Created at 02/21/2023 12:05
#c14a09 HEX Color Brick Orange information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c14a09 | RGB(193, 74, 9) |
RGB values are RGB(193, 74, 9)
#c14a09 color contain Red 75.69%, Green 29.02% and Blue 3.53%.
Color Names of #c14a09 HEX code
Brick Orange Color
Alternative colors of Brick Orange #c14a09
Opposite Color for Brick Orange is #0982c3
#c14a09 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c14a09 Brick Orange
hsl(21, 91%, 40%)
hsla(21, 91%, 40%, 1)
RGB(193, 74, 9)
RGBA(193, 74, 9, 1)
Palettes for #c14a09 color Brick Orange:
Below examples of color palettes for #c14a09 HEX color
darkest color is #130701 from shades and lightest color is #f9ede6 from tints
Shades palette of #c14a09:
Tints palette of #c14a09:
Complementary palette of #c14a09:
Triadic palette of #c14a09:
Square palette of #c14a09:
Analogous palette of #c14a09:
Split-Complementary palette of #c14a09:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c14a09:
Color Brick Orange #c14a09 used in palettes (50)
Brick Orange, Razzberries, Bright Nautilus, Peachskin, Water Droplet palette Bacon Strips, Roasted Pepper, Shiracha Brown, Watermelon Slice, Brick Orange, Cherenkov Radiation, Boat Orchid, Cocoa Brown, Black Frog's Legs, Brick Orange palette Granite Boulder, Maple Glaze, Brick Orange, May Green, Allegiance, Precious Stone, Hawaiian Surf, Strikemaster, Royal Brown, Blue Brick Orange, Yellowl, Frog, Divine Wine, Fun Yellow, Scalloped Oak, Breezy Aqua palette Brick Orange, Raiden Blue, Loren Forest, Cinnamon Roast, Salt Steppe palette Brick Orange, Safflower, Aromatic, Baby Tone palette Warm Hearth, Brick Orange, Smoked Salmon, Sunflower Yellow, Antique Moss, Graphical 80's Sky, Full Glass, Frozen Statues palette Flannel, Fern Grove, Roasted Seeds, Brick Orange, Rainforest Glow, Amethyst Gem, Vivacious Violet, Blackn't, Espresso palette Superman Red, Bloodthirsty, Tanbark, Tiki Hut, Retro Vibe, Brick Orange, Vegetation, Victorian Greenhouse, Enduring, Lunar Basalt, Crust, King's Court, Moss Stone, Hello Fall, Brick Orange, Toy Tank Green, Conifer, Fuchsia Blue, Maiden Pink, Greek Lavender pale Polished Apple, Red Rust, Wheat Tortilla, Scrofulous Brown, Brick Orange, Cavolo Nero, Blue Damselfly, Plum Truffle, Cloistered Ga Castle Moat, Polished Copper, Golden Mary, Brick Orange, Salsa Habanero, Poseidon Jr., Total Eclipse, Meatloaf, Theatre Blue, Lemo Lion Mane, Brick Orange, Umezome Pink, Pirate Treasure, Fern, Blue Iris, Brilliant Carmine, Sepia Tone, Tiara Pink palette Toadstool, Red Birch, Yellow Jasper, Brick Orange, Vivid Imagination, Blue Pencil, Illicit Pink, Deep Well, Purple Cort, Athenian Canyon Stone, Brick Orange, Buzz-In, Expressionism, Mitchell Blue, Bosporus, Green Spool, Purple Premiere, Noble Grey palette Summer's End, Brick Orange, Purple Paradise, Padded Leaf palette Weathered Shingle, Tanbark, Brick Orange, Pumpkin Orange, Tenné, Sparkling Apple, Rough Asphalt palette Settlement, Clay Marble, Temple Tile, Fig Mustard Yellow, Brick Orange, Fluorescent Orange, Jungle Green, Poise, Indian Fig, Black Lava Lamp, Brick Orange, Pale Marigold, Boulder, Ornate, Purple Hedonist, Navy, Deep Depths, Black Walnut, Pale Poppy, Linen Cloth Cigar, Brick Orange, Adriatic Blue, Lounge Leather, Light Capri Green, Kettle Drum, Blush, Little Beaux Blue, Bermuda Son, Pavilli Camo Beige, Amber Brown, Barbarian Flesh, Brick Orange, Starry Night, Galah, Coffee Bean, Bogey Green, Old Botanical Garden, Rolli Brick Orange, Hydra, Terra Rosa, Ishtar, Summit, Tender Taupe, Colonial Aqua, Boot Hill Ghost, Nefarious Blue, Orange Shimmer pale Wet Cement, Prairie Dog, Chuckles, Brick Orange palette Brick Orange, Green Priestess, Kentucky Bluegrass, Tropical Waters, Angel Green, Dark Space, Grape Fizz, Magnetic, Online, Frostbi Cabbage Green, Pecan Brown, Gold Rush, Honey Teriyaki, Brick Orange, Pastel Green, Raspberry Parfait, Blazing Dragonfruit, Black Q Brick Orange, Lush Bamboo, First Landing, Glam, Blacklist, Decadent Chocolate, Purple Prince palette Collectible, Base Sand, Peanut Brittle, Summer Glow, Brick Orange, Clear Orange, Rolling Hills, Bowman Blue, Purple Hedonist, Redb Brick Orange, Nacho Cheese, Blueberry Popover, Promiscuous Pink, Maud, Dark River, Windsor Wine, Velvet Plum, Family Tree, Dante P Serengeti Grass, Feldspar, Brick Orange, Sea Fern, Magic Sage palette Suede Leather, Escalante, Brick Orange, Prompt, Ameixa, Lost in Space, Rip Van Periwinkle, Gentle Calm, September Song, Baby's Bla Guy, Mud Yellow, Brick Orange, Dry Grass, Paradise of Greenery, Tall Waves, Cerulean Blue, Emperor Jewel, Tin Bitz, Espresso Macch Brick Orange, Soaked in Sun, Smoke Bush, Antique Bronze, River Rock, Cherry Cordial palette Withered Rose, Brick Orange palette Brick Orange, Vast Desert palette Eastlake, Brick Orange, Leafy Woodland palette Sanguine, Solarium, Brick Orange, Wake Me Up, Love Poem, Cordite, Hayride, Sweet Murmur palette Honey Haven, Brick Orange palette Blood Kiss, Brick Orange, DodgeRoll Gold, Shasta Lake, Dynamic Blue, Navy Trim, Flintstone Blue, Geode palette Brick Orange, Old Vine, Moray Eel, Bamboo Forest, Bora Bora Shore, Green Andara palette Canyon Clay, Butterscotch Bliss, Brick Orange, Pretentious Peacock, Edge of Space, Heather Red Grey, Desert Bud, Maiden Voyage pal Brick Orange, Shady Character, Seafoam Blue palette Dry Starfish, Woven Wicker, Lion Mane, Field Poppy, Brick Orange, Rainy Grey, Touch of Lime, Diamonds Therapy palette Sequoia Grove, Brick Orange palette Buckthorn Brown, Brick Orange, Surgical Green, Cancer Seagreen Scarab, Circus Red palette Brick Orange, Equatorial Forest, Plunge, Urban Chic, Tamarind Fruit, Soft Orange, Persicus palette Rust Brown, Brick Orange, Blue Moon, United Nations Blue, Broadway palette Brick Orange, Pear Spritz palette Maroon, Optimist Gold, Brick Orange palette Rudraksha Beads, Brick Orange, Safflower, Atlantic Wave, Banafsaji Purple, Merguez palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c14a09 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c14a09 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#c14a09 Contrast Ratio
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