Created at 02/23/2023 22:55
#c04000 HEX Color Mahogany information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c04000 | RGB(192, 64, 0) |
RGB values are RGB(192, 64, 0)
#c04000 color contain Red 75.29%, Green 25.1% and Blue 0%.
Color Names of #c04000 HEX code
Mahogany Color
Alternative colors of Mahogany #c04000
Opposite Color for Mahogany is #0081c2
#c04000 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c04000 Mahogany
hsl(20, 100%, 38%)
hsla(20, 100%, 38%, 1)
RGB(192, 64, 0)
RGBA(192, 64, 0, 1)
Palettes for #c04000 color Mahogany:
Below examples of color palettes for #c04000 HEX color
darkest color is #130600 from shades and lightest color is #f9ece6 from tints
Shades palette of #c04000:
Tints palette of #c04000:
Complementary palette of #c04000:
Triadic palette of #c04000:
Square palette of #c04000:
Analogous palette of #c04000:
Split-Complementary palette of #c04000:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c04000:
Color Mahogany #c04000 used in palettes (48)
Big Data Mahogany colors palette Mahogany Mahogany, Prunelle, Hillside View, Reduced Pink palette Jaipur, Mahogany, Roasted Hazelnut, Rhubarb Leaf Green, Exotic Orange, Arylide Yellow, Silver Linden Grey, Kaltes Klares Wasser, C Red Birch, Mahogany palette Mahogany, Medium Vermilion, Wild Grapes palette Mahogany, Hippie Green, Purple Gumball palette Mahogany, Urban Garden, Tree Bark, Weather Board, Mill Creek, Beaver, Sebright Chicken, Fuego Verde, Mana Tree, Lethal Lime, Ocean Red Bell Pepper, Mahogany, Studio Beige palette Mahogany, Pond Green, Silk Jewel, Strawberry Mousse palette Mahogany, Mee-hua Sunset, Gigas, Uniform Green, Laura, Apricot Cream, Azalea Pink, Lower Lime palette Mahogany, Luminous Pink, Acajou, Chervil Leaves, Sand Ripples, Vintage Tea Rose, Vermont Cream palette Cranberry Tart, Mahogany, Dwarven Flesh, Deep Saffron, Neon Carrot, Cricket Green palette Mahogany, Sweet Cashew, Prometheus Orange, Forest Fern, Victoria Blue, Carbon Fiber, Haven, Mellow Mood, Dream Blue palette Firebrick, Mahogany, Carmel Mission, Sable Brown, Pindjur Red, Lionhead, Kihada Yellow, Jasmine Green, Iron Head, Silverado Trail, Heartthrob, Mahogany, Whipcord, Gold Earth, Giants Orange, Prime Purple, Wood Violet, Forgiven Sin, Luna Pier, Palace Arms, Regal Mahogany, Northeast Trail, Island Moment, Blue Heaven, Heritage Blue palette Mahogany, Red Brick, Carrot Cake, Tyrolite Blue-Green, Winter Harbor, Raspberry Whip, Subaqueous, Jovial Jade, Transparent Mauve p Hestia Red, Mahogany, Chips Provencale, Funk, Barossa, Forest Shade, Humble Gold palette Mahogany, Seiji Green, Possessed Plum, Paradise Palms palette Mahogany, Dotted Dove, Molasses Cookie, Treasured, Glowing Firelight, Pluviophile, Battery Charged Blue, Lickedy Lick, Hornblende, Autumn Warmth Mahogany, Gold Taffeta, De York, Air Force Blue, Dexter, Long Forgotten Purple, Hóng Lóu Mèng Red, Private Black palette Mahogany, Desert Tan, Taiwan Gold, Koromiko, Scenic Blue, Meetinghouse Blue, If I Could Fly, Flamingo Dream, Fenland, Sage Grey, G Mahogany, Warm Up, Brownish Pink, French Pale Gold, Armageddon Dunes, Autumnal, Letter Jacket, Citrus Zest, Green Banana, Deep Sea Bresaola, Crimson Sunset, Mahogany, Wild Wilderness, Chutney Brown, Manticore Brown, Peridot, Simpson Surprise, Chrysolite, Meliss Mahogany, Rainforest Zipline, Melbourne, Calm Balm, Buddha Green, Dusky Flesh, Raindrops palette Mahogany, Cottage Walk, Chicory, Mustard Sauce, Hè Sè Brown, Overt Green, Rainbow Bright, Hooloovoo Blue, Quiet Abyss, Dark Olive Mahogany, Kōwhai Yellow, La Rioja, Gecko's Dream, Puerto Princesa, Alhambra, Meški Black, Army Green, Slate Wall, Burnished Bark, Mahogany, Napa Sunset, Deep Orange, Tendril, Deep Dairei Red, Wild Grapes, Conch, Rain Check palette Mahogany, Forrester, Ruins of Metal palette Mahogany, Kosher Khaki, Chickadee, Benitoite, Parsnip palette Mahogany, Westchester Grey, Bourbon, Flirtatious, Teaberry, Dark Soul, Sparkling Frost palette Mahogany, Spanish Olive, Juniper Green, Anarchist, Indian Teal, Parador Stone, Forest Shade palette Mahogany, Mario, Burnt Butter, Ecru Olive, Nasu Purple, Meatloaf, Heart of Palm, Harvest Wreath palette Mahogany, Namibia, Autumn Ridge, Stranglethorn Ochre, Dark Side of the Moon, Sinister Minister, Dusty Rosewood, French Silk palett Mahogany, Sunset Riders, Chamois Leather, Fuego Verde, Cold Heights, Black Tortoise palette Mahogany, Tall Ships, Deep Lake, Bunchberry, Volcanic Glass, Ancient Pewter, Trisha's Eyes, Dull Lavender palette Mahogany (Tints) Mahogany, Red Knuckles, Celtic Blue, Allium, Burned Brown, Polvo de Oro, Melon Balls, Lilac Light, Spirited Green, Transparent Whi Mahogany, Honey Garlic Beef, Punctuate, Metalise, Integrity palette Mahogany, King's Court, Midnight Brown, Buffalo Dance, Evergreen Fog, Sienna Buff palette Mahogany, Black Hills Gold, Simpsons Yellow, Adventure of the Seas palette Mahogany, Reservation, Promised Amethyst, Cherry Pie, Forever Blue, Lavender Quartz palette Gazpacho, Mahogany, Sidewalk Grey, Thimbleberry, Blue Lava, Saddle palette Mahogany, Screaming Bell Metal, Goose Pond Green, Meški Black, It's Your Mauve, Yippie Ya Yellow, Incan Treasure, Flesh palette Mahogany, Mulled Spice, Celosia Orange, Damp Basement, Emerald Pool, Petunia Patty, Classic Brown, Royal Liqueur palette Thick Red, Mahogany, Adonis Rose Yellow, Delicious Dill, Red Radish, Earhart Emerald palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c04000 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c04000 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#c04000 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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