Created at 02/26/2023 03:55
#c0ced6 HEX Color Keepsake information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c0ced6 | RGB(192, 206, 214) |
RGB values are RGB(192, 206, 214)
#c0ced6 color contain Red 75.29%, Green 80.78% and Blue 83.92%.
Color Names of #c0ced6 HEX code
Keepsake Color
Alternative colors of Keepsake #c0ced6
Opposite Color for Keepsake is #d7c9c1
#c0ced6 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c0ced6 Keepsake
hsl(202, 21%, 80%)
hsla(202, 21%, 80%, 1)
RGB(192, 206, 214)
RGBA(192, 206, 214, 1)
Palettes for #c0ced6 color Keepsake:
Below examples of color palettes for #c0ced6 HEX color
darkest color is #131515 from shades and lightest color is #f9fafb from tints
Shades palette of #c0ced6:
Tints palette of #c0ced6:
Complementary palette of #c0ced6:
Triadic palette of #c0ced6:
Square palette of #c0ced6:
Analogous palette of #c0ced6:
Split-Complementary palette of #c0ced6:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c0ced6:
Color Keepsake #c0ced6 used in palettes (50)
Keepsake Tranquil Pond, Windsor Moss, Keepsake, Tender Twilight, Barely Ripe Apricot palette Viva Las Vegas, Fine Pine, Candid Blue, West Winds, Amethyst Purple, Triple Berry, Swamp of Sorrows, Nisemurasaki Purple, Enduring Archeology, Antiquities, Fresh Cinnamon, Jubilation, Light Olive, Picture Book Green, Sanctuary Spa, Bluejay, Blue Heath Butterfly Crail, Hoeth Blue, Tickled Crow, Sky Grey, Keepsake palette Night Tan, Kohaku Amber, Rough Stone, Almond Wisp, Keepsake palette Keepsake, Hinting Blue palette Proton Red, Spoiled Egg, Dollar Bill, Clean Slate, Blue Ashes, Promised Amethyst, Garnet, Crocus Petal, Keepsake palette Lusty Lizard, Hooloovoo Blue, Pink Pepper, Sambuca, Gourmet Mushroom, Warm Grey Flannel, Suds, White Raisin, Keepsake, Blackberry Rich Georgia Clay, Volt, Acapulco, Modest Mauve, Sapphire Blue, Veranda Hills, Fossilized, Brandywine Spritz, Vaporwave Pool, Empe Crop Circle, Koji Orange, Deep Water, Diva Blue, Camellia Pink, Beasty Brown, Chestnut Red, Stony Creek, Keepsake, Cream Clear pal Mayan Ruins, Corkboard, Aquarium Diver, Rock Bottom, Apparition, Keepsake palette Rudraksha Beads, Split Pea, Thicket Green, Orange Red, Aurora, Syndicalist, Boat Orchid, Sherwood Green, Mountain Main, Patchwork Kommando Khaki, Medium Wood, Cool Clay, Roman, Pale Ale, Blue Aster, Pompeii Ruins, Ice Grey, Keepsake, Rotunda White, April Winds Falu Red, Indian Paintbrush, Master Round Yellow, Crypto Gold, Lucky Shamrock, Nymph's Delight, Keepsake palette Ocean Frigate, Canyon Wall, Prime Merchandise, Thor's Thunder, Honest Blue, Napa Winery, Medallion, Peach Fizz, Lolly, Gentle Calm All the Leaves Are Brown, Glowing Brake Disc, Deep Forest Brown, Kingfisher Grey, Cellini Gold, Grape Green, Rainwashed palette Blue Tulip, Baby Cake, Whippet, Keepsake palette Fresh Frappe, Keepsake, Big Sky, Pianissimo palette Burnished Brown, Warm Wassail, Copper Mining, Flame Stitch, Green Coconut, Appetizing Asparagus, Equinox, Lavender Mauve, Running Golden Pilsner, Leery Lemon, Oregano, Violet Storm, Delft Blue, Order Green, Green Tea Leaf palette Sedona Canyon, Offbeat Green, Hydroport, Blue