Created at 03/04/2023 10:03
#bfe1e6 HEX Color H₂O information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#bfe1e6 | RGB(191, 225, 230) |
RGB values are RGB(191, 225, 230)
#bfe1e6 color contain Red 74.9%, Green 88.24% and Blue 90.2%.
Color Names of #bfe1e6 HEX code
H₂O Color
Alternative colors of H₂O #bfe1e6
Opposite Color for H₂O is #e7c6c1
#bfe1e6 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bfe1e6 H₂O
hsl(188, 44%, 83%)
hsla(188, 44%, 83%, 1)
RGB(191, 225, 230)
RGBA(191, 225, 230, 1)
Palettes for #bfe1e6 color H₂O:
Below examples of color palettes for #bfe1e6 HEX color
darkest color is #131617 from shades and lightest color is #f9fcfd from tints
Shades palette of #bfe1e6:
Tints palette of #bfe1e6:
Complementary palette of #bfe1e6:
Triadic palette of #bfe1e6:
Square palette of #bfe1e6:
Analogous palette of #bfe1e6:
Split-Complementary palette of #bfe1e6:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bfe1e6:
Color H₂O #bfe1e6 used in palettes (50)
Local Curry, H₂O, Sweet Spring, Salty Tear, Yellowish Grey palette Violet Eggplant, Deep Dairei Red, Cheddar Biscuit, H₂O, Impure White palette Folkstone, Moroccan Blunt, Tomato Bisque, Pale Verdigris, Flint Rock, Lagoon Blue, Frosty Nightfall, Queer Blue, Ghost, Jazz Age C Salsa, Medium Candy Apple Red, Frog's Legs, Eagle, Knockout Orange, West Side, Guava Green, Congo Pink, Moutarde de Bénichon, Ramb Topaz Yellow, Burning Tomato, Ming, Chinese Blue, Brown Pepper, H₂O palette Sacramento State Green, Ripening Grape, Old Salem, Skyway, Green Mesh, Pine Mist, Stucco White, H₂O, Floating Feather, Petula, Buc Olive Niçoise, Golden Pumpkin, Polo Pony, Loren Forest, Martini Olive, H₂O, Rotunda Gold palette Kikuchiba Gold, Yamabuki Gold, Dark Ages, Snowglory, Cider Yellow, H₂O, After Rain palette Dusty Teal, H₂O palette Abbey Pink, Hamtaro Brown, Luster Green, Clear Weather, Well-Bred Brown, Heliotrope Grey, H₂O, Light Quaver palette April Green, Montreux Blue, Delhi Spice, Grey Asparagus, Water Scrub palette Haute Red, Antique Penny, Deep Bloom, Green Venom, Ethereal Blue, Dartmouth Green, Spirit Rock, Neutral Buff, Elite Pink, Tangled Army Issue, Yellow Mask, Terrain, Spartan Blue, Blue Grey, Batik Pink, Classic Brown, Hazy Mauve, Polished Cotton palette Mission Gold, Cinnabar, Vast Desert, Thunder Bay, H₂O palette Hot Jazz, De York, Pepper Green, Yíng Guāng Sè Green, Treasure Map Waters, Sea Current, Fairway Green, Tiny Ribbons, Adriatic Haze Narcissus, Offbeat Green, Hooker's Green, Blue Horizon, Blue-Eyed Boy, Byzantine Blue, Accursed Black, Voltage, Bootstrap Leather, Blonde Wood, Limeño Limón, Wreath, Garrison Grey, Sailor, Berry Smoothie, Pickled Plum, Lost in Space, Paco, Dreams of Peach, Desi Artisan Tile, Grape Vine, Guacamole, Immaculate Iguana, Jugendstil Turquoise, Garnet Rose, Anthracite Red, Autumn Wisteria, H₂O pa Acorn, Master Nacho, Snarky Mint, Nuthatch Back, Purple Pizzazz, Kenpō Brown, Midnight in NY, Rainsong palette Folk Guitar, Musket, Aqua Waters, Blue Mediterranean, Blue Fantastic, Velvet Touch, Independent Gold, Cherry Ice, Pattipan palette Red Lust, Brown Eyes, Mediterranean Swirl, Blue Sail, Red Hot Jazz, Yellow Cream, Blue Bauble, Objectivity, H₂O, Peach