Created at 01/17/2025 11:25
Green Jeans, Trailhead, Larkspur Bouquet, Fresh Soft Blue, Pink Parade, Corbeau, Kuwazome Red, Mahogany Spice, Trail Print, Wasabi
Green Jeans
Larkspur Bouquet
Fresh Soft Blue
Pink Parade
Kuwazome Red
Mahogany Spice
Trail Print
Wasabi Peanut
Ta Prohm
Tern Grey
Yellow Jasmine
Light Blue Veil
Light Marshmallow Magic
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Yellow Jasmine #eee8aa and Light Blue Veil #c0d8eb. Palette has Neutral, Cool, Warm colors temperature.
Palette Green Jeans, Trailhead, Larkspur Bouquet, Fresh Soft Blue, Pink Parade, Corbeau, Kuwazome Red, Mahogany Spice, Trail Print, Wasabi has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #7a796e, RGB: (122, 121, 110); HEX: #776c61, RGB: (119, 108, 97); HEX: #798bbd, RGB: (121, 139, 189)
HEX: #6ab9bb, RGB: (106, 185, 187); HEX: #b26ba2, RGB: (178, 107, 162); HEX: #111122, RGB: (17, 17, 34)
HEX: #59292c, RGB: (89, 41, 44); HEX: #5b4646, RGB: (91, 70, 70); HEX: #6b6662, RGB: (107, 102, 98)
HEX: #b4c79c, RGB: (180, 199, 156); HEX: #c7c4a5, RGB: (199, 196, 165); HEX: #d5cdbd, RGB: (213, 205, 189)
HEX: #eee8aa, RGB: (238, 232, 170); HEX: #c0d8eb, RGB: (192, 216, 235); HEX: #f4dddb, RGB: (244, 221, 219)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of cornflowerblue, Shade of lightseagreen, Tint of orchid, Shade of Black, Shade of Maroon, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of wheat, Tint of lightgrey, palegoldenrod, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of mistyrose
Color scheme was created by colorday
Colors codes in palette
Green Jeans, Trailhead, Larkspur Bouquet, Fresh Soft Blue, Pink Parade, Corbeau, Kuwazome Red, Mahogany Spice, Trail Print, Wasabi color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#7a796e | RGB(122, 121, 110) | Green Jeans | — | |
#776c61 | RGB(119, 108, 97) | Trailhead | — | |
#798bbd | RGB(121, 139, 189) | Larkspur Bouquet | — | |
#6ab9bb | RGB(106, 185, 187) | Fresh Soft Blue | — | |
#b26ba2 | RGB(178, 107, 162) | Pink Parade | — | |
#111122 | RGB(17, 17, 34) | Corbeau | — | |
#59292c | RGB(89, 41, 44) | Kuwazome Red | — | |
#5b4646 | RGB(91, 70, 70) | Mahogany Spice | — | |
#6b6662 | RGB(107, 102, 98) | Trail Print | — | |
#b4c79c | RGB(180, 199, 156) | Wasabi Peanut | — | |
#c7c4a5 | RGB(199, 196, 165) | Ta Prohm | — | |
#d5cdbd | RGB(213, 205, 189) | Tern Grey | — | |
#eee8aa | RGB(238, 232, 170) | Yellow Jasmine | Palegoldenrod | |
#c0d8eb | RGB(192, 216, 235) | Light Blue Veil | — | |
#f4dddb | RGB(244, 221, 219) | Light Marshmallow Magic | — |
Color Palette Contrast
41 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#7a796e | #776c61 | 1.16 |
#7a796e | #798bbd | 1.3 |
#7a796e | #6ab9bb | 1.93 |
#7a796e | #b26ba2 | 1.15 |
#7a796e | #5b4646 | 1.98 |
#7a796e | #6b6662 | 1.29 |