Created at 02/26/2023 08:08
#c0d8eb HEX Color Light Blue Veil information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c0d8eb | RGB(192, 216, 235) |
RGB values are RGB(192, 216, 235)
#c0d8eb color contain Red 75.29%, Green 84.71% and Blue 92.16%.
Color Names of #c0d8eb HEX code
Light Blue Veil Color
Alternative colors of Light Blue Veil #c0d8eb
Opposite Color for Light Blue Veil is #ebd4c1
#c0d8eb Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c0d8eb Light Blue Veil
hsl(207, 52%, 84%)
hsla(207, 52%, 84%, 1)
RGB(192, 216, 235)
RGBA(192, 216, 235, 1)
Palettes for #c0d8eb color Light Blue Veil:
Below examples of color palettes for #c0d8eb HEX color
darkest color is #131617 from shades and lightest color is #f9fbfd from tints
Shades palette of #c0d8eb:
Tints palette of #c0d8eb:
Complementary palette of #c0d8eb:
Triadic palette of #c0d8eb:
Square palette of #c0d8eb:
Analogous palette of #c0d8eb:
Split-Complementary palette of #c0d8eb:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c0d8eb:
Color Light Blue Veil #c0d8eb used in palettes (46)
Island07 Cardamom Spice, Swimmers Pool, Dark Red Brown, Light Blue Veil palette Baby Seal, Filtered Light, Bella Mia, Aquarelle Sky, Light Blue Veil palette Bengara Red, Saddle Up, Charlie Brown, Rose Wine, Grey Scape, Light Blue Veil palette Dark Red, Democrat, Light Blue Veil palette Downtown Benny Brown, On a Whim, Kale, Light Blue Veil, Alexandria's Lighthouse palette Light Blue Veil, Sonora Rose palette Smoky Azurite, Loon Turquoise, Bright Lady, Sensitive Scorpion, Volcanic Sand, Grand Plum, Golden Raspberry, Light Blue Veil palet Vulcan Mud, Let It Ring, Grenadier, Tangerine Haze, Tail Lights, Garden Glow, Acid Pops, Strawberry Milkshake, Tahini, Marine Grey Halt and Catch Fire, Rokushō Green, Nominee, Dynasty Green, Baharroth Blue, Lebanon Cedar, Mud Green, Groundcover, Winsome Hue, Pa Smashed Grape, Plum Swirl, Buffalo Herd, Applegate Park, Aviva, March Tulip Green, Equator Glow, Mintie palette Picador, Dull Brown, Butter Nut, Taos Turquoise, Lily Pond Blue, Chinese Porcelain, Bluebird, Ghostly Purple, Rich Reward, Buckski Baikō Brown, Rich Sorrel, Trinket, Electric Lime, Bubble Turquoise, Calypso, Planetarium, Long-Haul Flight, Pistachio Pudding, Anc Olive Shadow, Phuket Palette, Dark Olive Paste, Orange Maple, Light Blue Veil palette Tate Olive, Arts and Crafts, Canary Diamond, Lemon, Hedge Garden, Janitor, Parmentier, Darkest Spruce, Raffia Greige, Early Septem Etruscan, Dry Seedlings, Water Sports, Aquarium Diver, Sanguine Brown palette Chorizo, Weissbier, Green People, Silent Sage, Fir Blue, Lucid Dream, Protégé Bronze, Sophisticated Plum, Hearty Hosta, Barberry S Misty Grape, Sweet Lavender, Pasta Rasta, Straw Harvest, Iron Fist, Fairview Taupe palette Sweet Honey, Tiger Moth Orange, Magnetic Magic, Thor's Thunder, Cerulean Blue, Sea of Tears, Strawberry Frosting, Grey Web, Mothra Tanned Wood, Lasting Impression, Clear Turquoise, Berry Jam, Serrano Pepper, Lepidolite Purple, Green Gold, Ta Prohm palette Chester Brown, Coralette, Radium, Fennel Fiasco, Jean Jacket Blue, Green Vogue, Federation Brown, Smoky Mauve, Refreshed, Teasel D Dune Drift, Tenné, Coffee Bean, Oubliette, Lacey, Haggis, Coral Bead, Light Blue Veil palette Red Ink, Akabeni, Glass Bull, Deep Chestnut, Garden Grove, Limoncello, Pond Sedge, Taylor, Overboard, Prestige Blue, Vile Green, M Toffee Tart, Brassed Off, The New Black, Guacamole, Pelorus, Hormagaunt Purple, Powdered Gum, Sky Babe, Badshahi Brown, Stardust, Green Jeans, Trailhead, Larkspur Bouquet, Fresh Soft Blue, Pink Parade, Corbeau, Kuwazome Red, Mahogany Spice, Trail Print, Wasabi Fossil Green, Caribbean Coral, Burnt Copper, High Blue, Middle Blue Green palette Quartersawn Oak, Persimmon Red, Salmon Pate, Furry Lion, Clary, Marsh Fern, Apple Pie palette Olive Shade, Frogger palette Goblin Eyes, Vermillion Orange, Forest Greenery, Hancock, Peach Quartz, Morning Star, Light Blue Veil, Muffin Mix palette Greenfinch, Paradiso palette Barite, Tiger Stripe, Raspberry Whip, Aurora Magenta palette Brazilian Citrine, Shebang, Lava Grey, Y7K Blue, Magic Dust, Spectacular Purple, Windsor Tan palette 3 Pecan, Shu Red, Harbor Blue, Dexter, Dragon Fruit, Peppercorn Red, Hot Stone, Ginninderra palette Yellow Stagshorn, Sea Fern, Jaded, Fig Cluster, Shale Grey, Light Lilac, Light Blue Veil, White Radish palette Flushed, Gloomy Sea, Green Glutton palette Au Chico, Clear Orange, Palisade Orchid, Simply Blue palette Sweet Cherry Red, Sweet Sparrow, Sequoia, Orange Aura, Laurel Garland, Herbal Scent, Carbide, Mirabella, Dirty Pink, Chitin Green, Sage Green, Spicy Red palette Harbour Rat, Light Blue Veil palette Toreador, Uproar Red, Boating Green, Corrosion Red, Squirrel's Nest, Albuquerque, Light Blue Veil, Miami Stucco, Dusty Plum palett Polar Ice, Maximum Blue, Over the Hills, Dusky Flesh palette Castle Moat, The Goods, Country Sleigh, Buckthorn Brown, Raging Leaf, Cool Operator's Overalls, Bark Brown, Green Room, Tropical S Pompeian Pink, Instant Orange, Emerald Dream, Grecian Isle, Anemone, Tornado Wind, Rich Reward, Modern Lavender, Toledo Cuoio pale Akakō Red, Lemon Chrome, Crocodile Smile, Nickel Ore Green, Winter Sea, Raindrop, Tempting Taupe palette California Gold Rush, Angry Hornet, Zesty Apple, Hippie Blue, Radical Red, Clinical Soft Blue, Azul Tequila, Bleached Aqua palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c0d8eb with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c0d8eb Contrast Ratio
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#c0d8eb Contrast Ratio
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