Cider, Tric Glen, Alpha Centauri, Australian Jade, Sweet Perfume, Courtly Purple, H₂O, Lilac Bisque palette Baguette, Golden Hamster, Cold Green, Forest Berry, Bat's Blood Soup, Harajuku Girl, Ariel's Delight palette Yacht Club Blue, Fúchsia Intenso, Radish Lips, Love Juice, Overcast Night, Slate Mauve, Dark Limestone, Opal Turquoise, Punch of Y Lime Zest, Persian Belt, Melissa, Forest Berry, Cardinal Red, Maroon Light, Red Crayon, Ironwood, Hunter's Hollow, Old Celadon, Fr Bitter Lemon, Laird, Cat's Purr, Tête-à-Tête, Vampire Love Story, Valhalla, Strong Tone Wash, Deep Plum, Cowbell, Sliced Cucumber, Red Sentinel, Beige Intuition, Oranzhewyi Orange, Spring Forest, Blue Martina, Plum Caspia, Hidden Forest, Ghostly, Lavender Earl, Azuki Bean, Orient Yellow, Cheese It Up, Oil Green, Bermudagrass, Indigo Purple, Pink-N-Purple, Damson, Lava Stone, Hockham Green, Invigorate, Golden Frame, Bamboo Brown, Cursed Black, Forest Splendor, Dark River, Grape Blue, Man Friday, Deep Exquisite, Equestr Boogie Blast, Downing Slate, Chinese New Year, Aqua Smoke, Pancho, Ice Shard Soft Blue palette Cozy Cocoa, Sea Beast, Lustrian Undergrowth, Lava Stone, Mondo, Graphic Charcoal, Burnt Tile, Monarchy, Sepia Rose, Fight the Sunr Shiitake Mushroom, Chestnut Stallion, Bugman's Glow, Sleepy Hollows, Fish Camp Woods, Moonshadow, Throat, Peppercorn Red, Even Gro Cherry, Island Monkey, Exotic Palm, Caulerpa Lentillifera, Press Agent, Brig, Decorative Iris, Royal Plum, Signature Blue, Buff Or Amnesia Blue, Standing Waters, Lapis on Neptune, Medium Purple, Black Rock, Sycamore Stand, Shallow Water Ground, Sydney Harbour, Wing Commander, Burnt Maroon, Heavy Green, Imperial Jewel, Tender Greens, Young Wheat, Iron Fist palette Thai Hot, Crisp Green, Insomniac Blue, White Spruce, Ginger Root Peel palette Windows Blue, Pelican, Tropical Tale, H₂O, Frosty Day palette Scotland Isle, Spanish Crimson, Sahara Gravel, Faded Pink, Lemon Delicious, H₂O, Rose Beige palette Martian Cerulean, Dramatist, Morning Zen palette Cuppa Coffee, Green Alabaster palette Jaipur, Caliente, All About Olive, Alien Parasite palette Bicyclette, Splatter Movie, Büchel Cherry, Sonora Shade, Bracken Green, Fennel Fiesta, Cerulean Frost, Legal Ribbon palette Yuè Guāng Lán Moonlight, Saddle palette Folksy Gold, Tomato Concassé, Meteor Shower, Medium Ruby, Smoked Amethyst, Afternoon Stroll palette Western Red, Green Bean Casserole, Tomato Queen, Pumpkin Cat, Willow Leaf, Well Blue, Mud Puddle palette Lightish Green, Full Glass, Long Forgotten Purple, Fiery Fuchsia, Celestial Pink, Moonlit Orchid palette Medium Carmine, Shadow Woods, Sensual Fumes, Pink Jazz, Black Russian, Red Plum palette Ruby Slippers, Golden Mary, Orioles Orange, Buff Orange palette Ogen Melon, Andrea Blue, Blithe, Prickly Purple, Holy Crow, Blue Tang, Modern Mint, Geddy Green, Casual Water, Romantic Ballad, H₂ Cochin Chicken, Lime Candy Pearl, Rain Shadow, Jazz, Pitch Mary Brown, Young Fawn, Friend Flesh palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #bfe1e6 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#bfe1e6 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#bfe1e6 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |