacey, Apple Ice, Syn Jama Masjid Taupe, Favourite Ale, Spicy Hue, Sweet Curry, Lucid Blue, Ash Pink, Kaffir Lime, Apple Ice, Peach Powder, Mecha Kitty, Country Dweller, Coconut Grove, Gnarls Green palette Moist Gold, Chromophobia Green, Swedish Blue, Ferocious Fuchsia, Pictorial Carmine, Gale of the Wind, Antique Brown, Orange Clay p Letter Jacket, Warm Brown, Green Valley, Mauveine, Charcoal Tint, Machinery, Rainy Week, Apple Ice palette Village Square, Silken Chocolate, Sanctuary Spa, Apple Ice, Pale Sand palette Japonica, Olivia, Flyway, Mondo, Castle Mist, Apple Ice, Defense Matrix, Certain Peach palette Proton Red, Catkin Yellow, Slime Girl, Brilliant Sea, Gypsy's Gown, Oakwood, Apple Ice, Luminary Green palette Mango Creamsicles, Night Out, Neon Rose, Purple Cort, Dark Tavern, Shaved Ice, Apple Ice palette Fluorescent Red Orange, Aspara, Apple Ice, Rain Dance palette Redbox, Red Birch, Salt Island Green, Iridescent Green, French Marron, Petrol Slumber palette Red Red Red, Dark Orange, Golden Kiwi, Brilliant Sea palette Tanami Desert, Citrine, Guacamole, Vivid Purple, Cherryade, Auburn Lights, Apple Ice palette Lily Pond Blue, Hidden Passage, Ultramarine Shadow, Greywood, Charmed Chalice, Shadow of the Colossus, Rosette, Quincy Granite, Tr Crystal Teal, Reseda, Limestone Green, Apple Ice, Toasted Coconut palette Soft Bark, Electric Glow, Wet Crow's Wing, Rose Ebony, Fairway, Mouse Catcher, Apple Ice, Sapphireberry, First Frost, Milk Paint p

Color Contrast

Color pairings #bdd0b1 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Apple Ice #bdd0b1 color png

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