Jewel, Royal Proclamation, Eclectic, Foxy Pink, Keepsake, Morning Dew White palette Baroque, Barcelona Orange, Mary's Garden, Naval Passage, Larkspur, Vintage, Tropical Cascade, Winter Rye, Milton, Forever Green, A Alden Till, Brazilian Citrine, Kaolin, Aqua Deep, Manhattan Blue, Grey Morning, Sky, Keepsake palette Cabbage Green, Pecan Brown, Gold Rush, Honey Teriyaki, Brick Orange, Pastel Green, Raspberry Parfait, Blazing Dragonfruit, Black Q Caponata, Portica, Selenium, Chinese Blue, Pink Dahlia, Onyx Heart, Green Shade Wash, Cimarron, Fairbank Green, Rand Moon, Keepsak Gold Pheasant, Heat of Summer, Lima Bean Green, Near Moon, Jackson Antique palette Pitch Pine, Noble Crown, Desert Caravan, Geebung, Baklava, Jambalaya, Pastel Orange, Inca Yellow, Queen Valley, Delicious Dill, Ca Amaretto, Irish Charm, Forever Denim, Deep Diving, Grape Grey, Violet Vixen, Eigengrau, Cardin Green, Classic Olive, Keepsake pale Yellow Summer, Herbal, Venetian Wall, Sailor's Knot, Adriatic Haze, Plains, Gleam, Keepsake, Halation, Ganon Blue palette Greasy Greens, Classy Mauve palette Fallow, Lemon Bar, Lime Yellow, Green Glow, Plunder, Rigby Ridge, Mohair Pink, Mineral Deposit palette Assassin's Red, Akakō Red, Cherry Black, Old Cumin, Peat Red Brown, Keepsake, Strawberry Frappe palette Demeter Green, Neon Violet, Keepsake, Offbeat palette Spruce, Spell Caster, Seafoam Blue palette Heavy Charcoal, Green Tea, Mohair Soft Blue Grey, Terrace Taupe, Aloha Sunset, Starlight Blue palette Asian Pear, Sacred Ground, Hidden Morel, Pastel Green, Jess, Candlelight Dinner, Keepsake, Ice Ice palette Grecian Gold, Warm Olive, Ground Earth, Mary's Garden, Sutherland, Coriander, Laid Back Grey palette Blue Sail, Electric Ultramarine, Rugby Tan, Ocean Bubble, Wisteria Light Soft Blue, Bungalow Taupe, Keepsake, Gramp's Tea Cup pale Fire Lord, Greenfield, Green People, Yin Mist, Lemur, Grisaille, Requisite Grey, Cantaloupe Slice palette Buffalo Trail, Aquarius Reef Base, Pachyderm, Blue Heron palette Grilled Tomato, Saturated Sky, Pale Mint, Stormy Sunrise, Keepsake palette Velvet Cake, Pale Oyster, Jinza Safflower, Placid Sea, Hú Lán Blue, Rockman Blue, Red Trillium, Lost Lavender Somewhere, Manifest, Flickering Flame, Sour Apple, Velvet Curtain, Ancient Magenta, Little Bow Pink, Ginger Root Peel, Permafrost, Keepsake palette Lifeless Green, Beacon Blue, Deluge, Pezzottaite, Buffalo Herd, Ajwain Green, Keepsake, Thought palette Clown Green, Kings Yellow, Ragweed, Dark Space, Keepsake, Silicone Seduction, Rosemary White palette Last Warning, Cosmic Coral, Cold Heights, Blue Earth, Blackcurrant Elixir, Spinel Grey, Mossleaf, Dream Vapor palette Sockeye, Glitzy Gold, Larch Bolete, Embroidered Silk, Keepsake, Snow Tiger palette Tapestry Gold, Pennywise, Flash Gitz Yellow, Blue Lobster, Brookview, Manhattan, Golden Raspberry palette Green Fingers, Gentian Blue palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c0ced6 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c0ced6 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#c0ced6 Contrast Ratio
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